Somali Millitants Execute 2 Girls


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 15, 2009
Conservative part of the Northwest
I found this to be a little troubling. What is going on in this world?

MOGADISHU, Somalia – The two accused spies died amid a fusillade of bullets from a firing squad organized by a hardline Islamist militia. The condemned pair were only girls, aged 15 and 18, and their grieving relatives say they were uneducated, usually stayed at home and could not have spied for anyone.

Horrified residents of the town of Belet Weyne, in western Somalia, were forced to watch the execution by al-Shabab on Wednesday. One woman fainted as the girls were gunned down by 10 masked executioners.
Somali militants execute 2 girls; town horrified - Yahoo! News

In this same article:
Only shortly before the executions, Sheik Mohamed Ibrahim sentenced the girls to death for spying for government soldiers fighting al-Shabab. The only qualifications Ibrahim needed to be appointed a judge by al-Shabab were that he be male and know the Quran.WTF?
al-Shabab is not a group to take lightly. they are in league with al qaeda and eventually we will be sending troops their way if we can ever get out of iraq & afgh. Their rule makes the taliban look like freedom loving people.

they are serious extremists exploiting the poverty and lawlessness in somali just as the taliban did the same in pakistans FATA regions.
And yet our government keeps on bringing that culture here.

Because if I want to go find information about Muslims, I'm going to the Christian Broadcasting Network. :cuckoo:

Though maybe you can tell me what's wrong with the state department helping refugees who come here from those places since you seem to disagree with that.
You can depend on the libturds always to defend this shit and to blow it off. Don't want to offend anybody. Meanwhile. the terrorism rocks on.
Of course liberal hypocrites say this. The answer is always, its Somolia, its Saudi Arabia, its Yemen, its the Sudan, its Iran blah blah blah. Then a Jew farts in Russia and its damn dirty Israelis!

Actually, the answer is because it's Somalia. Anyone who has been paying attention to the news in the past forever knows this is not even the worst that goes on there.
And yet our government keeps on bringing that culture here.

Because if I want to go find information about Muslims, I'm going to the Christian Broadcasting Network. :cuckoo:

Though maybe you can tell me what's wrong with the state department helping refugees who come here from those places since you seem to disagree with that.

I don't have to check with CBN to get my information on the Somali effect on local communities. I just have to travel a few miles up the road.

And yes I have problems with our government bringing all these refugees and basically dumping them on the local community. If we're going to spend money we don't have, then we may as well spend it to help our own people.
I don't have to check with CBN to get my information on the Somali effect on local communities. I just have to travel a few miles up the road.

And yes I have problems with our government bringing all these refugees and basically dumping them on the local community. If we're going to spend money we don't have, then we may as well spend it to help our own people.

So to just clarify, you don't want the government to bring refugees from countries like Somalia but you want to complain about the treatment that people in Somalia are getting.

Makes perfect sense. :cuckoo:
Of course liberal hypocrites say this. The answer is always, its Somolia, its Saudi Arabia, its Yemen, its the Sudan, its Iran blah blah blah. Then a Jew farts in Russia and its damn dirty Israelis!

Actually, the answer is because it's Somalia. Anyone who has been paying attention to the news in the past forever knows this is not even the worst that goes on there.

It was the worst for those two girls.
I don't have to check with CBN to get my information on the Somali effect on local communities. I just have to travel a few miles up the road.

And yes I have problems with our government bringing all these refugees and basically dumping them on the local community. If we're going to spend money we don't have, then we may as well spend it to help our own people.

So to just clarify, you don't want the government to bring refugees from countries like Somalia but you want to complain about the treatment that people in Somalia are getting.

Makes perfect sense. :cuckoo:

No. You haven't heard me complain about the treatment of Somalians in Somalia. It's their country. If they don't like the way it is there, perhaps they should try to change it.
Most of the people posting on this thread have never meet a Somali.

The mosque I attend is about 60-70% somali people.

They are warm, generous people; composed of Dr's, lawyers, school teachers, auto mechanics, etc.

The media distorts the true picture of their country.

Actually, Somalia is just the middle 1/3rd of the place maps show as somalia.

The southern 1/3 is called Somali Land.

And the northern 1/3 is known as Punt Land.

All three are semi-autonomous regions with their own governments and legislatures.

All of the fighting and problems are in the center section where Mogadishu is located.

Both Somali Land and Punt Land have a very robust economy and construction projects going on.

Especially, Punt land is doing very well and the people have a very good standard of living.

Both Somali Land and Punt Land want to break away from Somalia and become their own countries.

But the U.S. and the West keeps supplying weapons and money to the corrupt Somali government to keep the two break away territories all together.

Thus causing Somalia to have continued chaos and civil war.

You will never hear any of this on our media.

Cause Lindsey Lohan has just been re arrested and Brittney is getting a new tattoo :eek:
You gotta love that religion of peace. Those 2 rabble rousers won't be breaking the peace ever again!! Nor will anyone that was forced (that should read, cheered on) the execution.


How can a religion be peacefull and execute people?

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