'Songbird' John McTumor: Nationalism is Unpatriotic

Indeed, the GOP has become the party of trump lapdogs not patriots.

Patriotism in the GOP has been reduced to just a few lone voices.


There are still a few voices in the GOP that follow the principles of Ronald Reagan not Donald Trump.
ronald reagan sucked greasy prison balls

Ronald Reagan was a great President who wisely wanted nothing to do with Trump.
to each their own. I never get in bed with people that give weapons to terrorists, put drugs in our streets and had the most corrupt administration in our history.

You are a looney tune crazy Trump supporter.
dude, far from that. LOL. you should learn your posters.
Indeed, the GOP has become the party of trump lapdogs not patriots.

Patriotism in the GOP has been reduced to just a few lone voices.


There are still a few voices in the GOP that follow the principles of Ronald Reagan not Donald Trump.
ronald reagan sucked greasy prison balls

Ronald Reagan was a great President who wisely wanted nothing to do with Trump.
to each their own. I never get in bed with people that give weapons to terrorists, put drugs in our streets and had the most corrupt administration in our history.

You are a looney tune crazy Trump supporter.
I dont support trump.
Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.
George Will is an establishment elitist. He's part of the swamp. He's against making America great again.

He left the Republican Party because "Making America Great Again" is nothing more than a slogan to cover up a nationalist agenda... which already was stated is the OPPOSITE of what our country was founded upon.
You need to read the writings of the founders yourself. They were more than nationalists. They were isolationists warning against foreign entanglements.

I have... and they were about having a haven of freedom without outside interference.

Not sure how many times it has to be pointed out... you are using the term of nationalism wrong. They were patriotic. Funny huh? I mean since they were called patriots. :bye1:
There are still a few voices in the GOP that follow the principles of Ronald Reagan not Donald Trump.
ronald reagan sucked greasy prison balls

Ronald Reagan was a great President who wisely wanted nothing to do with Trump.
to each their own. I never get in bed with people that give weapons to terrorists, put drugs in our streets and had the most corrupt administration in our history.

You are a looney tune crazy Trump supporter.
I dont support trump.
not that you need someone watching your back, but I hate when someone gets it wrong. I hate when i inadvertently do it.
McCain is a joke. He is a disgrace. He is literally dying on the floor of the Senate and important national policy issues are being decided by his ego, his emotional state and personal dislike for Trump. He clearly is no longer representing Arizona and he should resign.The country will be better off when he is no longer in the Senate -- whatever the reason.

He is another prime example of the need for term limits.

He served honorably in the Navy and disgracefully in the Senate. Lets not forget the Keating 5 and that the one significant piece of legislation which bears his name was found to violate the First Amendment rights of Americans. When Trump says something about the press he is attacked fiercely . Well, this befuddled old man actually used the legislative process to violate people's First Amendment rights. It always amazes me how when a bunch powerless of nut jobs march around talking about some of these issues they are attacked as enemies of the Constitution but when legislators do it , they get a pass even though they actually affect people.
it's called safety for american citizens. smart. can't have the libs doing all their hate shit without consequences don't you know.

These are your people. The alt-right. You can't pin this on liberals. Spenser is a Trump supporter.
and he is allowed to speak no? what's your issue then?

I don't believe he should have been allowed to speak at the University of Florida. They should have the right to say no. The police are there to prevent the alt-right from causing any violence as they did in Charlottesville.
well then they must say no to everyone. why do you think you get to decide?

BTW, they said yes, and the governor again is doing what he feels is safe for his citizens. my hat off to him. Protect Spenser's right.

The University of Florida has every right to deny him a venue to speak. It is a matter of public safety. The fact is that the police are there to protect others from Spenser's alt-right thugs. They created the violence in Charlottesville.
It was Antifa that attacked. Not the other way around.
Not the point. The country was founded in nationalism, not globalism.

No, no it wasn't. It was based on a haven free from oppression. Quit confusing patriotism with nationalism.

I am not the confused party here. Patriotism is the expression of nationalism.

And yes, it was.

No, it is not. When the United States was formed did they pick only to allow immigrants from a particular race? Religion? Language? Ancestry?

I'll save you the time, no they did exactly the opposite.
The Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress:

[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free 'white persons' of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

To make America great again, we must return to this specific legislation.

To make America great again we need to get rid of white supremacists like you. The American Indians were here before whites.
The Injuns were real racists. Also, they owned no property deeds to any American land. Our White superiority prevailed.
No, no it wasn't. It was based on a haven free from oppression. Quit confusing patriotism with nationalism.

I am not the confused party here. Patriotism is the expression of nationalism.

And yes, it was.

No, it is not. When the United States was formed did they pick only to allow immigrants from a particular race? Religion? Language? Ancestry?

I'll save you the time, no they did exactly the opposite.
The Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress:

[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free 'white persons' of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

To make America great again, we must return to this specific legislation.

To make America great again we need to get rid of white supremacists like you. The American Indians were here before whites.
The Injuns were real racists. Also, they owned no property deeds to any American land. Our White superiority prevailed.
dude, it's what happens when more immigrants come in and take over your land. It is what the libs are trying to do today. Hah!!!!
Every conservative post here supports white nationalism

Every single one

What white nationalism?
There were free blacks who fought in the Revolutionary War and helped blacks toward getting freedom. Many founders passed bills to stop the spread of slavery.
When race is used it divides us.
We are all Americans not by the color of our skins.
Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.
George Will is an establishment elitist. He's part of the swamp. He's against making America great again.

He left the Republican Party because "Making America Great Again" is nothing more than a slogan to cover up a nationalist agenda... which already was stated is the OPPOSITE of what our country was founded upon.
You need to read the writings of the founders yourself. They were more than nationalists. They were isolationists warning against foreign entanglements.

Jefferson also made war against the Barbary pirates. Clearly he was not afraid to get involved when necessary. It was easy to be against foreign entanglements then. The US was isolated and it was easy to do it. A Pearl Harbor or 9/11 was impossible when the founding fathers lived.
There are still a few voices in the GOP that follow the principles of Ronald Reagan not Donald Trump.
ronald reagan sucked greasy prison balls

Ronald Reagan was a great President who wisely wanted nothing to do with Trump.
to each their own. I never get in bed with people that give weapons to terrorists, put drugs in our streets and had the most corrupt administration in our history.

You are a looney tune crazy Trump supporter.
I dont support trump.

You're just a looney tune then.
There are still a few voices in the GOP that follow the principles of Ronald Reagan not Donald Trump.
ronald reagan sucked greasy prison balls

Ronald Reagan was a great President who wisely wanted nothing to do with Trump.
to each their own. I never get in bed with people that give weapons to terrorists, put drugs in our streets and had the most corrupt administration in our history.

You are a looney tune crazy Trump supporter.
dude, far from that. LOL. you should learn your posters.

Make looney tune arguments and you are a looney tune.
ronald reagan sucked greasy prison balls

Ronald Reagan was a great President who wisely wanted nothing to do with Trump.
to each their own. I never get in bed with people that give weapons to terrorists, put drugs in our streets and had the most corrupt administration in our history.

You are a looney tune crazy Trump supporter.
I dont support trump.

You're just a looney tune then.
Because I spoke the truth about Reagan?
These are your people. The alt-right. You can't pin this on liberals. Spenser is a Trump supporter.
and he is allowed to speak no? what's your issue then?

I don't believe he should have been allowed to speak at the University of Florida. They should have the right to say no. The police are there to prevent the alt-right from causing any violence as they did in Charlottesville.
well then they must say no to everyone. why do you think you get to decide?

BTW, they said yes, and the governor again is doing what he feels is safe for his citizens. my hat off to him. Protect Spenser's right.

The University of Florida has every right to deny him a venue to speak. It is a matter of public safety. The fact is that the police are there to protect others from Spenser's alt-right thugs. They created the violence in Charlottesville.
It was Antifa that attacked. Not the other way around.

You are a liar. It was the white supremacists and neo-nazis who attacked peaceful protestors. You are just defending your fellow racists.
Ronald Reagan was a great President who wisely wanted nothing to do with Trump.
to each their own. I never get in bed with people that give weapons to terrorists, put drugs in our streets and had the most corrupt administration in our history.

You are a looney tune crazy Trump supporter.
I dont support trump.

You're just a looney tune then.
Because I spoke the truth about Reagan?

Because you make shit up. Reagan was one of the most successful Presidents as he cut taxes and defeated the Soviet Union.
and he is allowed to speak no? what's your issue then?

I don't believe he should have been allowed to speak at the University of Florida. They should have the right to say no. The police are there to prevent the alt-right from causing any violence as they did in Charlottesville.
well then they must say no to everyone. why do you think you get to decide?

BTW, they said yes, and the governor again is doing what he feels is safe for his citizens. my hat off to him. Protect Spenser's right.

The University of Florida has every right to deny him a venue to speak. It is a matter of public safety. The fact is that the police are there to protect others from Spenser's alt-right thugs. They created the violence in Charlottesville.
It was Antifa that attacked. Not the other way around.

You are a liar. It was the white supremacists and neo-nazis who attacked peaceful protestors. You are just defending your fellow racists.
I have heard both started it from a number of partisans. Never see any proof
to each their own. I never get in bed with people that give weapons to terrorists, put drugs in our streets and had the most corrupt administration in our history.

You are a looney tune crazy Trump supporter.
I dont support trump.

You're just a looney tune then.
Because I spoke the truth about Reagan?

Because you make shit up. Reagan was one of the most successful President as he cut taxes and defeated the Soviet Union.
None of what I said was false. If it was,prove it.
You are the traitor and un-American as well as unpatriotic. Your nickname should be TRAITOR. The fact is that McCain is doing what he thinks is right. While I have some differences with him, I respect him as a patriot.
If you call rambling incoherent thoughts from Mccain while being sick respectful. Then no wonder why Trump won :2up:
to each their own. I never get in bed with people that give weapons to terrorists, put drugs in our streets and had the most corrupt administration in our history.

You are a looney tune crazy Trump supporter.
I dont support trump.

You're just a looney tune then.
Because I spoke the truth about Reagan?

Because you make shit up. Reagan was one of the most successful Presidents as he cut taxes and defeated the Soviet Union.

Reagan is remembered as one of the most popular Presidents of all-time, and I did like him as a person, but he would have never made it today. How many Presidents could have made it through the Iran-Contra scandal in this day of the internet?
I don't believe he should have been allowed to speak at the University of Florida. They should have the right to say no. The police are there to prevent the alt-right from causing any violence as they did in Charlottesville.
well then they must say no to everyone. why do you think you get to decide?

BTW, they said yes, and the governor again is doing what he feels is safe for his citizens. my hat off to him. Protect Spenser's right.

The University of Florida has every right to deny him a venue to speak. It is a matter of public safety. The fact is that the police are there to protect others from Spenser's alt-right thugs. They created the violence in Charlottesville.
It was Antifa that attacked. Not the other way around.

You are a liar. It was the white supremacists and neo-nazis who attacked peaceful protestors. You are just defending your fellow racists.
I have heard both started it from a number of partisans. Never see any proof

It was both along with very poor organization.
The groups should have been separated from each other.
Who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville? Here's what witnesses say

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