Minneapolis: Somali Gangs Are Claiming Territory & Killing To Defend It

Minneapolis: Somali Gangs Are Claiming Territory & Killing To Defend It

Well, at least someone shows some willingness to sacrifice for what they want or want to preserve.
Americans don't seem to want Murika anymore so hey...........

I don't see Somalis here on the forum whining about it.....they're just TAKING it.
Americans turned their backs on defending their homeland and freedoms......others will step in and fill the void.

Human nature.
Law of the Jungle

In 50 years whites will be a global minority
In 100 years America will be unrecognizable from what it was in 1970
In 500 years, China will occupy formerly US soil. The world will be blends of Chinese. 3 billion eliminated or enslaved.
In 1000 years an asteroid strike will wipe out 95% of the worlds population.
So who cares?

Jus go wit da flo...an make da bess of it
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I looked into the story of their coming to the area and was surprised to learn they started arriving in the 1980s.

In early 2016, the Minnesota Demographers Office gave an estimate that there are between 40,200 and 52,400 Somalis in Minnesota with the majority of the population being from the Darod and Hawiye clans. Darod's sub-clans are Majeerteen, Ogaden, Dhulbahante, Marehan, Leelkase, Warsangeli, Awrtable, Jidwaaq, and Hawiye's sub-clans are Duduble, Abgaal, Xawaadle, Habar Gidir, etc. That includes people born in Somalia and of Somalia descent.

Some experts estimate there are 80,000 Somalis just in Minnesota.

And this story states:

It’s obviously no surprise how a person who hates America, is a terrorist sympathizer, and refers to the 9/11 attacks as “some people did some things,” is the representative of the Somali Clan Gang area. It’s alleged that Omar is part of a clan in Puntland in which her alleged REAL father is a top member of the Al-Shabab affiliate group. We haven’t confirmed this information because Homeland Security and ICE citing “ongoing investigations” rapport when asked.

Information I’ve found indicates that the politically active Somalis are Democrats.

What the hell do we do with them. Many were born here and are native US citizens so we can’t just send them back to Somalia.

And they’re not just in The Twin Cities.

The heaviest concentrations of Somalis in the US are found in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and Saint Paul), followed by Washington, DC; Columbus, Ohio; New York City; Buffalo, New York; Kansas City; San Diego; San Francisco; Seattle metro areas.

Arizona has seen notable Somali migration in recent years, mostly to Phoenix (especially the suburb of Glendale) and Tucson. Other states with significant Somali communities include Ohio, California, Georgia, Washington, Texas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, Illinois, Colorado and Florida.

Somali community in US: Demographics

More about the gangs is @ Minneapolis: Somali Gangs Are Claiming Territory & Killing To Defend It

" LET THEM IN LET THEM IN" the TRUMP Hating assholes said in 2016 . now go research SWEDEN and where they are today you retreads. !! LOL
The Globalists have a plan. This is all part of it.
You can thank everyone who ever voted Democrat.....last few hundred years.

If you're over 50.....great news! You'll be gone right when it gets REALLY bad.
You threaded the needle. Congrats!

I looked into the story of their coming to the area and was surprised to learn they started arriving in the 1980s.

In early 2016, the Minnesota Demographers Office gave an estimate that there are between 40,200 and 52,400 Somalis in Minnesota with the majority of the population being from the Darod and Hawiye clans. Darod's sub-clans are Majeerteen, Ogaden, Dhulbahante, Marehan, Leelkase, Warsangeli, Awrtable, Jidwaaq, and Hawiye's sub-clans are Duduble, Abgaal, Xawaadle, Habar Gidir, etc. That includes people born in Somalia and of Somalia descent.

Some experts estimate there are 80,000 Somalis just in Minnesota.

And this story states:

It’s obviously no surprise how a person who hates America, is a terrorist sympathizer, and refers to the 9/11 attacks as “some people did some things,” is the representative of the Somali Clan Gang area. It’s alleged that Omar is part of a clan in Puntland in which her alleged REAL father is a top member of the Al-Shabab affiliate group. We haven’t confirmed this information because Homeland Security and ICE citing “ongoing investigations” rapport when asked.

Information I’ve found indicates that the politically active Somalis are Democrats.

What the hell do we do with them. Many were born here and are native US citizens so we can’t just send them back to Somalia.

And they’re not just in The Twin Cities.

The heaviest concentrations of Somalis in the US are found in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and Saint Paul), followed by Washington, DC; Columbus, Ohio; New York City; Buffalo, New York; Kansas City; San Diego; San Francisco; Seattle metro areas.

Arizona has seen notable Somali migration in recent years, mostly to Phoenix (especially the suburb of Glendale) and Tucson. Other states with significant Somali communities include Ohio, California, Georgia, Washington, Texas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, Illinois, Colorado and Florida.

Somali community in US: Demographics

More about the gangs is @ Minneapolis: Somali Gangs Are Claiming Territory & Killing To Defend It

glad to see you acknowledge you can’t send Americans “back” to any where.

you’re a sad pos

I looked into the story of their coming to the area and was surprised to learn they started arriving in the 1980s.

In early 2016, the Minnesota Demographers Office gave an estimate that there are between 40,200 and 52,400 Somalis in Minnesota with the majority of the population being from the Darod and Hawiye clans. Darod's sub-clans are Majeerteen, Ogaden, Dhulbahante, Marehan, Leelkase, Warsangeli, Awrtable, Jidwaaq, and Hawiye's sub-clans are Duduble, Abgaal, Xawaadle, Habar Gidir, etc. That includes people born in Somalia and of Somalia descent.

Some experts estimate there are 80,000 Somalis just in Minnesota.

And this story states:

It’s obviously no surprise how a person who hates America, is a terrorist sympathizer, and refers to the 9/11 attacks as “some people did some things,” is the representative of the Somali Clan Gang area. It’s alleged that Omar is part of a clan in Puntland in which her alleged REAL father is a top member of the Al-Shabab affiliate group. We haven’t confirmed this information because Homeland Security and ICE citing “ongoing investigations” rapport when asked.

Information I’ve found indicates that the politically active Somalis are Democrats.

What the hell do we do with them. Many were born here and are native US citizens so we can’t just send them back to Somalia.

And they’re not just in The Twin Cities.

The heaviest concentrations of Somalis in the US are found in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and Saint Paul), followed by Washington, DC; Columbus, Ohio; New York City; Buffalo, New York; Kansas City; San Diego; San Francisco; Seattle metro areas.

Arizona has seen notable Somali migration in recent years, mostly to Phoenix (especially the suburb of Glendale) and Tucson. Other states with significant Somali communities include Ohio, California, Georgia, Washington, Texas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, Illinois, Colorado and Florida.

Somali community in US: Demographics

More about the gangs is @ Minneapolis: Somali Gangs Are Claiming Territory & Killing To Defend It

glad to see you acknowledge you can’t send Americans “back” to any where.

you’re a sad pos
They are only Americans on paper; not in their hearts. Somalis are just plain awful.
As the jails fill and the court systems collapse under the load,....more and more dangerous criminals will be on the streets.

Meanwhile, The radical Left is scheming and Plotting to take your firearms away pronto. And they will. No one is resisting so just a matter of when, not it.
In fact I challenge Joe or any liberal to set foot in Cedar/Riverside after dark, the ghetto high rise taken over by the "refugees" and see if that inclusivity extends to them.

Oh c'mon....they would never dare do that.
What part of Keyboard Commando isn't clear ?

What'll be interesting to watch is all these violent gangs and cartels as they begin to fight turf wars over US cities and neighborhoods (like is happening in Mexico now). Americans aren't used to what's coming down the road for them. Chicago will look and feel like Disneyland in comparison.
It's what happens when people ignore the law (The Left) and put their politics and agendas (like homosexuality) above the best interests of the nation.

Coming soon to a town near you :popcorn:
Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Progressive Socialist Democrat.
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Trump banned the Somalians from coming here, but Democrats will keep plotting the destruction of America.

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