Some Scary Laws That Obama Tried To Impose


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Ted Cruz said....“When President Obama’s own Supreme Court nominees join their colleagues in unanimously rejecting his Administration’s call for broader federal power twenty times since Obama took office, the inescapable conclusion is that the Obama Administration’s view of federal power knows virtually no bounds,”

If Obama et al had been successful the federal government would have the power to...
•Attach GPSs to a citizen’s vehicle to monitor his movements, without having any cause to believe that a person has committed a crime (United States v. Jones);

•Deprive landowners of the right to challenge potential government fines as high as
$75,000 per day and take away their ability have a hearing to challenge those fines (Sackett v. EPA);

•Interfere with a church’s selection of its own ministers (Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & School v. EEOC);

•Override state law through the Presidential fiat (Arizona v. United States);

•Dramatically extend statutes of limitations to impose penalties for acts committed decades ago (Gabelli v. SEC);

•Destroy private property without paying just compensation (Arkansas Fish & Game Commission v. United States);

•Impose double income taxation (PPL Corp. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue);

•Limit property owner’s constitutional defenses (Horne v. USDA); and

•Drastically expand federal criminal law (Sekhar v. United States).

•Unilaterally install officers and bypass the Senate confirmation process (NLRB v. Noel Canning);

•Search the contents of cell phones without a warrant (Riley v. California);

•Use international treaties to displace state sovereignty over criminal law (Bond v. United States);

•Expand federal mandatory minimum sentencing laws (Burrage v. United States);

•Apply arbitrary immigration rules (Judulang v. Holder);

•Bring prosecutions after statutory deadlines (United States v. Tinklenberg);

•Ignore certain veterans’ challenges to administrative agency rulings (Henderson ex rel. Henderson v. Shinseki);

•Override state prosecutorial decisions by treating minor state drug offenses as aggravated felonies under federal law (Carachuri-Rosendo v. Holder);

•Undermine Congress’s power to define criminal laws and the jury’s role in criminal cases (United States v. O’Brien);

•Charge drug buyers with crimes committed by drug sellers (Abuelhawa v. United States); and

•Ignore mental states needed for federal criminal convictions (Flores-Figueroa v. United States).

Sen. Cruz Releases Fifth Legal Limit Report about the Obama Administration’s Attempts to Expand Federal Power | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas

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