'Songbird' John McTumor: Nationalism is Unpatriotic

And if it is McCain, that also means it is Graham... and that means it will likely include Corker, Flake, Collins, Murkowski...

So if it takes 67 Senators to remove Trump if Impeachment passes the house, that would make 48 Democrats, and at least 6 Republicans so far. So it would take at least 13 more.

Twitter is aflame with Super John!

and it continues!

McCain: Trump admin has not provided enough information on Niger attack

Senate Armed Service Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Tuesday that the Trump administration has not provided enough information on the attack in Niger that killed four U.S. Green Berets.

Asked by The Hill whether the administration has been forthcoming on information on Niger, McCain said “no.”

“I had a better working relationship, as far as information back and forth, with Ash Carter than I do with an old friend of 20 years,” McCain added.

Carter was the last Defense secretary for the Obama administration, which McCain often slammed for defense policies he disagreed with.

Asked for clarification on if the friend is Defense Secretary James Mattis, McCain said "yes" and added that includes National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, as well.

"I think they had this idea once that Trump won that we are a unicameral government," McCain said.

On Oct. 4, four U.S. Green Berets were killed and two more injured when their group of about a dozen U.S. soldiers and 40 Nigerien troops were ambushed during a joint patrol. The Pentagon has blamed self-radicalized, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria-affiliated militants for the attack.

President Trump did not personally comment on the attack until Monday, when he said he would call the families of the fallen soldiers “at some point in the time” and falsely claimed that President Obama and other past president did not call Gold Star families.

McCain: Trump admin has not provided enough information on Niger attack

Go John GO!
and it continues!

McCain: Trump admin has not provided enough information on Niger attack

Senate Armed Service Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Tuesday that the Trump administration has not provided enough information on the attack in Niger that killed four U.S. Green Berets.

Asked by The Hill whether the administration has been forthcoming on information on Niger, McCain said “no.”

“I had a better working relationship, as far as information back and forth, with Ash Carter than I do with an old friend of 20 years,” McCain added.

Carter was the last Defense secretary for the Obama administration, which McCain often slammed for defense policies he disagreed with.

Asked for clarification on if the friend is Defense Secretary James Mattis, McCain said "yes" and added that includes National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, as well.

"I think they had this idea once that Trump won that we are a unicameral government," McCain said.

On Oct. 4, four U.S. Green Berets were killed and two more injured when their group of about a dozen U.S. soldiers and 40 Nigerien troops were ambushed during a joint patrol. The Pentagon has blamed self-radicalized, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria-affiliated militants for the attack.

President Trump did not personally comment on the attack until Monday, when he said he would call the families of the fallen soldiers “at some point in the time” and falsely claimed that President Obama and other past president did not call Gold Star families.

McCain: Trump admin has not provided enough information on Niger attack

Go John GO!

As I said would happen yesterday, there are articles coming out from former military who know Kelly, Mattis, and McMaster questioning on how they can possibly continue to work for Trump... this will get ugly very quickly.
Last edited:
and it continues!

McCain: Trump admin has not provided enough information on Niger attack

Senate Armed Service Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Tuesday that the Trump administration has not provided enough information on the attack in Niger that killed four U.S. Green Berets.

Asked by The Hill whether the administration has been forthcoming on information on Niger, McCain said “no.”

“I had a better working relationship, as far as information back and forth, with Ash Carter than I do with an old friend of 20 years,” McCain added.

Carter was the last Defense secretary for the Obama administration, which McCain often slammed for defense policies he disagreed with.

Asked for clarification on if the friend is Defense Secretary James Mattis, McCain said "yes" and added that includes National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, as well.

"I think they had this idea once that Trump won that we are a unicameral government," McCain said.

On Oct. 4, four U.S. Green Berets were killed and two more injured when their group of about a dozen U.S. soldiers and 40 Nigerien troops were ambushed during a joint patrol. The Pentagon has blamed self-radicalized, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria-affiliated militants for the attack.

President Trump did not personally comment on the attack until Monday, when he said he would call the families of the fallen soldiers “at some point in the time” and falsely claimed that President Obama and other past president did not call Gold Star families.

McCain: Trump admin has not provided enough information on Niger attack

Go John GO!

As I said would happen yesterday, there are articles coming out of former military who know Kelly, Mattis, and McMaster on how they can possibly continue to work for Trump... this will get ugly very quickly.

Media will attempt to make it ugly.

Rational people will continue to ignore them.
Why don't you take a minute or two(2), and tell us all the great things "the peemeister" has done, in any patriotic manner, he has done for the country.
Site your information.

McCain is a filthy liar! If he changed parties to democrat, he would still be a filthy liar, but it might help the republican morons in Arizona realize the were always voting for a democrat!
You're incapable of noticing an honorable man since you're up Trump's ass and no one has EVER accused Trump of being honorable.
John McCain is a bonified hero, maverick and person of integrity.
Trump is slimeball of the highest order and today is a prime example.
You are shameless.
Just as Trump said, heroes don't get shot down. Heroes don't cause deaths of 137 men on the USS Forestal, like McTumor did.
Why don't you take a minute or two(2), and tell us all the great things "the peemeister" has done, in any patriotic manner, he has done for the country.
Site your information.

Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.

George Will might be an expert on baseball cards, but not American history! Plus he is a fake, phony, fraud douchebag who hates The Donald for some reason and mumbles! I don't like mumblers! Nationalism is exactly what EVERY fucking country in history was founded on.
Governor Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Speech
October 17, 2017 at 11:55 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard0 Comments

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has declared a state of emergency as hundreds of law enforcement officers from across the state gather at the University of Florida in advance of a Thursday event by white nationalist Richard Spencer, USA Today reports.

“The governor’s executive order places the state agency usually responsible for hurricanes at the front of the effort to preserve order during the event. It also places the Florida National Guard on standby.”


This is what conservatives consider nationalism
it's called safety for american citizens. smart. can't have the libs doing all their hate shit without consequences don't you know.

These are your people. The alt-right. You can't pin this on liberals. Spenser is a Trump supporter.
and he is allowed to speak no? what's your issue then?

I don't believe he should have been allowed to speak at the University of Florida. They should have the right to say no. The police are there to prevent the alt-right from causing any violence as they did in Charlottesville.
well then they must say no to everyone. why do you think you get to decide?

BTW, they said yes, and the governor again is doing what he feels is safe for his citizens. my hat off to him. Protect Spenser's right.

The University of Florida has every right to deny him a venue to speak. It is a matter of public safety. The fact is that the police are there to protect others from Spenser's alt-right thugs. They created the violence in Charlottesville.
Because a few Senators make their decisions on what is best for this country rather than follow the party line. We need more independent Senators.

While I agree we need more Independent Senators, I don't think it's for the same reasons you do.

You don't really want independent Senators. You want someone who slavishly does what you want. I want someone who will look at legislation based on what is better for this country rather than what is best for the party. If the Republicans came up with a healthcare bill that banned baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie, nearly every Republican would have voted for it.
Indeed, the GOP has become the party of trump lapdogs not patriots.

Patriotism in the GOP has been reduced to just a few lone voices.


There are still a few voices in the GOP that follow the principles of Ronald Reagan not Donald Trump.
ronald reagan sucked greasy prison balls

Ronald Reagan was a great President who wisely wanted nothing to do with Trump.
While I agree we need more Independent Senators, I don't think it's for the same reasons you do.

You don't really want independent Senators. You want someone who slavishly does what you want. I want someone who will look at legislation based on what is better for this country rather than what is best for the party. If the Republicans came up with a healthcare bill that banned baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie, nearly every Republican would have voted for it.
Indeed, the GOP has become the party of trump lapdogs not patriots.

Patriotism in the GOP has been reduced to just a few lone voices.


There are still a few voices in the GOP that follow the principles of Ronald Reagan not Donald Trump.
ronald reagan sucked greasy prison balls

Ronald Reagan was a great President who wisely wanted nothing to do with Trump.
to each their own. I never get in bed with people that give weapons to terrorists, put drugs in our streets and had the most corrupt administration in our history.
it's called safety for american citizens. smart. can't have the libs doing all their hate shit without consequences don't you know.

These are your people. The alt-right. You can't pin this on liberals. Spenser is a Trump supporter.
and he is allowed to speak no? what's your issue then?

I don't believe he should have been allowed to speak at the University of Florida. They should have the right to say no. The police are there to prevent the alt-right from causing any violence as they did in Charlottesville.
well then they must say no to everyone. why do you think you get to decide?

BTW, they said yes, and the governor again is doing what he feels is safe for his citizens. my hat off to him. Protect Spenser's right.

The University of Florida has every right to deny him a venue to speak. It is a matter of public safety. The fact is that the police are there to protect others from Spenser's alt-right thugs. They created the violence in Charlottesville.
no it isn't, it is the University's job to keep students safe. No one elses. and denying someone access isn't acceptable. so it is where we are at right? so sit back relax and let it play out.
At the time the United States could stay free of foreign entanglements. The idea of a Pearl Harbor or 9/11 happening was impossible. I would remind you of Jefferson's war against the Barbary pirates. Technology has made Washington's desire impossible.

Not the point. The country was founded in nationalism, not globalism.

No, no it wasn't. It was based on a haven free from oppression. Quit confusing patriotism with nationalism.

I am not the confused party here. Patriotism is the expression of nationalism.

And yes, it was.

No, it is not. When the United States was formed did they pick only to allow immigrants from a particular race? Religion? Language? Ancestry?

I'll save you the time, no they did exactly the opposite.
The Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress:

[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free 'white persons' of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

To make America great again, we must return to this specific legislation.

To make America great again we need to get rid of white supremacists like you. The American Indians were here before whites.
No, no it wasn't. It was based on a haven free from oppression. Quit confusing patriotism with nationalism.

I am not the confused party here. Patriotism is the expression of nationalism.

And yes, it was.

No, it is not. When the United States was formed did they pick only to allow immigrants from a particular race? Religion? Language? Ancestry?

I'll save you the time, no they did exactly the opposite.
The Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress:

[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free 'white persons' of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

To make America great again, we must return to this specific legislation.

That doesn't have to do with who gets into the country... simply how they become a citizen.
We need only Whites as citizens, like the wise founders wanted.

We don't need garbage racists like you.
Not the point. The country was founded in nationalism, not globalism.

No, no it wasn't. It was based on a haven free from oppression. Quit confusing patriotism with nationalism.

I am not the confused party here. Patriotism is the expression of nationalism.

And yes, it was.

No, it is not. When the United States was formed did they pick only to allow immigrants from a particular race? Religion? Language? Ancestry?

I'll save you the time, no they did exactly the opposite.
The Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress:

[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free 'white persons' of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

To make America great again, we must return to this specific legislation.

To make America great again we need to get rid of white supremacists like you. The American Indians were here before whites.
and they lost. they were from Asia just so you know your history.
I am not the confused party here. Patriotism is the expression of nationalism.

And yes, it was.

No, it is not. When the United States was formed did they pick only to allow immigrants from a particular race? Religion? Language? Ancestry?

I'll save you the time, no they did exactly the opposite.
The Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress:

[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free 'white persons' of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

To make America great again, we must return to this specific legislation.

That doesn't have to do with who gets into the country... simply how they become a citizen.
We need only Whites as citizens, like the wise founders wanted.

We don't need garbage racists like you.
you got us, what is it you want again?
You don't really want independent Senators. You want someone who slavishly does what you want. I want someone who will look at legislation based on what is better for this country rather than what is best for the party. If the Republicans came up with a healthcare bill that banned baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie, nearly every Republican would have voted for it.
Indeed, the GOP has become the party of trump lapdogs not patriots.

Patriotism in the GOP has been reduced to just a few lone voices.


There are still a few voices in the GOP that follow the principles of Ronald Reagan not Donald Trump.
ronald reagan sucked greasy prison balls

Ronald Reagan was a great President who wisely wanted nothing to do with Trump.
to each their own. I never get in bed with people that give weapons to terrorists, put drugs in our streets and had the most corrupt administration in our history.

You are a looney tune crazy Trump supporter.
No, no it wasn't. It was based on a haven free from oppression. Quit confusing patriotism with nationalism.

I am not the confused party here. Patriotism is the expression of nationalism.

And yes, it was.

No, it is not. When the United States was formed did they pick only to allow immigrants from a particular race? Religion? Language? Ancestry?

I'll save you the time, no they did exactly the opposite.
The Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress:

[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free 'white persons' of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

To make America great again, we must return to this specific legislation.

To make America great again we need to get rid of white supremacists like you. The American Indians were here before whites.
and they lost. they were from Asia just so you know your history.

Who did the Pilgrims meet? Indians. They were here before the white man.
Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.
George Will is an establishment elitist. He's part of the swamp. He's against making America great again.

He left the Republican Party because "Making America Great Again" is nothing more than a slogan to cover up a nationalist agenda... which already was stated is the OPPOSITE of what our country was founded upon.
You need to read the writings of the founders yourself. They were more than nationalists. They were isolationists warning against foreign entanglements.
I am not the confused party here. Patriotism is the expression of nationalism.

And yes, it was.

No, it is not. When the United States was formed did they pick only to allow immigrants from a particular race? Religion? Language? Ancestry?

I'll save you the time, no they did exactly the opposite.
The Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress:

[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free 'white persons' of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

To make America great again, we must return to this specific legislation.

To make America great again we need to get rid of white supremacists like you. The American Indians were here before whites.
and they lost. they were from Asia just so you know your history.

Who did the Pilgrims meet? Indians. They were here before the white man.
yep, we partnered up with them as well. they were the first immigrants and didn't have a constitution to own the land, so the british came in. right? see what happens when you let too many immigrants in, they take away your country.

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