Something for You Electoral College Haters to Ponder


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
If I vote for a Republican for President here in California in 2020 I am knowingly not picking someone my State will go for. I can cheat and create a hundred thousand fake votes and I will still lose.

National popular vote not only would make any fake vote count but everyone else's in the nation would to. Hillary won by 1.3 million votes out of 124 million. Future races can be much tighter. So cheating in CA, NY, WA will now be worthwhile, where as cheating in only tight swing States was worth the effort with the EC.

And now instead of recounting a county or a State, you must recount the entire nation.

And yes, Republicans can cheat just as well as Democrats.
Careful what you wish for...

If I vote for a Republican for President here in California in 2020 I am knowingly not picking someone my State will go for. I can cheat and create a hundred thousand fake votes and I will still lose.

National popular vote not only would make any fake vote count but everyone else's in the nation would to. Hillary won by 1.3 million votes out of 124 million. Future races can be much tighter. So cheating in CA, NY, WA will now be worthwhile, where as cheating in only tight swing States was worth the effort with the EC.

And now instead of recounting a county or a State, you must recount the entire nation.

And yes, Republicans can cheat just as well as Democrats.

Goddam the Trumptards are STILL obsessing over the popular vote.
If I vote for a Republican for President here in California in 2020 I am knowingly not picking someone my State will go for. I can cheat and create a hundred thousand fake votes and I will still lose.

National popular vote not only would make any fake vote count but everyone else's in the nation would to. Hillary won by 1.3 million votes out of 124 million. Future races can be much tighter. So cheating in CA, NY, WA will now be worthwhile, where as cheating in only tight swing States was worth the effort with the EC.

And now instead of recounting a county or a State, you must recount the entire nation.

And yes, Republicans can cheat just as well as Democrats.

Goddam the Trumptards are STILL obsessing over the popular vote.
Sen. Barbara Boxer to introduce bill to end Electoral College -
If I vote for a Republican for President here in California in 2020 I am knowingly not picking someone my State will go for. I can cheat and create a hundred thousand fake votes and I will still lose.

National popular vote not only would make any fake vote count but everyone else's in the nation would to. Hillary won by 1.3 million votes out of 124 million. Future races can be much tighter. So cheating in CA, NY, WA will now be worthwhile, where as cheating in only tight swing States was worth the effort with the EC.

And now instead of recounting a county or a State, you must recount the entire nation.

And yes, Republicans can cheat just as well as Democrats.

Goddam the Trumptards are STILL obsessing over the popular vote.

I guess this far left drone has not got the memo that they have been fired:

Blame the messengers: Dem boss Schumer fires staffers after November rout
If I vote for a Republican for President here in California in 2020 I am knowingly not picking someone my State will go for. I can cheat and create a hundred thousand fake votes and I will still lose.

National popular vote not only would make any fake vote count but everyone else's in the nation would to. Hillary won by 1.3 million votes out of 124 million. Future races can be much tighter. So cheating in CA, NY, WA will now be worthwhile, where as cheating in only tight swing States was worth the effort with the EC.

And now instead of recounting a county or a State, you must recount the entire nation.

And yes, Republicans can cheat just as well as Democrats.

I commend you attempting to explain this to the leftists but I have to call you out.... "Hillary won by 1.3 million votes out of 124 million."

*slap-slap* NO! She didn't! ...Hillary received 1.3 million more popular votes.... she did not "WIN" a goddamn thing! She won the state of California and it's 55 electoral votes and she won that state by more than the number of popular votes difference between her and Trump nationwide. Don't fall into the left's trap with their semantics... keep repeating... she DID NOT "WIN" THE POPULAR VOTE!

Next.... Don't bother trying to reason with leftists on the basis of cheating because they really don't care.... if they have to cheat to win, they will. These people have no moral compass and zero respect for the integrity of our system. The ONLY reason any of them are even mentioning Russian hackers is because their candidate lost. Had Hillary won, we would not hear one peep out of them about Russian hacking.

And on the subject of "Russian hacking" there is no evidence they hacked anything with regard to voter rolls or election results. The ONLY evidence of ANY hacking was of the DNC's and Hillary's emails and the "influence" it had on the election was in the truthful information it revealed to the public.

You make a very good point about trying to hold a national election. We do not have a nationalized election system. Our elections are held by the States. Each state has it's own board of elections and each state handles it's own elections, has it's own set of policies regarding electors and rules for candidates to qualify for the ballot. If you tried to somehow combine all the states together for one big national election, you'd have a real mess on your hands if the vote were ever very close because, how would you conduct a nationwide recount in every state? The logistics of this alone would be nearly cost-prohibitive, not to mention a very time-consuming process that would literally take months.

But beyond all of this, a nationalized election would render our country's entire federalist system null and void... we would no longer be a republic. States, for all intents and purposes, would simply cease to be necessary. Next time you run across some nitwit leftist arguing for getting rid of the EC... just ask them if they also favor disbanding and dissolving the Senate? Most of them will look at you like you grew a second head but it's the exact same argument. If there is no justification for the EC, there is also no justification for a Senate.

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