Something I agree with Rick Perry on - and he agrees with Occupy Wall Street on.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Perry said he would stop all foreign aid to every country until they met our conditions (whatever that means).

I would stop all foreign aid period. Now.
So Perry wants to abandon ISRAEL?

Somehow I rather doubt that.
The world got on fine before America. And got along fine in Americas early years without aid. And...I somehow think the world could find a way to get along without our aid in the future. Because we sure aren't getting much in return for our investment except bloated Euro debt nations, greedy Asians and crazy fucking Muslims.
Obamacare costs more in a month than we spend on foreign aid in a year.

Yes and isn't that the way it is supposed to be, Rab?

Isn't the whole point of a national government to be there for the PEOPLE of that nation?

SOMETIMES, however, giving aid to allied nations is in the best interests of the lending nation.

In which case that is a good thing.
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Perry said he would stop all foreign aid to every country until they met our conditions (whatever that means).

I would stop all foreign aid period. Now.

Rick Perry is lying. He isnt going to stop any aid to any country. He made it up because he thought it would sound good. Pure rhetoric. If it wasnt we would have heard about it before now and it would reflect in his professional history.

Ron Paul will end all aid immeadiatly and his professional record reflects that.
The world got on fine before America. And got along fine in Americas early years without aid. And...I somehow think the world could find a way to get along without our aid in the future. Because we sure aren't getting much in return for our investment except bloated Euro debt nations, greedy Asians and crazy fucking Muslims.

I'm thinking back to all of my history classes and how they described the world before America's founding, and before its rise to power, and I have to ask: how are you defining "got on fine"?
Perry said he would stop all foreign aid to every country until they met our conditions (whatever that means).

I would stop all foreign aid period. Now.

Rick Perry is lying. He isnt going to stop any aid to any country. He made it up because he thought it would sound good. Pure rhetoric. If it wasnt we would have heard about it before now and it would reflect in his professional history.

Ron Paul will end all aid immeadiatly and his professional record reflects that.

Oh, for the love of God. You people don't understand English very well. Rick Perry was NOT talking about "ending foreign aid". He was talking about overhauling the way we think about foreign aid and decide how much to hand out and to whom. And I think he's right. Instead of just starting out with the assumption that we're going to automatically give X amount here and Y amount here with no thought to what happens there afterward, we should be doing an international version of what I do with my adult daughter, ie. making them tell us WHY we should give them any of our money, what they plan to do with it, and then hold them to it.
Perry said he would stop all foreign aid to every country until they met our conditions (whatever that means).

I would stop all foreign aid period. Now.

Rick Perry is lying. He isnt going to stop any aid to any country. He made it up because he thought it would sound good. Pure rhetoric. If it wasnt we would have heard about it before now and it would reflect in his professional history.

Ron Paul will end all aid immeadiatly and his professional record reflects that.

Oh, and did I mention that Ron Paul is delusional, and the members of his cult of personality need some industrial-strength therapy? While I don't doubt for a second that he really means what he says about hunkering down and trying to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist, that makes him MORE scary, not less.
Perry said he would stop all foreign aid to every country until they met our conditions (whatever that means).

I would stop all foreign aid period. Now.

Rick Perry is lying. He isnt going to stop any aid to any country. He made it up because he thought it would sound good. Pure rhetoric. If it wasnt we would have heard about it before now and it would reflect in his professional history.

Ron Paul will end all aid immeadiatly and his professional record reflects that.

Oh, for the love of God. You people don't understand English very well. Rick Perry was NOT talking about "ending foreign aid". He was talking about overhauling the way we think about foreign aid and decide how much to hand out and to whom. And I think he's right. Instead of just starting out with the assumption that we're going to automatically give X amount here and Y amount here with no thought to what happens there afterward, we should be doing an international version of what I do with my adult daughter, ie. making them tell us WHY we should give them any of our money, what they plan to do with it, and then hold them to it.

Ron Paul is a danger to this country. That is, assuming anyone would vote for him first.
Obamacare costs more in a month than we spend on foreign aid in a year.

Yes and isn't that the way it is supposed to be, Rab?

Isn't the whole point of a national government to be there for the PEOPLE of that nation?

SOMETIMES, however, giving aid to allied nations is in the best interests of the lending nation.

In which case that is a good thing.

As long as it is constitutional, sure

As for Papa Obama Care
It is hurting people more than helping

Throughout the Obamacare debate, President Obama repeatedly promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” Now, Gallup reports that from the first quarter of 2010 (when Obama signed Obamacare into law) to the third quarter of this year, 2 percent of American adults lost their employer sponsored health insurance. In other words, about 4.5 million Americans lost their employer-sponsored insurance over a span of just 18 months.

This is not what the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) had predicted would happen. Rather, the CBO had predicted that Obamacare would increase the number of people with employer-sponsored insurance by now. It had predicted that, under Obamacare, 6 million more Americans would have employer-sponsored insurance in 2011 than in 2010 (see table 4, which shows the CBO’s projected increase of 3 million under (pre-Obamacare) current law and an additional 3 million under Obamacare). So the CBO’s rosy projections for Obamacare (and even these paint a frightening picture) are already proving false.
So Perry doesn't want the US to be the world leader any more.

Which country does he want to cede our influence to? England? France? China?
Perry said he would stop all foreign aid to every country until they met our conditions (whatever that means).

I would stop all foreign aid period. Now.

Rick Perry is lying. He isnt going to stop any aid to any country. He made it up because he thought it would sound good. Pure rhetoric. If it wasnt we would have heard about it before now and it would reflect in his professional history.

Ron Paul will end all aid immeadiatly and his professional record reflects that.

Oh, for the love of God. You people don't understand English very well. Rick Perry was NOT talking about "ending foreign aid". He was talking about overhauling the way we think about foreign aid and decide how much to hand out and to whom. And I think he's right. Instead of just starting out with the assumption that we're going to automatically give X amount here and Y amount here with no thought to what happens there afterward, we should be doing an international version of what I do with my adult daughter, ie. making them tell us WHY we should give them any of our money, what they plan to do with it, and then hold them to it.

My comments stay the same
So Perry doesn't want the US to be the world leader any more.

Which country does he want to cede our influence to? England? France? China?

Who fucking cares so long as American taxpayers arent paying for it anymore.
Rick Perry is lying. He isnt going to stop any aid to any country. He made it up because he thought it would sound good. Pure rhetoric. If it wasnt we would have heard about it before now and it would reflect in his professional history.

Ron Paul will end all aid immeadiatly and his professional record reflects that.

Oh, for the love of God. You people don't understand English very well. Rick Perry was NOT talking about "ending foreign aid". He was talking about overhauling the way we think about foreign aid and decide how much to hand out and to whom. And I think he's right. Instead of just starting out with the assumption that we're going to automatically give X amount here and Y amount here with no thought to what happens there afterward, we should be doing an international version of what I do with my adult daughter, ie. making them tell us WHY we should give them any of our money, what they plan to do with it, and then hold them to it.

Ron Paul is a danger to this country. That is, assuming anyone would vote for him first.

This country is a corporate Oligarchy that is bordering on fascism and a police state with a expensive global empire. So yes, Ron Paul is a danger to this country, and that is all the more reason to vote for him.

Or you could vote for Rick Perry who is a and we can continue doing the same things we have been doing for 20 years. Just ask yourself, are you better off now then you were 20 years ago?
So Perry doesn't want the US to be the world leader any more.

Which country does he want to cede our influence to? England? France? China?

Who fucking cares so long as American taxpayers arent paying for it anymore.
Don't be an idiot. Being the leader of the free world saves us countless dollars.

We spent 4 trillion on the last couple of wars. That doesnt count the negative balance on trade....

Im not even going to keep going. Your fucking retarded and its not worth my time.
So Perry doesn't want the US to be the world leader any more.

Which country does he want to cede our influence to? England? France? China?

What does bribery have to do with being a world leader?

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