Some Syrian Refugees Struggle With New Life In Sweden


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Gee, I wonder why? LOLOLOL......99.99% of the country is all white....need we say more?
...oh and we do know for a fact, it definately has a few nigga black men there, where becky goes, mandigo will follow......
While the rest of Europe struggles to absorb the flood of young male immigrants from Muslim-majority countries, countries may be well advised to look at Sweden for a terrifying glimpse of the future.

“Sweden began opening its doors to Muslim immigrants in the 1970s. Today it pays a high price for having done so. The group suffering the severest consequences of such an open door policy has been Swedish women,” according to The Daily Caller.

“As Muslim men immigrated to Sweden, they brought with them an Islamic culture sanctioning rape. It is a culture bad enough inherently in the treatment of its own women. Under sharia, Muslim women serve little more purpose beyond catering to their husbands’ sexual demands. A non-submissive wife runs the risk of being raped by her husband.”

“But under sharia, this rape culture also impacts upon Swedish women as they are “infidels” and, as such, are — according to Allah’s teachings — sanctioned targets for rape by Muslim men. Such an Islamic belief system has born witness to a drastic increase in rapes in Sweden — more than a thousand fold — since first opening its doors to Muslim immigration.

A 1996 Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention report bears this out. It noted that Muslim immigrants from North Africa were 23 times more likely to commit rape than Swedish men. It is no wonder why today Sweden is deemed the rape capital of the Western world.”

“Interestingly, between 1995-2006, the Swedish government tracked gang rapes, identifying a drastically increasing trend. Unbelievably, after discovering the problem, it then adopted an ostrich-like “head in the sand” approach, terminating any further studies on them . Apparently the government’s fear of being labeled Islamophobic proved greater than its concerns about warning Swedish women about the threat. While no studies on gang rape have been conducted since 2006, one can assume these numbers have continued to rise.”

I’m not sure I’d use the word “interesting” to describe the Swedish government’s sudden lack of interest in compiling statistics on gang rapes. Here are some “interesting” facts about the war on women in Sweden.

The Gatestone Institute says, “Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300 percent and rapes by 1,472 percent.

In an astounding number of cases, the Swedish courts have demonstrated sympathy for the rapists, and have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted to have sex with six, seven or eight men.”

Here’s another “interesting” fact. Not only does it appear that the Swedish government may be trying to prevent its citizens from knowing the truth by not collecting data and calling all rapists “Swedish men,” it passed a law in December of 2014 making it a CRIME for citizens to criticize the government’s immigration policies and/or “insulting” immigrants. If that doesn’t convince you that “progressive” politicians will go to any length to protect their insane ideologies and PC dogma I don’t know what will.

Despite the ban on telling the truth, the word is out. Amun Abdullahi, a journalist for Swedish radio, left last year and returned to her native Somalia after she was attacked in the Swedish media over her news report about radical Muslim immigrants in Sweden. Unlike Amun Abdullahi, most Americans don’t have another country they can flee back to. Maybe it’s time for Congress to rethink President Obama’s subjugation of America to the United Nations demands that the United States take in 200,000-250,000 “refugees” from Islamic countries?


Shocking: Sweden is now the RAPE capital of the West. Here's why...


Muslims already consider Sweden womans as their slaves, therefore they are allowed to rape them.
Rape in Islam

Islam allows a man to have intercourse with his slave woman, whether he has a wife or wives or he is not married...Whoever regards that as haraam is a sinner who is going against the consensus of the scholars.

Read here about Rape in Islam,:
Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

While the rest of Europe struggles to absorb the flood of young male immigrants from Muslim-majority countries, countries may be well advised to look at Sweden for a terrifying glimpse of the future.

“Sweden began opening its doors to Muslim immigrants in the 1970s. Today it pays a high price for having done so. The group suffering the severest consequences of such an open door policy has been Swedish women,” according to The Daily Caller.

“As Muslim men immigrated to Sweden, they brought with them an Islamic culture sanctioning rape. It is a culture bad enough inherently in the treatment of its own women. Under sharia, Muslim women serve little more purpose beyond catering to their husbands’ sexual demands. A non-submissive wife runs the risk of being raped by her husband.”

“But under sharia, this rape culture also impacts upon Swedish women as they are “infidels” and, as such, are — according to Allah’s teachings — sanctioned targets for rape by Muslim men. Such an Islamic belief system has born witness to a drastic increase in rapes in Sweden — more than a thousand fold — since first opening its doors to Muslim immigration.

A 1996 Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention report bears this out. It noted that Muslim immigrants from North Africa were 23 times more likely to commit rape than Swedish men. It is no wonder why today Sweden is deemed the rape capital of the Western world.”

“Interestingly, between 1995-2006, the Swedish government tracked gang rapes, identifying a drastically increasing trend. Unbelievably, after discovering the problem, it then adopted an ostrich-like “head in the sand” approach, terminating any further studies on them . Apparently the government’s fear of being labeled Islamophobic proved greater than its concerns about warning Swedish women about the threat. While no studies on gang rape have been conducted since 2006, one can assume these numbers have continued to rise.”

I’m not sure I’d use the word “interesting” to describe the Swedish government’s sudden lack of interest in compiling statistics on gang rapes. Here are some “interesting” facts about the war on women in Sweden.

The Gatestone Institute says, “Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300 percent and rapes by 1,472 percent.

In an astounding number of cases, the Swedish courts have demonstrated sympathy for the rapists, and have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted to have sex with six, seven or eight men.”

Here’s another “interesting” fact. Not only does it appear that the Swedish government may be trying to prevent its citizens from knowing the truth by not collecting data and calling all rapists “Swedish men,” it passed a law in December of 2014 making it a CRIME for citizens to criticize the government’s immigration policies and/or “insulting” immigrants. If that doesn’t convince you that “progressive” politicians will go to any length to protect their insane ideologies and PC dogma I don’t know what will.

Despite the ban on telling the truth, the word is out. Amun Abdullahi, a journalist for Swedish radio, left last year and returned to her native Somalia after she was attacked in the Swedish media over her news report about radical Muslim immigrants in Sweden. Unlike Amun Abdullahi, most Americans don’t have another country they can flee back to. Maybe it’s time for Congress to rethink President Obama’s subjugation of America to the United Nations demands that the United States take in 200,000-250,000 “refugees” from Islamic countries?


Shocking: Sweden is now the RAPE capital of the West. Here's why...


I'm not trying to be a hater, but com' want me to believe Muslims are running around Sweden, beating up white women and then raping them? When in reality, all you have to do is smile at one and her panties come off, especially her in America? Try selling that bs to the martians on the moon, on earth, we ain't buying it!!
The indigenous people of Sweden are white! Try to live with that revelation. Not only that, but Sweden wasn't settled by immigrants either. It's just white.

The idea that white, infidel, women are all asking to be raped is a particularly islamic point of view.
They did it to themselves. They have been taking in Muslims for decades.

Muslims don't assimilate and they follow their own religious Sharia law.

If the Swedes were smart they boot em all out.

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