Someone Insults Your Wife in Public - What Do You Do?

Okie dokie, wuss.
So, not using a gun makes someone a wuss?
Oh, I would use a gun, but not on some asshole simply because he is an asshole. I value my freedom too much.

I'm just noting that M14 Shooter's courage seems to stem from the barrel of his gun, since that is his first professed choice in handling this situation.

Of course, in reality we know he is full of shit. And if he isn't, can he imagine going to prison over a few insults? Can he imagine every single day being told by guards when to eat, when to sleep, when to shower, when to shit - over a few insults? I wonder how he would feel about his actions by year 3? How about year 7?

Gun courage hardly ever turns out well for the shooter.
What would you do if some guy called your wife an extremely filthy and insulting name in a public place?

Simple question. Not so simple answer.

(I am posting this in the Law Forum, because I am mainly - but not entirely - concerned with a discussion of the legal consequences that might arise from such a situation.)

I would tell my husband to ignore the idiot.
Any updates?

The main, corporate offices of SoupPlantation are not returning phone calls. I have called their customer service department (in Atlanta) three times now. Each time I am assured that someone "from corporate" will be in touch with me, profuse apologies, can't understand why corporate isn't returning the call, etc., etc.

Of course you can't call "corporate" at all - you have to go through customer service.

I don't believe that "corporate" doesn't have a phone or two in their building(s). Not giving up, of course.

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