'Songbird' John McTumor: Nationalism is Unpatriotic

Why doesn't McCain give some suggestions on how to lower the debt from its current $20+ trillion rather than going off on some ideological speech on a Soapbox?

I can see now why Trump said that Rand Paul doesn't like McCain. Here is a guy who gets congratulations from Obama and has his behind crushed by the same Obama, heralding in the biggest socialist movement in American history. After all of this and many incredible challenges facing Americans his concern is Nationalism?

Look, all due respect to someone fighting for their country and I always stood up for McCain as a hero. However, the youth of today, the unemployed and downtrodden today care not one iota about what he did 40+ years ago. These Americans are fighting for their survival and maybe a chance that their children can pursue the American Dream, the last thing they need is someone who has milked every last drop of goodwill and capital from his experience as a POW to wag a finger. It has zero value. He's clearly approving of the status quo, making because he has done well because of it.

One final note, anyone notice how some have all of a sudden become very outspoken and unhappy once Trump closed the door on healthcare subsidies? There are some big donors getting their fingers slammed in the door it seems.

Having compassion for people who are struggling is not a weakness. Your talk about socialism is telling those people to drop dead. Bigotry disguised as nationalism is something that we should be concerned about.

The fact is that Trump supporters are lying to Americans. Blaming foreigners for our problems and stirring up hate to make up for those lies. McCain wants to fix Obamacare like a majority of Americans want. The fact that you do not like that his views does not mean he is for the status quo.

This discussion is about Nationalism. You are either a sovereign, patriotic nation that shares the same values or you aren't. Too many on the left confuse nationalism, with anti-immigrant. It's an extremely false and dangerous narrative to position it like this.

Blaming foreigners isn't the objective, it is the objective to win against foreign governments though. It's a global competition. Are you saying that someone from Mexico who becomes an American citizen cannot be patriotic? How about a Cuban? Or a Muslim from the Middle East? Is he/she not allowed to wrap themselves in the American flag and proclaim their nationalism for America? Are Asian, Black, Middle Eastern, Indian citizens in America not allowed to be patriotic and support American Nationalism? Of course they are and they do. I've seen in your own country, in "Little Puerto Rico" in New York and elsewhere.

I find it disturbing too, that a member of the U.S government is suggesting that nationalism is a problem. You sure as hell BETTER BE a nationalist if you are in the U.S government. If McCain or anyone else is working for a foreign government their colleagues might want to contact the FBI or CIA and they can clear that issue up right quick. Treason is FAR worse than Nationalism.

China is Nationalist, so is Japan, Saudi Arabia, the Ukraine, Israel, Kenya, Sweden and a hundred countries in between. When the Olympics are run every four years, who do you root for to be successful? America or some other country?

There is nothing wrong with Nationalism. Yes, America needs to have a global presence and they do, but they don't have to be some "globalist", spending American tax dollars on global socialists/communists and boondoggles. Money spent has to be for a specific NATIONALISTIC purpose. Not to allow foreign governments to "catch up" to America.

Finally, McCain was probably the first person to demand pride and patriotism when America was attacked on 9/11. He probably demands the highest respect and regard for American soldiers who fight and die for American, for your freedom. How or why would anyone care if America is just a flop house of people who care little about the nation of America?

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!

What you want to do is turn this into something akin to Nazi Germany where no dissent is allowed. There are 3 options. One is extreme left and the other is extreme right.. The other is someone who wants to find a 3rd way. A globalist is some boogey man the far right has dreamed up to push their destructive policies.

Just because McCain disagrees with you does not mean he does not care. I found his vote on healthcare to be refreshing aside from the Republican zombies who play politics with people's healthcare.

Trump is not God's Blessing. He is a curse.
...and then things changed, as it should have, and the South disagreed with it. You don't even want me to school you on what happened with slavery after the Civil War. :)
keyword THEN
You always get your ass kicked. Doesnt that get tiring? Especially after your tireless bragging about being college educated?

Did slavery end with the Proclamation Emancipation? This should be fun... coming from you. :)
No, neither one did

So go ahead... tell me genius, how long after the civil war did it take for Blacks in the South to get treated like citizens of the United States following the Civil War.

Not long at all, until the emergence of the Klan and Jim Crow laws came about.

They were prospering quite well for a number of years after the Civil War. I'm sure you don't have any clue about that, though.

Blacks were prospering after the Civil War? Nope. After the Civil War no one would hire Blacks. Then the law in the South would use vagrancy laws in order to jail them. They then levied heavy fines they knew they couldn't pay. They would then be sold by the law to land owners that would pay the initial fine, and have the Blacks sign a contract saying they would be free once they worked off the debt. Problem was, they would never be allowed to actually work off the debt. The land owners would charge them for their housing and food, so no money would get worked off their debt... and the law enforcement wouldn't do anything about it. Even of the Blacks tried to leave, the law enforcement would simply arrest them again, and take them back to the slave owner.

It was nothing more than slavery by another name.
As usual you and Breitbart are just full of crap. McCain did not way that nationalism was unpatriotic, he said this fake bull shit version of it that Trump and those with their noses up his butt are trying to sell, is unpatriotic. And he is right.
he has a history of being unpatriotic and voting against our interests.
Congress is full of fuckers like that. And all our presidents have been that way for the last 4 or 5 decades.
Acting like its something new makes you look stupid.

No one is allowed to disagree with you. Why don't you run. McCain has no history of voting against our interests. It was Republicans who voted against the interest of approximately 25 million people who would have lost their insurance.
So go ahead... tell me genius, how long after the civil war did it take for Blacks in the South to get treated like citizens of the United States following the Civil War.
What does that matter? Why are you bringing up a different subject to lose at?

So you have no clue. Got it. Thanks for playing!

What does it matter? Because it shows that the South didn't give a shit about the Constitution either, even after the Civil War.
Of course i have a clue. I beat you down main street 19 times without losing a breath talking about history.
It is irrelevant. You completely change the subject because you made an ignorant comment and got called out on it.
You need to learn when to stop.

Are you related to Trump? You toot your own horn for imaginary things that never happened.
You implied the constitution forbid slaves getting enslaved raped and other shit. Which is incorrect.
There you go lying AGAIN :eusa_naughty:

The problem wasn't with the Constitution... that's the point you don't get. It has to do with the horrible idea that Blacks were not the same as the other people, and thus didn't deserve the rights granted to citizens in the Constitution. It was sad that as a country we had to have items put into the Constitution like the 13th Amendment.
As usual you and Breitbart are just full of crap. McCain did not way that nationalism was unpatriotic, he said this fake bull shit version of it that Trump and those with their noses up his butt are trying to sell, is unpatriotic. And he is right.
he has a history of being unpatriotic and voting against our interests.
Congress is full of fuckers like that. And all our presidents have been that way for the last 4 or 5 decades.
Acting like its something new makes you look stupid.

Not as much "Congress" as "The Senate". Congressmen are generally OK, The Senators are the worst part of this country right now.

Because a few Senators make their decisions on what is best for this country rather than follow the party line. We need more independent Senators.
As usual you and Breitbart are just full of crap. McCain did not way that nationalism was unpatriotic, he said this fake bull shit version of it that Trump and those with their noses up his butt are trying to sell, is unpatriotic. And he is right.
he has a history of being unpatriotic and voting against our interests.
Congress is full of fuckers like that. And all our presidents have been that way for the last 4 or 5 decades.
Acting like its something new makes you look stupid.

No one is allowed to disagree with you. Why don't you run. McCain has no history of voting against our interests. It was Republicans who voted against the interest of approximately 25 million people who would have lost their insurance.
Of course they are. Especially when i am wrong.
McCain is a globalist and has voted MANY times with America in the back of his mind.
NOf course they do but there is no need to hack the discussion up with partisan bullshit. BTW, speaking of partisan bullshit, 25M wouldnt lose their insurance but a lot fo people would choose to get RID of insurance. Partisan goobers never read past the headline.....
BTW McCain IS a republican, ya frikkin goober.
You literally couldn't be more wrong in your life.

Nationalism is the reason why America was founded.

I am? You think the Founding Fathers created the country we have today for Nationalism? They came here to get away from oppression and to start a haven for freedom. Just curious have you been to Ellis Island?
Do you any clue what "nationalism" is?

You said I was wrong and then made a statement that EVERY country was founded on Nationalism. I asked you to explain your reasoning. Go ahead. :)
You cannot create a nation-state without nationalism.

Do you think globalism creates nations?

Oh lord have mercy... I didn't mention Globalism, and the United States wasn't founded on Globalism, nor Nationalism. It was created as a group of FREE states that were a haven for the oppressed.

You don't think the founders were devoted to the United States of America?
That is what Nationalism is.
The very ones who created our Nationalism, of our flag, anthem, language and myths and symbols.
This is what Nationalism is and what binds us.
What does that matter? Why are you bringing up a different subject to lose at?

So you have no clue. Got it. Thanks for playing!

What does it matter? Because it shows that the South didn't give a shit about the Constitution either, even after the Civil War.
Of course i have a clue. I beat you down main street 19 times without losing a breath talking about history.
It is irrelevant. You completely change the subject because you made an ignorant comment and got called out on it.
You need to learn when to stop.

Are you related to Trump? You toot your own horn for imaginary things that never happened.
You implied the constitution forbid slaves getting enslaved raped and other shit. Which is incorrect.
There you go lying AGAIN :eusa_naughty:

The problem wasn't with the Constitution... that's the point you don't get. It has to do with the horrible idea that Blacks were not the same as the other people, and thus didn't deserve the rights granted to citizens in the Constitution. It was sad that as a country we had to have items put into the Constitution like the 13th Amendment.
Pretty much everyone had to do that.
I never understand why dumb people always act like we are the one and only.
American exceptionalism is in your heads.
As usual you and Breitbart are just full of crap. McCain did not way that nationalism was unpatriotic, he said this fake bull shit version of it that Trump and those with their noses up his butt are trying to sell, is unpatriotic. And he is right.
he has a history of being unpatriotic and voting against our interests.
Congress is full of fuckers like that. And all our presidents have been that way for the last 4 or 5 decades.
Acting like its something new makes you look stupid.

Not as much "Congress" as "The Senate". Congressmen are generally OK, The Senators are the worst part of this country right now.

Because a few Senators make their decisions on what is best for this country rather than follow the party line. We need more independent Senators.

While I agree we need more Independent Senators, I don't think it's for the same reasons you do.
I am? You think the Founding Fathers created the country we have today for Nationalism? They came here to get away from oppression and to start a haven for freedom. Just curious have you been to Ellis Island?
Do you any clue what "nationalism" is?

You said I was wrong and then made a statement that EVERY country was founded on Nationalism. I asked you to explain your reasoning. Go ahead. :)
You cannot create a nation-state without nationalism.

Do you think globalism creates nations?

Oh lord have mercy... I didn't mention Globalism, and the United States wasn't founded on Globalism, nor Nationalism. It was created as a group of FREE states that were a haven for the oppressed.

You don't think the founders were devoted to the United States of America?
That is what Nationalism is.
The very ones who created our Nationalism, of our flag, anthem, language and myths and symbols.
This is what Nationalism is and what binds us.

No, the Founders didn't stop immigrants from all places coming to the U.S.... that is the opposite of what Nationalism is.
Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.
You literally couldn't be more wrong in your life.

Nationalism is the reason why America was founded.

You are wrong. The reason why this country was founded was based on religious intolerance in England and freedom.
As usual you and Breitbart are just full of crap. McCain did not way that nationalism was unpatriotic, he said this fake bull shit version of it that Trump and those with their noses up his butt are trying to sell, is unpatriotic. And he is right.
he has a history of being unpatriotic and voting against our interests.
Congress is full of fuckers like that. And all our presidents have been that way for the last 4 or 5 decades.
Acting like its something new makes you look stupid.

Not as much "Congress" as "The Senate". Congressmen are generally OK, The Senators are the worst part of this country right now.

Because a few Senators make their decisions on what is best for this country rather than follow the party line. We need more independent Senators.

While I agree we need more Independent Senators, I don't think it's for the same reasons you do.
FUCK the duopoly!
So you have no clue. Got it. Thanks for playing!

What does it matter? Because it shows that the South didn't give a shit about the Constitution either, even after the Civil War.
Of course i have a clue. I beat you down main street 19 times without losing a breath talking about history.
It is irrelevant. You completely change the subject because you made an ignorant comment and got called out on it.
You need to learn when to stop.

Are you related to Trump? You toot your own horn for imaginary things that never happened.
You implied the constitution forbid slaves getting enslaved raped and other shit. Which is incorrect.
There you go lying AGAIN :eusa_naughty:

The problem wasn't with the Constitution... that's the point you don't get. It has to do with the horrible idea that Blacks were not the same as the other people, and thus didn't deserve the rights granted to citizens in the Constitution. It was sad that as a country we had to have items put into the Constitution like the 13th Amendment.
Pretty much everyone had to do that.
I never understand why dumb people always act like we are the one and only.
American exceptionalism is in your heads.

Except for the North didn't need the laws in place, for them to stop slavery and quit treating Blacks like animals. Those laws weren't put into place until AFTER the Civil War in order to keep the South in step. And for good reason, the South simply found a way of indentured servitude to replace slavery... and then the Federal government once again had to add new laws.
John McCain just delivered a total and complete takedown of Trumpism

"To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain 'the last best hope of earth' for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history."

"Half-baked." "Spurious nationalism." "Tired dogma."

Those would be harsh words coming from any politician about the president of the United States. They are remarkable when you consider that McCain and President Trump are, ostensibly, part of the same Republican party.

"We live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil. We are the custodians of those ideals at home, and their champion abroad. We have done great good in the world. That leadership has had its costs, but we have become incomparably powerful and wealthy as we did. We have a moral obligation to continue in our just cause, and we would bring more than shame on ourselves if we don't. We will not thrive in a world where our leadership and ideals are absent. We wouldn't deserve to."

John McCain just delivered a total and complete takedown - CNNPolitics

Where will you conservatives go to get back your lost honor?

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