Some NyQuil, Aspirin, And A Little Chicken Soup


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Some NyQuil, Aspirin, And A Little Chicken Soup

There are several reasons conservatives will never learn the truth concerning the impeached president trump’s totally botched response to the COVID-19 pandemic. One, their favorite “news” sources report only what the impeached president trump has authorized. Two, the vast majority of conservatives were convinced from childhood that education was unnecessary beyond the “three Rs” (readin’, riten’, an’ ‘rithmetic). Three, due to shunning education, the vast majority of conservatives cannot understand complex issues, so, they attribute most crises to “God’s will”. Four, the conservatives’ posts on these message boards explain this reason, they believe they know more than scientific and medical experts in communicable diseases, pandemics, the logistics involved in fighting a pandemic, etc., etc., etc.

This OP is WAY too long. We need a bit of content, c/p a couple paragraphs, and link. BertramN

If America is at war with covid-19, it’s doing a bad job of fighting

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Some NyQuil, Aspirin, And A Little Chicken Soup

There are several reasons conservatives will never learn the truth concerning the impeached president trump’s totally botched response to the COVID-19 pandemic. One, their favorite “news” sources report only what the impeached president trump has authorized. Two, the vast majority of conservatives were convinced from childhood that education was unnecessary beyond the “three Rs” (readin’, riten’, an’ ‘rithmetic). Three, due to shunning education, the vast majority of conservatives cannot understand complex issues, so, they attribute most crises to “God’s will”. Four, the conservatives’ posts on these message boards explain this reason, they believe they know more than scientific and medical experts in communicable diseases, pandemics, the logistics involved in fighting a pandemic, etc., etc., etc.

All the factual COVID-19 information known to date is available on the Internet for everyone to see. But only for those willing to look beyond FOX Noise and others that deal only in “alternative facts” and propaganda.

For the extremely few devoted fanatics of the impeached president trump who might be interested in reading some harsh truth about their fearless leader’s epic failure on the COVID-19 pandemic, please, read on.

-No other nation has endured as much death from Covid-19 nor nearly as a high a death rate as has the United States.

-With 4.25% of the world population, America has the tragic distinction of accounting for about 30% of pandemic deaths so far. And it is the only advanced nation where the death rate is still climbing. Three thousand deaths per day are anticipated by June 1st.

-No other nation has loosened lock-downs and other social-distancing measures while deaths are increasing, as the United States is now doing.

-No other advanced nation was as unprepared for the pandemic as was the United States.

-We now know the impeached president trump and his administration were told by public health experts in mid-January that immediate action was required to stop the spread of Covid-19. But according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, “there was a lot of push-back.” Trump didn’t act until March 16th.

-Epidemiologists estimate 90% of the deaths in the US from the first wave of Covid-19 might have been prevented had social distancing policies been put into effect two weeks earlier, on March 2nd.

-No nation other than the United States has left it to subordinate units of government – states and cities – to buy ventilators and personal protective equipment. In no other nation have such sub-governments been forced to bid against each other.

-In no other nation have experts in public health and emergency preparedness been pushed aside and replaced by political cronies like the impeached president trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who in turn has been advised by the impeached president trump’s donors and Fox News celebrities.

-In no other advanced nation has Covid-19 forced so many average citizens into poverty so quickly. The Urban Institute reports that more than 30% of American adults have had to reduce their spending on food.

-Elsewhere around the world, governments are providing generous income support. Not in the United States. Congress’s “payroll protection program” has been a mess. Because funds have been distributed through financial institutions, banks have raked off money for themselves and rewarded their favored customers. Of the $350 billion originally intended for small businesses, $243 million has gone to large, publicly held companies.(As usual, only the billionaire class and Big Business are receiving generous sums of federal money. The treasury and the Fed are bailing out big corporations from the debts they accumulated in recent years to buy back their shares of stock.)

-At best, Americans have received one-time checks for $1,200, about a week’s worth of rent, groceries and utilities. Few are collecting unemployment benefits because unemployment offices are overwhelmed with claims.

-Why is America so different from other advanced nations facing the same coronavirus threat? Why has everything gone so tragically wrong?

-Some of it is due to the impeached president trump and his incompetent and corrupt collection of grifters, buffoons, sycophants, lobbyists and relatives. But there are also deeper roots.

-The coronavirus has been especially potent in the United States because America is the only industrialized nation lacking universal healthcare. Many families have been reluctant to see doctors or check into emergency rooms for fear of racking up large bills.

-America is also the only one of 22 advanced nations failing to give all workers some form of paid sick leave. As a result, many American workers have remained on the job when they should have been home.

-Adding to this is the grossly inadequate unemployment benefits in America, which provide less support in the first year of unemployment than those in any other advanced country.

-American workplaces are also more dangerous. Even before Covid-19 ripped through meat-packers and warehouses, fatality rates were higher among American workers than European.

-Even before the pandemic robbed Americans of their jobs and incomes, average wage growth in the United States had lagged behind average wage growth in most other advanced countries. Ever since Reagan sold the American workers his “trickle down” snake oil in the 1980s, American workers’ share of total national income has declined more than in any other rich nation.

-In other nations, unions have long pushed for safer working conditions and higher wages. But American workers are far less unionized than workers in other advanced economies. Only 6.4% of private-sector workers in America belong to a union, compared with more than 26% in Canada, 37% in Italy, 67% in Sweden, and 25% in Britain.

So who and what’s to blame for the worst avoidable loss of life in American history?

The current calamity has been long in the making, due to America’s longer-term failure to provide its people the basic support they need through a living wage, affordable healthcare, paid sick leave, etc. But the final blow that has caused, and will continue to push the COVID-19 death toll higher and higher, has been the impeached president trump’s personal greed and ongoing malfeasance.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics consistently deny facts and the accuracy of empirical data. Also, they are incapable of letting go of the lies told them by their fearless leader, one being the COVID-19 virus is no worse than a common cold. Even as his devoted fanatics lay dying, gasping for their last breath, most will remain convinced NyQuil, aspirin, and a little chicken soup can cure them. And, putting a dash of Lysol in the chicken soup, will cure them even faster.

In closing, it’s always gratifying to see how much conservatives hate the truth. Their hate for facts is seen on these message boards regularly, and reasonable people have come to expect it. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really proven this.)

So, please, keep your mindless, right wing criticisms coming. By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves. You can do nothing else, which makes it useless to respond to your debunked talking points and other conservative nonsense.

If America is at war with covid-19, it’s doing a bad job of fighting

View attachment 334423



Another defeatist thread.
And with Biden as our only alternative, not much is going to change after November. Ironically, that is why he has the best chance of beating Trump, especially if he picks Warren as his VP (solidifying the progressive bloc).

Some NyQuil, Aspirin, And A Little Chicken Soup

There are several reasons conservatives will never learn the truth concerning the impeached president trump’s totally botched response to the COVID-19 pandemic. One, their favorite “news” sources report only what the impeached president trump has authorized. Two, the vast majority of conservatives were convinced from childhood that education was unnecessary beyond the “three Rs” (readin’, riten’, an’ ‘rithmetic). Three, due to shunning education, the vast majority of conservatives cannot understand complex issues, so, they attribute most crises to “God’s will”. Four, the conservatives’ posts on these message boards explain this reason, they believe they know more than scientific and medical experts in communicable diseases, pandemics, the logistics involved in fighting a pandemic, etc., etc., etc.

This OP is WAY too long. We need a bit of content, c/p a couple paragraphs, and link. BertramN

If America is at war with covid-19, it’s doing a bad job of fighting

View attachment 334423

Ever considered juvenile delinquency as an alternative career
The OP is only looking at one side of the problem.
What about the effect of COVID on the economy? How long should the shutdown continue?
The hospitals, PPE, and testing are all good enough to restart the economy, at least in most of the country.
So why the continual whining?
From the Original Poster before he, like a cowardlypussy, deleted most of it---presumably because he realized what a total ass he had made of himself:

"All the factual COVID-19 information known to date is available on the Internet for everyone to see."

-No other nation has endured as much death from Covid-19 nor nearly as a high a death rate as has the United States.


This nonsense is based on an assumption that that the only readers will be half-wits educated in the rotting cities of the North controlled by Democrats and corrupt Teachers Unions for half a Century. That is where the real Dumb-Asses live....ground well prepared, because Socialism can only thrive amoung the very foolish or the very ignorant.

They can not be expected to see the LIE is Death Rate....which of course means rate of death amoung a specific number of the population.

In the Chart I review (Coronavirus Update (Live): 4,169,071 Cases and 283,218 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer) which I picked at random---uses Deaths per million people.

So, here are some of the countries that have a HIGHER "Death Rate" as of Today---than the Good Ole USA:

England (and Scotland)

The Original Poster is a Liar. The above deconstruction of just a single portion of his post...proves that.

The rest of his post shows he is also a Fool.
From the Original Poster before he, like a cowardlypussy, deleted most of it---presumably because he realized what a total ass he had made of himself:

"All the factual COVID-19 information known to date is available on the Internet for everyone to see."

-No other nation has endured as much death from Covid-19 nor nearly as a high a death rate as has the United States.


This nonsense is based on an assumption that that the only readers will be half-wits educated in the rotting cities of the North controlled by Democrats and corrupt Teachers Unions for half a Century. That is where the real Dumb-Asses live....ground well prepared, because Socialism can only thrive amoung the very foolish or the very ignorant.

They can not be expected to see the LIE is Death Rate....which of course means rate of death amoung a specific number of the population.

In the Chart I review (Coronavirus Update (Live): 4,169,071 Cases and 283,218 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer) which I picked at random---uses Deaths per million people.

So, here are some of the countries that have a HIGHER "Death Rate" as of Today---than the Good Ole USA:

England (and Scotland)

The Original Poster is a Liar. The above deconstruction of just a single portion of his post...proves that.

The rest of his post shows he is also a Fool.
Thank the healthcare workers, of whom we do have the best … and most expensive. But imagine being a nurse without sufficient PPE during the peak, which was lessended by Trump's shut down of the economy.

Some NyQuil, Aspirin, And A Little Chicken Soup

There are several reasons conservatives will never learn the truth concerning the impeached president trump’s totally botched response to the COVID-19 pandemic. One, their favorite “news” sources report only what the impeached president trump has authorized. Two, the vast majority of conservatives were convinced from childhood that education was unnecessary beyond the “three Rs” (readin’, riten’, an’ ‘rithmetic). Three, due to shunning education, the vast majority of conservatives cannot understand complex issues, so, they attribute most crises to “God’s will”. Four, the conservatives’ posts on these message boards explain this reason, they believe they know more than scientific and medical experts in communicable diseases, pandemics, the logistics involved in fighting a pandemic, etc., etc., etc.

This OP is WAY too long. We need a bit of content, c/p a couple paragraphs, and link. BertramN

If America is at war with covid-19, it’s doing a bad job of fighting

View attachment 334423

Thats some serious TDS you're dealing with.

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