Songs that bring you back to a different/better place and time

My dad LOVES Johnny Cash. All caps because that's how much he loved Johnny. He'd pick up the broom and pretend he was playing the guitar, and roared along for "MY NAME IS SUE! HOW DO YOU DO!!?"

Fleetwood Mac's "Hold me" is a song like that. I first heard it when I was dating my high school girlfriend, and I really liked the song.

Then, I shipped off to boot camp, and my reality changed forever. But, while I was in boot camp, a really cool thing happened. During Work Week, I was assigned to the galley for cleanup and dish duty. And, every afternoon, it seemed like it always happened just as I had time to stop for a break, that song would come on, and I wouldn't be homesick or wondering what I'd just done to myself. I was able to lose myself in the song for a bit, and then the rest of my day was just a bit brighter from having listened to the song. Yeah, it's one of my main comfort songs.

Good memory; my parents showing us how it's done (not in this video, lol.)

Hey, Witchit, at least I gave you a good song and told you the reason it was my comfort song. I was the strangest thing, because I never took breaks at the same time, so it wasn't like it was programmed to play a certain time each day, but somehow, whenever I got a chance to take a break, it would come on. It was almost like it was a Higher Power looking out for me and telling me to take it easy on myself.

That song actually helped me get through boot camp.
Hey, Witchit, at least I gave you a good song and told you the reason it was my comfort song. I was the strangest thing, because I never took breaks at the same time, so it wasn't like it was programmed to play a certain time each day, but somehow, whenever I got a chance to take a break, it would come on. It was almost like it was a Higher Power looking out for me and telling me to take it easy on myself.

That song actually helped me get through boot camp.

That's why I marked it a winner.

Know what got me through boot camp? Knowing if I failed, I'd be going through boot camp again.

Favorite song from boot camp.

I slow-danced it with my drill sergeant, roflololol!!
Hey, Witchit, at least I gave you a good song and told you the reason it was my comfort song. I was the strangest thing, because I never took breaks at the same time, so it wasn't like it was programmed to play a certain time each day, but somehow, whenever I got a chance to take a break, it would come on. It was almost like it was a Higher Power looking out for me and telling me to take it easy on myself.

That song actually helped me get through boot camp.

You ever have that thing happen when a song is playing in your head a matter of minutes BEFORE you hear it on the radio?

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