Zone1 Some international action tomorrow nearby in Linz american volunteers will be there


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
I live somewhere in rural Austria European Union

Our six volunteers will represent you and your loved ones, making you a part of this epic rally of reparation.

They will take ten different banners with them. One of them will read:

Catholic bishops and clergy: We protest your enabling of the unspeakable blasphemy in the Linz cathedral!

This is the message that people need to see in the face of such an outrage.

I want to send a strong American contingent, showing the world that Americans will not remain silent in the face of blasphemy.

Some American Catholics will arrive, to protest a vile blasphemy which happened in the Cathedral of Mary in Linz

I could go there with train, 30 minutes with train, i think i will, if im not ill or otherwise hindered tommorrow but i think i will to support this "international act of reperation"... I will see this six american men, playing bagpipes, and praying the rosary, and holding their banners...

Im excited

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