Minnesota Dems are against Trump's rally

In addition to Minnesota, there will be violence at Trump rallies in 2020.... more than we saw than in 2016. Liberals will fund and create the violence and blame Trump supporters.
In addition to Minnesota, there will be violence at Trump rallies in 2020.... more than we saw than in 2016. Liberals will fund and create the violence and blame Trump supporters.
----------------------------------- makes sense plus good photos eh ??
In addition to Minnesota, there will be violence at Trump rallies in 2020.... more than we saw than in 2016. Liberals will fund and create the violence and blame Trump supporters.

Hopefully K-9's and nightsticks will be liberally unleashed on violent liberals!
Trump rallies are kinda interesting. Trump brags and lies and the common folk cheer. He promises but never delivers and they cheer. He pads his pockets with their taxes and they cheer. He golfs at his resorts supporting himself and they cheer. He flies to Florida on their taxes and they cheer. He tells them immigrants are bad while most are children of immigrants and they cheer. He points to media the only source of information in a democracy and calls them the enemy and they cheer. He shouts throw them out and he'll pay should you be charged and they cheer. He laughs all the way to the bank on their dime and they cheer.


'Meta-messages – Lower Intelligence' Trump often talks in meta messages it is why when caught he denies

Meta-messages – Lower Intelligence – Brain Leaders And Learners

Cadet Bone Spurs, as Illinois senator and Iraq war vet Tammy Duckworth calls Trump. "What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder
He and his rallies are a national embarrassment...


.... anyone who tries to shut these rallies down or make them tougher to hold are illiberal authoritarians who spit on the spirit of freedom of expression, a core liberal value.
Minnesota Democrats have turned the once great city of Minneapolis into a third world shithole. They should be ashamed, but they're too damn stupid to understand what they've done.

same applies to LA, SFO, Portland, Philly, NY, Detroit, and every other dem controlled city. Dems destroy everything they touch.

Because red states are doing so great.
It looked like the media (including Fox) was ready for a confrontation but the protesters seemed to lack enthusiasm to do anything except burn a couple of MAGA hats despite the encouragement by the radical left wing mayor. Maybe the 20k+ Trump supporters including Cops wearing red T-shirts intimidated the freaking cowards.
Minnesota Democrats have turned the once great city of Minneapolis into a third world shithole. They should be ashamed, but they're too damn stupid to understand what they've done.
Another racist fuck Trumpette.
Go to hell. I grew up in Minneapolis. I know how it used to be in the 50s and 60s. I see it today and after 40 years of Democrat bureaucrats it's a shithole.
Hanoi Jane is behind bars for her form of protest.

But in Democrat Minneapolis? Expect to be caged if you RESIST the street hoods.

Who'da thunk Minnie had something to learn from Noo Yawk?
The 'Resistence' last nite in MN. looked like a boring Halloweenie Party.
What a bunch of certified Pussies!
People of Minneapolis are getting fed up with Omar. She's doing nothing for the people. The party isn't going to spend money on her in the primary. She's as good as gone.

They were pretty damned stupid to elect that turd in the first place. But then it's a repeating pattern with the demodummie party.
People of Minneapolis are getting fed up with Omar. She's doing nothing for the people. The party isn't going to spend money on her in the primary. She's as good as gone.

They were pretty damned stupid to elect that turd in the first place. But then it's a repeating pattern with the demodummie party.
Many people in Minneapolis just don't vote because you have no choice. They're gonna take her out in the primary, count on it.
real leaders dont tear down, they lift people up.

there are some presidents who led like obama and lifted people up. there are other presidents like Trump who took a hike!
People of Minneapolis are getting fed up with Omar. She's doing nothing for the people. The party isn't going to spend money on her in the primary. She's as good as gone.

They were pretty damned stupid to elect that turd in the first place. But then it's a repeating pattern with the demodummie party.
--------------------------------- they helped elect 'mrobama' so whats next except for 'ilham omar' . Just the names of both that I mention tell me that 'minnesotans' are dummies .
real leaders dont tear down, they lift people up.

there are some presidents who led like obama and lifted people up. there are other presidents like Trump who took a hike!

Congratulations you managed to get it exactly backwards, shitforbrains.
real leaders dont tear down, they lift people up.

there are some presidents who led like obama and lifted people up. there are other presidents like Trump who took a hike!

Congratulations you managed to get it exactly backwards, shitforbrains.
YOU have the 2020 equation wrong, dude.

instead of Biden being at Trump's feet, Trump will bow at Biden's feet, saying "Yes, President Biden, i admit you have vanquished me!"
People of Minneapolis are getting fed up with Omar. She's doing nothing for the people. The party isn't going to spend money on her in the primary. She's as good as gone.

They were pretty damned stupid to elect that turd in the first place. But then it's a repeating pattern with the demodummie party.
--------------------------------- they helped elect 'mrobama' so whats next except for 'ilham omar' . Just the names of both that I mention tell me that 'minnesotans' are dummies .
They elected Jesse Ventura Governor. They're different.
Minnesota Democrats have turned the once great city of Minneapolis into a third world shithole. They should be ashamed, but they're too damn stupid to understand what they've done.

same applies to LA, SFO, Portland, Philly, NY, Detroit, and every other dem controlled city. Dems destroy everything they touch.

Because red states are doing so great.

name one city run by republicans that has human waste flowing in the streets, thousands of homeless on the streets, and used needles on the sidewalks.

Yes, the red states are doing great, and so are the blue states, because Trump's economic policies have helped all americans. LA and SFO are shitholes because of years of dem/lib stupidity and mismanagement.
People of Minneapolis are getting fed up with Omar. She's doing nothing for the people. The party isn't going to spend money on her in the primary. She's as good as gone.

They were pretty damned stupid to elect that turd in the first place. But then it's a repeating pattern with the demodummie party.
--------------------------------- they helped elect 'mrobama' so whats next except for 'ilham omar' . Just the names of both that I mention tell me that 'minnesotans' are dummies .
They elected Jesse Ventura Governor. They're different.

and Franken and Omar, must be something in the water in Minn.

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