Some fatal consequences of illegal and mass immigration

What makes you think border crossings are unchecked? That sounds like RW propaganda

Can you show where illegals are contributing significantly to our COVID infection rate? I can’t
Caravan of Central American Migrants Heads North for Better Life


There is no disenable up tick for TB VD and illnesses other than covid YET...but its just common sense....these people are from 3rd world healthcare systems....coming from all around the world...from nations without a covid vaccine....unchecked VD and other diseases....they are going to overwhelm our emergency rooms while we are trying to recover from a global pandemic....if Trump did this calls for impeachment would be heard....
And the uptick in covid cases are in the news everyday....
Looks like more fear mongering on your part that you have no facts to support
What makes you think border crossings are unchecked? That sounds like RW propaganda

Can you show where illegals are contributing significantly to our COVID infection rate? I can’t

The government has drones flying overhead watching everyone's every move.

They know EXACTLY how many milliions are crossing the border, and loving it!!
Biden's failed policies has given us a 100% more infection rate. Also about 1/3 of illegals refuse to get the vaccine. There has been a million illegals crossing the border since Biden took over. Speading covid like no one's business.
If they are illegal they would not be ask to take the vaccine because they would not be in custody.
40 border agents contracted covid just last month...20 agents have died from covid since Joe opened the that good enough for you jackass?....covid is up ticking in border towns....does someone need to kick you in the head to wake you up?.....
From a fake pandemic, c'mon man they died of the flu...
Industry doesn't care what they bring as long as they bring their bodies to work, gotta make a profit.
Boot able bodied Americans off welfare and make them go to work instead of lounging around on welfare
What makes you think border crossings are unchecked? That sounds like RW propaganda

Well, maybe not 'unchecked'...but

Where is the outbreak of TB, VD, AIDS?
"The U.S. Department of State estimates the annual flow of irregular migrants worldwide to be 700,000–2 million (1). Many of the migrants are from countries where tuberculosis is endemic, and they contribute to the increasing proportion of foreign-born persons with tuberculosis in North America and Europe."

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Well, maybe not 'unchecked'...but

"The U.S. Department of State estimates the annual flow of irregular migrants worldwide to be 700,000–2 million (1). Many of the migrants are from countries where tuberculosis is endemic, and they contribute to the increasing proportion of foreign-born persons with tuberculosis in North America and Europe."

There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries. So why is the Biden Administration engaging in this very act?

Job security for the cops is what I call it.
You mean the Cops whose Hands are tied? The Cops who are in Cities that are being defunded?
Cops who arrest with Good Reason then the individual is automatically released; No Bail?
Cops who can’t arrest illegal immigrants?
What a incredibly stupid person you are
You mean the Cops whose Hands are tied? The Cops who are in Cities that are being defunded?
Cops who arrest with Good Reason then the individual is automatically released; No Bail?
Cops who can’t arrest illegal immigrants?
What a incredibly stupid person you are
Cops have never been able to interdict crime in progress or prognosticate its occurrence, cops are a reactionary force who can't and will never stop crime or criminals from acting. No matter what excuses you give them.
Boot able bodied Americans off welfare and make them go to work instead of lounging around on welfare
Drop all the discriminatory rules to get a job in the first place and they could and would have all they need.
Biden is flying them all around the United States. Spreading covid all over.
Trump did the same thing and....

What on earth does that remark have to do with the deadly consequences of the Biden Administrations transporting Covid-19 carrying migrants to countless and undisclosed locations around our country?


Without a Fifth Column Media, Yellow Journalism, and activist judges and Justices, the crisis at our southern border would never have grown to what now amounts to an outright invasion and threatens the general welfare of the United States an her citizens.

Currently, not only is today’s unchecked border and immigration policies helping to spread COVID-19 throughout the United States, wherever border crossers are being transported to by the Biden Administration, but American citizens are also suffering numerous other consequences directly related to a reckless handling of our border and immigration.

For example, American citizens are being taxed to pay for the birth of anchor babies born to illegal aliens which opens the door for more taxpayer benefits handed over to illegal entrants, see: Illegal Immigrant Births - At Your Expense

"It was 5 a.m. and CBS News national correspondent Byron Pitts is with a woman who is nine months pregnant. She’s rushed to a south Texas hospital to undergo a C-section - a $4,700 medical procedure that won’t cost her a dime. She qualifies for emergency Medicaid."


And there are other devastating effects from a reckless immigration policy: many of our schools are overburden with the children of foreign aliens which detracts from our own children’s education; MS-13 gang members are causing havoc in a number of our nation’s inner cities; our jail and prison population is exploding with illegal aliens and the costs of housing them are overwhelming the system; and then there is the healthcare costs of millions of illegal entrants already in our country which American citizens ultimately pay the costs of.

The questions is, why on earth would any patriotic American citizen, and especially those at the helm of government, aid and abet in this suicidal path America is now on?


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

You can be assured that the bussed in illegals being sent all over the country, UNTESTEd, will NOT be going to Hollyweird neighborhoods, or anywhere near Government officials much less where the current POTUS lives. Nope.

The open border shit is just to help kill us all off. It's part of the Gates/Biden/Xi/Cabal plan, ya know.
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Well, maybe not 'unchecked'...but

"The U.S. Department of State estimates the annual flow of irregular migrants worldwide to be 700,000–2 million (1). Many of the migrants are from countries where tuberculosis is endemic, and they contribute to the increasing proportion of foreign-born persons with tuberculosis in North America and Europe."


Is that a picture of what Trump left Biden?
Where is the mighty wall?
If they are unchecked how would you know what is happening?
Cops have never been able to interdict crime in progress or prognosticate its occurrence, cops are a reactionary force who can't and will never stop crime or criminals from acting. No matter what excuses you give them.

Sorry, but try reading the paper. Murders, Robberies, thefts, drugs, etc. etc. have never been this bad . Guess you missed the many reports that show shoplifters just walking calmly out of stores

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