'Songbird' John McTumor: Nationalism is Unpatriotic

Governor Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Speech
October 17, 2017 at 11:55 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard0 Comments

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has declared a state of emergency as hundreds of law enforcement officers from across the state gather at the University of Florida in advance of a Thursday event by white nationalist Richard Spencer, USA Today reports.

“The governor’s executive order places the state agency usually responsible for hurricanes at the front of the effort to preserve order during the event. It also places the Florida National Guard on standby.”


This is what conservatives consider nationalism
it's called safety for american citizens. smart. can't have the libs doing all their hate shit without consequences don't you know.
Do you any clue what "nationalism" is?

You said I was wrong and then made a statement that EVERY country was founded on Nationalism. I asked you to explain your reasoning. Go ahead. :)
You cannot create a nation-state without nationalism.

Do you think globalism creates nations?

Oh lord have mercy... I didn't mention Globalism, and the United States wasn't founded on Globalism, nor Nationalism. It was created as a group of FREE states that were a haven for the oppressed.

You don't think the founders were devoted to the United States of America?
That is what Nationalism is.
The very ones who created our Nationalism, of our flag, anthem, language and myths and symbols.
This is what Nationalism is and what binds us.

No, the Founders didn't stop immigrants from all places coming to the U.S.... that is the opposite of what Nationalism is.

Immigration has nothing to do with Nationalism.
The Naturalization Act of 1795 increased the residency requirement to five years residence and added a requirement to give a three years notice of intention to apply for citizenship, and the Naturalization Act of 1798 further increased the residency requirement to 14 years and required five years notice of intent to apply for citizenship.

This country has a right to protect it's citizens from other countries citizens who want to harm us.
It has nothing to do with immigration or nationalism.
Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.
You literally couldn't be more wrong in your life.

Nationalism is the reason why America was founded.

You are wrong. The reason why this country was founded was based on religious intolerance in England and freedom.

The Americas was seen as expansions of other European nations, like France ,Spain and England.
Did you play hooky from school when that was being taught or something?

I think you played hooky. Some European nations did see the Americas as new territory however the Pilgrims came to this country for religious freedom. They disagreed with the establishment of the Church of England.
You said I was wrong and then made a statement that EVERY country was founded on Nationalism. I asked you to explain your reasoning. Go ahead. :)
You cannot create a nation-state without nationalism.

Do you think globalism creates nations?

Oh lord have mercy... I didn't mention Globalism, and the United States wasn't founded on Globalism, nor Nationalism. It was created as a group of FREE states that were a haven for the oppressed.

You don't think the founders were devoted to the United States of America?
That is what Nationalism is.
The very ones who created our Nationalism, of our flag, anthem, language and myths and symbols.
This is what Nationalism is and what binds us.

No, the Founders didn't stop immigrants from all places coming to the U.S.... that is the opposite of what Nationalism is.

Immigration has nothing to do with Nationalism.
The Naturalization Act of 1795 increased the residency requirement to five years residence and added a requirement to give a three years notice of intention to apply for citizenship, and the Naturalization Act of 1798 further increased the residency requirement to 14 years and required five years notice of intent to apply for citizenship.

This country has a right to protect it's citizens from other countries citizens who want to harm us.
It has nothing to do with immigration or nationalism.

Yes it does.

"Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining a national identity based on shared characteristics such as culture, language, race, religion, political goals or a belief in a common ancestry."

Nationalism - Wikipedia

That's TOTALLY opposite of immigration from various countries... and having the right to practice whatever religion you want.

Quit confusing PATRIOTISM as NATIONALISM. They are not the same.
Governor Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Speech
October 17, 2017 at 11:55 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard0 Comments

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has declared a state of emergency as hundreds of law enforcement officers from across the state gather at the University of Florida in advance of a Thursday event by white nationalist Richard Spencer, USA Today reports.

“The governor’s executive order places the state agency usually responsible for hurricanes at the front of the effort to preserve order during the event. It also places the Florida National Guard on standby.”


This is what conservatives consider nationalism
it's called safety for american citizens. smart. can't have the libs doing all their hate shit without consequences don't you know.
Governor Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Speech
October 17, 2017 at 11:55 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard0 Comments

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has declared a state of emergency as hundreds of law enforcement officers from across the state gather at the University of Florida in advance of a Thursday event by white nationalist Richard Spencer, USA Today reports.

“The governor’s executive order places the state agency usually responsible for hurricanes at the front of the effort to preserve order during the event. It also places the Florida National Guard on standby.”


This is what conservatives consider nationalism
it's called safety for american citizens. smart. can't have the libs doing all their hate shit without consequences don't you know.

These are your people. The alt-right. You can't pin this on liberals. Spenser is a Trump supporter.
Governor Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Speech
October 17, 2017 at 11:55 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard0 Comments

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has declared a state of emergency as hundreds of law enforcement officers from across the state gather at the University of Florida in advance of a Thursday event by white nationalist Richard Spencer, USA Today reports.

“The governor’s executive order places the state agency usually responsible for hurricanes at the front of the effort to preserve order during the event. It also places the Florida National Guard on standby.”


This is what conservatives consider nationalism
it's called safety for american citizens. smart. can't have the libs doing all their hate shit without consequences don't you know.

These are your people. The alt-right. You can't pin this on liberals. Spenser is a Trump supporter.
and he is allowed to speak no? what's your issue then?
Governor Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Speech
October 17, 2017 at 11:55 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard0 Comments

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has declared a state of emergency as hundreds of law enforcement officers from across the state gather at the University of Florida in advance of a Thursday event by white nationalist Richard Spencer, USA Today reports.

“The governor’s executive order places the state agency usually responsible for hurricanes at the front of the effort to preserve order during the event. It also places the Florida National Guard on standby.”


This is what conservatives consider nationalism
it's called safety for american citizens. smart. can't have the libs doing all their hate shit without consequences don't you know.
they have a right to do that even if you don't like it. see that's called freedom. you should learn the constitution McGoof.
he has a history of being unpatriotic and voting against our interests.
Congress is full of fuckers like that. And all our presidents have been that way for the last 4 or 5 decades.
Acting like its something new makes you look stupid.

Not as much "Congress" as "The Senate". Congressmen are generally OK, The Senators are the worst part of this country right now.

Because a few Senators make their decisions on what is best for this country rather than follow the party line. We need more independent Senators.

While I agree we need more Independent Senators, I don't think it's for the same reasons you do.

You don't really want independent Senators. You want someone who slavishly does what you want. I want someone who will look at legislation based on what is better for this country rather than what is best for the party. If the Republicans came up with a healthcare bill that banned baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie, nearly every Republican would have voted for it.
Indeed, the GOP has become the party of trump lapdogs not patriots.

Patriotism in the GOP has been reduced to just a few lone voices.


There are still a few voices in the GOP that follow the principles of Ronald Reagan not Donald Trump.
As usual you and Breitbart are just full of crap. McCain did not way that nationalism was unpatriotic, he said this fake bull shit version of it that Trump and those with their noses up his butt are trying to sell, is unpatriotic. And he is right.
he has a history of being unpatriotic and voting against our interests.
Congress is full of fuckers like that. And all our presidents have been that way for the last 4 or 5 decades.
Acting like its something new makes you look stupid.

No one is allowed to disagree with you. Why don't you run. McCain has no history of voting against our interests. It was Republicans who voted against the interest of approximately 25 million people who would have lost their insurance.
Of course they are. Especially when i am wrong.
McCain is a globalist and has voted MANY times with America in the back of his mind.
NOf course they do but there is no need to hack the discussion up with partisan bullshit. BTW, speaking of partisan bullshit, 25M wouldnt lose their insurance but a lot fo people would choose to get RID of insurance. Partisan goobers never read past the headline.....
BTW McCain IS a republican, ya frikkin goober.

Globalists are a urban myth to be used as a boogeyman against your political enemies.
I suggest you need to learn some simple logic. If low income people lose their subsidy then they are unable to pay for health insurance. If you cut Medicare then fewer people can be covered. Quite spouting your partisan bullshit. Goobers like you deny reality.
You freakin goober think that just because McCain is a Republican he should vote the party line.
Lol what?
Governor Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Speech
October 17, 2017 at 11:55 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard0 Comments

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has declared a state of emergency as hundreds of law enforcement officers from across the state gather at the University of Florida in advance of a Thursday event by white nationalist Richard Spencer, USA Today reports.

“The governor’s executive order places the state agency usually responsible for hurricanes at the front of the effort to preserve order during the event. It also places the Florida National Guard on standby.”


This is what conservatives consider nationalism
it's called safety for american citizens. smart. can't have the libs doing all their hate shit without consequences don't you know.

These are your people. The alt-right. You can't pin this on liberals. Spenser is a Trump supporter.
and he is allowed to speak no? what's your issue then?

I don't believe he should have been allowed to speak at the University of Florida. They should have the right to say no. The police are there to prevent the alt-right from causing any violence as they did in Charlottesville.
Governor Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Speech
October 17, 2017 at 11:55 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard0 Comments

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has declared a state of emergency as hundreds of law enforcement officers from across the state gather at the University of Florida in advance of a Thursday event by white nationalist Richard Spencer, USA Today reports.

“The governor’s executive order places the state agency usually responsible for hurricanes at the front of the effort to preserve order during the event. It also places the Florida National Guard on standby.”


This is what conservatives consider nationalism
it's called safety for american citizens. smart. can't have the libs doing all their hate shit without consequences don't you know.

These are your people. The alt-right. You can't pin this on liberals. Spenser is a Trump supporter.
and he is allowed to speak no? what's your issue then?

I don't believe he should have been allowed to speak at the University of Florida. They should have the right to say no. The police are there to prevent the alt-right from causing any violence as they did in Charlottesville.
well then they must say no to everyone. why do you think you get to decide?

BTW, they said yes, and the governor again is doing what he feels is safe for his citizens. my hat off to him. Protect Spenser's right.
Not as much "Congress" as "The Senate". Congressmen are generally OK, The Senators are the worst part of this country right now.

Because a few Senators make their decisions on what is best for this country rather than follow the party line. We need more independent Senators.

While I agree we need more Independent Senators, I don't think it's for the same reasons you do.

You don't really want independent Senators. You want someone who slavishly does what you want. I want someone who will look at legislation based on what is better for this country rather than what is best for the party. If the Republicans came up with a healthcare bill that banned baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie, nearly every Republican would have voted for it.
Indeed, the GOP has become the party of trump lapdogs not patriots.

Patriotism in the GOP has been reduced to just a few lone voices.


There are still a few voices in the GOP that follow the principles of Ronald Reagan not Donald Trump.
ronald reagan sucked greasy prison balls
Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.

George Will might be an expert on baseball cards, but not American history! Plus he is a fake, phony, fraud douchebag who hates The Donald for some reason and mumbles! I don't like mumblers! Nationalism is exactly what EVERY fucking country in history was founded on.

Nationalism indeed. Recall Washington's parting warnings regarding "foreign entanglements".

At the time the United States could stay free of foreign entanglements. The idea of a Pearl Harbor or 9/11 happening was impossible. I would remind you of Jefferson's war against the Barbary pirates. Technology has made Washington's desire impossible.

Not the point. The country was founded in nationalism, not globalism.

No, no it wasn't. It was based on a haven free from oppression. Quit confusing patriotism with nationalism.

I am not the confused party here. Patriotism is the expression of nationalism.

And yes, it was.
George Will might be an expert on baseball cards, but not American history! Plus he is a fake, phony, fraud douchebag who hates The Donald for some reason and mumbles! I don't like mumblers! Nationalism is exactly what EVERY fucking country in history was founded on.

Nationalism indeed. Recall Washington's parting warnings regarding "foreign entanglements".

At the time the United States could stay free of foreign entanglements. The idea of a Pearl Harbor or 9/11 happening was impossible. I would remind you of Jefferson's war against the Barbary pirates. Technology has made Washington's desire impossible.

Not the point. The country was founded in nationalism, not globalism.

No, no it wasn't. It was based on a haven free from oppression. Quit confusing patriotism with nationalism.

I am not the confused party here. Patriotism is the expression of nationalism.

And yes, it was.

No, it is not. When the United States was formed did they pick only to allow immigrants from a particular race? Religion? Language? Ancestry?

I'll save you the time, no they did exactly the opposite.
Nationalism indeed. Recall Washington's parting warnings regarding "foreign entanglements".

At the time the United States could stay free of foreign entanglements. The idea of a Pearl Harbor or 9/11 happening was impossible. I would remind you of Jefferson's war against the Barbary pirates. Technology has made Washington's desire impossible.

Not the point. The country was founded in nationalism, not globalism.

No, no it wasn't. It was based on a haven free from oppression. Quit confusing patriotism with nationalism.

I am not the confused party here. Patriotism is the expression of nationalism.

And yes, it was.

No, it is not. When the United States was formed did they pick only to allow immigrants from a particular race? Religion? Language? Ancestry?

I'll save you the time, no they did exactly the opposite.

Were there laws on the books at that time to prevent immigrants from entering?

are there now?

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