Someone sent death threats to a 5-year-old Disney star

I disagree on one point.

We haven't reached a new low. but some of our society surely have.
Just because a five year old is the star of something does not mean that they have the final say on how things go. Mary-Kate and Ashley eventually became the stars of Full House, but they did not have the final say on how things went for the show.

God bless you and them and that five year old always!!!

Holly (a day one fan of Mary-Kate and Ashley)
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Have we?

Walsh worked on a petition to get rid of it. She thought that the appearance of an almost-nude male stranger — especially at night — would bring added stress for students, especially those who had suffered sexual assault in the past.

Sculpture of near-naked man at Wellesley has its critics - The Washington Post
The threats would have been better accepted if they had just been sent to the producers of that kind of the show who tirelessly pedal that disgusting homosexual nonsense in front of readily accepting young eyes. The parents of the child should be stabbing the persons responsible with a spork or something.
A 5 year old has Instagram?

something does not add up here.
The threats would have been better accepted if they had just been sent to the producers of that kind of the show who tirelessly pedal that disgusting homosexual nonsense in front of readily accepting young eyes. The parents of the child should be stabbing the persons responsible with a spork or something.

they were sent to the online account. Do you seriously believe a 5 year old is using online account?

or the ones who sent the threats knew perfectly well that the 5 year old has absolutely nothing to do with the account and is not going to read it?
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Hey, I wouldn't have threatened him if it was a lipstick lesbian, but no one wants to see a bull dike with a crew cut. I draw the line there.
Is this show meant for five year olds?

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A 5 year old has Instagram?

something does not add up here.

That would violate the TOS for the website, and federal law, so I am pretty sure the police would be looking into it if she did.

Then again, Wry doesn't let facts stand in the way of stupidity.

Just shows how irrational homophobes reall are. That they loose their venom onto a complete innocent not knowing where else to send their fear.

Worth mentioning the Bible doesn't actually condemn lesbian homosexuality. This has led to many in countries and jurisdictions where male homosexuality may be illegal to keep female homosexuality legal. So if not out of religious objection, just what is the justification? There isn't any. Fear and hate don't need justifications. The Dark Side I sense in them.

"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." - Yoda, episode 1
Worth mentioning the Bible doesn't actually condemn lesbian homosexuality. This has led to many in countries and jurisdictions where male homosexuality may be illegal to keep female homosexuality legal. So if not out of religious objection, just what is the justification?
Almost every law or injunction mandated in the Bible is directed towards men.

And by implied extension includes women. .. :cool:
Meh, the kids are in showbiz, it comes with the territory. After seeing what happens to child stars, only an irresponsible parent would let their kid go into that business.
Worth mentioning the Bible doesn't actually condemn lesbian homosexuality. This has led to many in countries and jurisdictions where male homosexuality may be illegal to keep female homosexuality legal. So if not out of religious objection, just what is the justification?
Almost every law or injunction mandated in the Bible is directed towards men.

And by implied extension includes women. .. :cool:

Usually that's true. But Judaism at least,

"Commandment Profile:

-350) No homosexual relations

Application to gentiles:
Mandated punishment for violation:
Death penalty
Brief description:
For a man not to have intercourse with another man. Relations between two women are not considered true intercourse, and thus female homosexuality would not be enforced with capital punishment under this commandment. Nevertheless, lesbianism is a violation of the rules against immodesty (see commandment -353), and is therefore also forbidden.
Adultery Commandments
Biblical source(s) (Rambam): Lev. 18:22; Deut. 23:18
Biblical source (Sefer HaChinuch): Lev. 18:22
Number in Sefer HaChinuch: 209
Sources explaining relevance to gentiles:
(See bibliography)

* Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Issurei Biah 14:10; Melachim 9:5-6
Homosexual relations prohibited for gentiles with death penalty."
Hasidic University

The 353 is refers to though is explicitly only forbidding incest. No mention of lesbianism or anything akin to it. Thus why those that outlaw male homosexuality often don't also outlaw female homosexuality - it isn't forbidden in any overt or explicit verse.
People on the internets send threats everyday. They mean nothing.
Amen to this. They only do that because they know that they can get away with it. If they actually meant any harm for a person, they probably wouldn't give that person such a heads up anyways. They would make sure that their threat was carried out when it wasn't expected.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. For the record, I am not one of them people. I just believe that in order to be one step ahead of them, you have to think about how they would operate if they really did have the intention of hurting someone.
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