Someone on USMB called me a liar for saying PP made profits on baby parts...

That is up for change. I believe the judgment of God is about to fall on them for their wickedness. They think God does not see what they are doing. They are wrong. God sees it all and He is going to judge them severely for what they are doing. I would not want to be them.
Yes indeed PP will be punished by Canada invading the USA...

Or they could start getting diagnosed with cancer one by one and slide off into hell as easily as checkers slide being dumped back into the box they came from. Never doubt that God has the final word on these things, MG. These people only think they are getting away with something. Wait until they see hell. It will be too late then. Too late.
Weak. Very weak.

The letter admitted nothing of the kind. Some yahoo keyed in on the word "adjustments" and freaked out......knowing that idiots would print his phones outrage and more idiots would read it and freak out.

Please look at the ads that pepper that Washington Times website. It will give you a glimpse into what the owners of that piece of shit thinks of its readers. Dupe.
LL, they were already caught on video tape undercover. The truth is out already. Stop defending murderers who are marketing the organs, limbs, body parts of babies.
That is up for change. I believe the judgment of God is about to fall on them for their wickedness. They think God does not see what they are doing. They are wrong. God sees it all and He is going to judge them severely for what they are doing. I would not want to be them.

As terrible as that day will be, and for months or even years afterwards my family and I will suffer hardships I can't comprehend I welcome it. I'm no saint myself but in spite of my wickedness, and the wicked shit I wanted to do but didn't get the chance to I am looking forward to the crash. There are so many people running around mindlessly "thinking" that someone else owes them shit for being born.

They owe the earth the nutrients they will provide post mortem.

That is up for change. I believe the judgment of God is about to fall on them for their wickedness. They think God does not see what they are doing. They are wrong. God sees it all and He is going to judge them severely for what they are doing. I would not want to be them.

As terrible as that day will be, and for months or even years afterwards my family and I will suffer hardships I can't comprehend I welcome it. I'm no saint myself but in spite of my wickedness, and the wicked shit I wanted to do but didn't get the chance to I am looking forward to the crash. There are so many people running around mindlessly "thinking" that someone else owes them shit for being born.

They owe the earth the nutrients they will provide post mortem.

Pete, I think your honesty is moving to the LORD and you are not confessing anything that the rest of us have not felt at times - there is no sin in righteous anger although we don't want to act in our flesh over it - God is angry with the wickedness that is happening in this country too which is why His judgment will be poured out on a day only He knows. We've all fallen short of the glory of God, we've all sinned, not one is sinless, which is why we needed a Savior and that is what Jesus Christ came for. To die on a cross and shed his blood for our sins. If you receive that and desire his forgiveness and to receive Him all of your sins are washed away and you become a new creation in Him.

As one who belongs to Him I can tell you He knows how to defend His own, protect His own and you'll never regret letting him take control of your life because when we place ourselves in His hands? We're in the very best of hands. I know the LORD loves you very much and I should tell you something that may surprise you - the intercessors who are praying for this nation? Are praying down the judgment of God and calling it forth. We're no longer asking God to hold it off, to have mercy, to put it off even another generation. No, we are now asking the LORD to send His judgment and let it fall now. That may be shocking to some people but that is what God has put on our hearts and that is how we are praying now. The time of delay is over with. We need to see God put an end to this madness.
I heard that PP has a secret deal with Matel for those limbs. No longer will little Chinese girls have to cry when this happens:

LL, they were already caught on video tape undercover. The truth is out already. Stop defending murderers who are marketing the organs, limbs, body parts of babies.

You are the supreme dupe. If you believe's a good bet that the opposite is true.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see, Lonelaugher.

Don't worry. If I need them, I can get a pair from PP

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You are joking about the murder of babies and taking their eyes. You find that funny?
LL, the only thing worse than than those who are killing babies and selling body parts, are those like you who derive humor from it. You are a very sick, sick man.
An anonymous person on an internet message board called you a liar and you felt the need to defend yourself?

A sure sign you're taking this far too seriously. Turn off your computer, climb the stairs out of the basement, go outdoors...
LL, the only thing worse than than those who are killing babies and selling body parts, are those like you who derive humor from it. You are a very sick, sick man.

Psalm 36:1 says this:

To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David the servant of the LORD. The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.

It came to me as I saw his posts - he has no fear of God at all because he is wicked. Satan has given him a false peace and security so that he won't turn and repent. If he knew he was one step away from eternity in hell he'd cry out in repentance this very second. Satan truly has this man in his clutches. Pray for him. He needs prayer.
LL, the only thing worse than than those who are killing babies and selling body parts, are those like you who derive humor from it. You are a very sick, sick man.

If babies were being killed or baby body parts being sold, I'd be very upset. Since that isn't happening.......I'll just laugh at you and your silliness.
An anonymous person on an internet message board called you a liar and you felt the need to defend yourself?

A sure sign you're taking this far too seriously. Turn off your computer, climb the stairs out of the basement, go outdoors...

I'm pretty sure it's against USMB rules to tell someone outright that they are a liar. If I'm not mistaken you can be banned for it.
LL, the only thing worse than than those who are killing babies and selling body parts, are those like you who derive humor from it. You are a very sick, sick man.
If you know someone who is killing babies and you sit on your ass and do nothing...well, shame on you. Give me some names and I`ll deal with these people. We`re not all pussies sitting at a keyboard typing stupid shit.

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