Somali pirates may be part of larger world wide terrorism

Wrong, as usual. I didn't pontificate at all. I merely pointed out (and was correct in doing so) that you do lie constantly. I also, your lies notwithstanding, did not engage in projection. I just noted that you lie without let-up. That's true. You are compulsive in your ceaseless lying.

And I have repeatedly shown examples. Each of your posts contains a lie or more.

Best advice to you is "stop lying, EdTheLyingMassiveMoron." Well, technically, that might be the second best advice. The best advice might be, "seek mental health professional help."

Well, there you go again, pontificating that I'm a liar while denying that you pontificate. :cuckoo: So after that display, how is telling me to stop lying not projecting????

You were asked for an example or two but you failed to give a single one even though you claim every post of mine contains a lie while I make an example of your own post. Surely if you are not a liar you can post at least one with the lie highlighted like I do with most of your posts.

Your usual baseless, arrogant dishonesty snipped.

You need to stop lying.

Go have yourself punished -- then educated.

Come back after you acquire a measurable I.Q.

[Note for the rest of the USMB: we'll never see that mutt, EdTheLyingMassiveMoron, again if he follows those easy instructions.]

You HAVE to "snip" my posts because they expose your dishonesty and projection.

Why can't you make an example of my posts the way I do to yours, and why aren't you embarrassed by the fact that someone who lacks "a measurable I.Q." is able to repeatedly make such a fool out of you that you are reduced to babbling nothing but insults???
Michelle Maiese
July 2003
The Psychology of Dehumanization

Dehumanization is actually an extension of a less intense process of developing an "enemy image" of the opponent. During the course of protracted conflict, feelings of anger, fear, and distrust shape the way that the parties perceive each other. Adversarial attitudes and perceptions develop and parties begin to attribute negative traits to their opponent. They may come to view the opponent as an evil enemy, deficient in moral virtue, or as a dangerous, warlike monster.

An enemy image is a negative stereotype through which the opposing group is viewed as evil, in contrast to one's own side, which is seen as good. Such images can stem from a desire for group identity and a need to contrast the distinctive attributes and virtues of one's own group with the vices of the "outside" group.[4] In some cases, evil-ruler enemy images form. While ordinary group members are regarded as neutral, or perhaps even innocent, their leaders are viewed as hideous monsters.[5]

Enemy images are usually black and white. The negative actions of one's opponent are thought to reflect their fundamental evil nature, traits, or motives.[6] One's own faults, as well as the values and motivations behind the actions of one's opponent, are usually discounted, denied, or ignored. It becomes difficult to empathize or see where one's opponent is coming from. Meaningful communication is unlikely, and it becomes difficult to perceive any common ground.

Once formed, enemy images tend to resist change, and serve to perpetuate and intensify the conflict. Because the adversary has come to be viewed as a "diabolical enemy," the conflict is framed as a war between good and evil.[7] Once the parties have framed the conflict in this way, their positions become more rigid. In some cases, zero-sum thinking develops as parties come to believe that they must either secure their own victory, or face defeat. New goals to punish or destroy the opponent arise, and in some cases more militant leadership comes into power.

Enemy images are accentuated, according to psychologists, by the process of "projection," in which people "project" their own faults onto their opponents. This means that people or groups who tend to be aggressive or selfish are likely to attribute those traits to their opponents, but not to themselves. This improves one's own self-image and increases group cohesion, but it also escalates the conflict and makes it easier to dehumanize the other side.

Deindividuation facilitates dehumanization as well. This is the psychological process whereby a person is seen as a member of a category or group rather than as an individual. Because people who are deindividuated seem less than fully human, they are viewed as less protected by social norms against aggression than those who are individuated.[8] It then becomes easier to rationalize contentious moves or severe actions taken against one's opponents.

Dangers of Dehumanization

While deindividuation and the formation of enemy images are very common, they form a dangerous process that becomes especially damaging when it reaches the level of dehumanization.

Once certain groups are stigmatized as evil, morally inferior, and not fully human, the persecution of those groups becomes more psychologically acceptable. Restraints against aggression and violence begin to disappear. Not surprisingly, dehumanization increases the likelihood of violence and may cause a conflict to escalate out of control. Once a violence break over has occurred, it may seem even more acceptable for people to do things that they would have regarded as morally unthinkable before.

* * * *
You HAVE to "snip" my posts because they expose your dishonesty and projection.

* * * *

No, you bombastic moron lying simpleton. I snip your stupid posts because beyond their being stupid and filled with reiterations of your endless lies, they are also way too long.

I have repeatedly exposed your lies, yet you, being the moron and the compulisve liar you are, never acknowledge when you've had your little winkie slammed in the door.

There's not much point in actually trying to discuss anything with a lying moron such as you, as all your boring posts repeatedly prove. At this point, you are just a diversion. You are a plaything. You're good for nothing but target practice.

You prove my points with every post. Thank you.

Obviously the short DEHUMANIZATION link pressed your buttons. :rofl:

P.S. I notice you have run away from my last post on the "Talent for LYING on loan from GAWWWWWWDD-DA" thread!!!
Last edited:
* * * *
You prove my points with every post. Thank you.

You uttered that lie before. It was a moronic lie last time; it hasn't gotten any better with age.

Obviously the short DEHUMANIZATION link pressed your buttons. * * * *

That which is "obvious" to you is nonetheless not true. That's becuase you are a lying moron. I didn't even read your prior sub-moronic post in full. No need to. Once you start in with one of your usual endless boring lies, the rest is bound to be just more of the same.

P.S. I notice you have run away from my last post on the "Talent for LYING on loan from GAWWWWWWDD-DA" thread!!!

You noticed no such thing. You just lied again. There's nothiong to "run" from. You lie all the time. I bat you around for your complete dishonesty. Life goes on.
* * * *
You prove my points with every post. Thank you.

You uttered that lie before. It was a moronic lie last time; it hasn't gotten any better with age.

Obviously the short DEHUMANIZATION link pressed your buttons. * * * *

That which is "obvious" to you is nonetheless not true. That's becuase you are a lying moron. I didn't even read your prior sub-moronic post in full. No need to. Once you start in with one of your usual endless boring lies, the rest is bound to be just more of the same.

P.S. I notice you have run away from my last post on the "Talent for LYING on loan from GAWWWWWWDD-DA" thread!!!

You noticed no such thing. You just lied again. There's nothiong to "run" from. You lie all the time. I bat you around for your complete dishonesty. Life goes on.

Obviously the DEHUMANIZATION link struck a NERVE as you just admitted you couldn't finish it, probably at the point where the author brings up PROJECTION. :lol:

And your lie that you didn't run from the other thread is obvious to anyone who checks the time stamps on that thread. You've posted there after my post, but arguing against another poster. You took a break from the forum then came back later to continue with the other poster each time avoiding my post which you know you can't rebut.
So you aren't even a very good liar, though you too probably think your talent for LYING is also on loan from GAWWWWWWDD-DA. :cuckoo:
* * * *

Obviously * * * *

I stopped reading that latest crap from EddieTheLyingMassiveMoron the instant I saw that it had used the word "obviously" again.

When it uses that word, it's a tell that everything it says -- from that point on -- will be just more of its never-ending moronic lies.

* * * *
You prove my points with every post. Thank you.

You uttered that lie before. It was a moronic lie last time; it hasn't gotten any better with age.

That which is "obvious" to you is nonetheless not true. That's becuase you are a lying moron. I didn't even read your prior sub-moronic post in full. No need to. Once you start in with one of your usual endless boring lies, the rest is bound to be just more of the same.

P.S. I notice you have run away from my last post on the "Talent for LYING on loan from GAWWWWWWDD-DA" thread!!!

You noticed no such thing. You just lied again. There's nothiong to "run" from. You lie all the time. I bat you around for your complete dishonesty. Life goes on.

Obviously the DEHUMANIZATION link struck a NERVE as you just admitted you couldn't finish it, probably at the point where the author brings up PROJECTION. :lol:

And your lie that you didn't run from the other thread is obvious to anyone who checks the time stamps on that thread. You've posted there after my post, but arguing against another poster. You took a break from the forum then came back later to continue with the other poster each time avoiding my post which you know you can't rebut.
So you aren't even a very good liar, though you too probably think your talent for LYING is also on loan from GAWWWWWWDD-DA. :cuckoo:

* * * *

Obviously * * * *

I stopped reading that latest crap from EddieTheLyingMassiveMoron the instant I saw that it had used the word "obviously" again.

When it uses that word, it's a tell that everything it says -- from that point on -- will be just more of its never-ending moronic lies.


OBVIOUSLY you are still AWOL from the "Talent for LYING on loan from GAWWWWWWDD-DA thread. :lol:
* * * *
OBVIOUSLY you are still AWOL from the "Talent for LYING on loan from GAWWWWWWDD-DA thread. :lol:

^ Another sub-moronic lie from the EdTheRushLovingLyingImbecile.

AWOL means absent without leave. I don't NEED leave.

I can attend to that absurd and petty crap if I choose or avoid it as the slimey crap it is -- emanating as it does from you.

And if you ever get around to saying anything of even slight interest, I may elect to slap your silly lying ass around some more.

Until then, you remain mostly just the stuff on my sneakers which I don't wanna track into the house.
* * * *
OBVIOUSLY you are still AWOL from the "Talent for LYING on loan from GAWWWWWWDD-DA thread. :lol:

^ Another sub-moronic lie from the EdTheRushLovingLyingImbecile.

AWOL means absent without leave. I don't NEED leave.

I can attend to that absurd and petty crap if I choose or avoid it as the slimey crap it is -- emanating as it does from you.

And if you ever get around to saying anything of even slight interest, I may elect to slap your silly lying ass around some more.

Until then, you remain mostly just the stuff on my sneakers which I don't wanna track into the house.

So in that rant you do not deny you have avoided addressing the ISSUE of your lying about me and LimpBOY's U6 numbers on the other thread.

Of course you avoid the issue because 1- you know you lied, 2- you can't defend your lie and 3- as a devoted Ditto-Nazi unable to break your programming you can't ever admit you are wrong and, God forbid, apologize. :cuckoo:
So you must cut and run and play the perpetual victim. :rofl:

December 17, 2007
RUSH: [Y]ou don't apologize. I don't care what. ... That's when you look like you are weak.
* * * *

So in that rant

There was no rant. You should stop lying.

you do not deny you have avoided addressing the ISSUE of your lying about me and LimpBOY's U6 numbers on the other thread.

* * * *

In my post, I never even addressed that. So, once again, your "conclusion" is just you lying. You should stop lying.

In reality (an alien and hostile concept to compulsive liars like you), I haven't avoided discussing anything, ya idiot. Why? Because you never did (as you falsely claimed) bring up that discussion in the first place. Instead, as I proved you did, you conflated Mr. Limbaugh correctly noting what the Obama Administration was doing (using the U3 figures -- but not the U6 figures) with the what YOU claimed was the right wing media using the U3 figures. Rush is not personally responsible for what others say or do, ya moron.

You should stop lying.
* * * *

So in that rant

There was no rant. You should stop lying.

you do not deny you have avoided addressing the ISSUE of your lying about me and LimpBOY's U6 numbers on the other thread.

* * * *

In my post, I never even addressed that. So, once again, your "conclusion" is just you lying. You should stop lying.

In reality (an alien and hostile concept to compulsive liars like you), I haven't avoided discussing anything, ya idiot. Why? Because you never did (as you falsely claimed) bring up that discussion in the first place. Instead, as I proved you did, you conflated Mr. Limbaugh correctly noting what the Obama Administration was doing (using the U3 figures -- but not the U6 figures) with the what YOU claimed was the right wing media using the U3 figures. Rush is not personally responsible for what others say or do, ya moron.

You should stop lying.

But "Mr" MessiahRushie IS responsible for what HE says and "Mr" LimpBoy did the same thing with Bush's figures moments later, namely using Bush"s U3 number but not his U6 number and LYING about Bush's U3 number being a "RECORD" on top of it.
And LimpBoy himself claims HE is the alternate to the Left wing media so that WOULD make him either THE Reich Wing media or a liar! :cuckoo:
Take your pick.
I wonder what has happend to the captured pirate we have here? Is he still breathing?

Last I heard he was being held by the U.S. authorities pending a federal criminal prosecution in New York.

Since he is just a kid, he will likely get plenty of mercy from OUR justice system.

I can't say I feel upset that he is going to get fairly treated and handled with a little bit of deference due to his youth.

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