Soros, Gates, and Koch Brothers


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Instead of three different threads, I'll put these three in one: :eusa_whistle:

Soros Wants Everyone on a Pot High

This Washington Times article puts the whole Soros/Koch Brother argument into perspective.

George Soros’ real crusade: Legalizing marijuana in the U.S.

By Kelly Riddell, The Washington Times, Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Billionaire philanthropist George Soros hopes the U.S. goes to pot, and he is using his money to drive it there.

With a cadre of like-minded, wealthy donors, Mr. Soros is dominating the pro-legalization side of the marijuana debate by funding grass-roots initiatives that begin in New York City and end up affecting local politics elsewhere.

Read more: Billionaire George Soros turns cash into legalized marijuana - Washington Times :eusa_whistle:
Teach Common Sense not Common Core


“Common Core will be raising good little socialists, who are in tune with their feelings, not so much their critical thinking skills.” - Author unknown

I probably wasn't paying attention. We hear over and over about left-wing George Soros and his efforts to destabilize nations and socialize the USA. But, did we turn our eyes away from another, very rich, left-wing radical?

The author of this piece raises the following question:

Why are we then sending our kids to college, borrowing the money we don’t have, knowing that the kids won’t be able to pay it back when they can’t find a job because the jobs don’t exist, the economy is in shambles? Why are we allowing these degenerate college professors many of whom hate America and what it stands for to destroy the minds of our children and reshape them in the vision of their professors’ ideology?

At 76 billion net worth, he makes the Koch Brothers look like pikers. Another leftist Harvard Grad who created a technology empire and wants the rest of us to lack the same chances he had to amass his wealth. :mad:

Red more @ Teach Common Sense not Common Core
Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor
The global poor have to stay that way for the global warmists to make a mint.
December 4, 2015
Matthew Vadum


Extremely wealthy radical left-wingers like George Soros are busy at the Paris enviro-summit right now plotting to fatten their already bulging wallets by keeping billions of people worldwide powerless, sick, and poor.

Soros and his fellow investors on the "clean energy" bandwagon want to cut carbon dioxide emissions down to zero, a move that will necessarily condemn hundreds of millions of people in developing countries to prolonged misery and death. They want a draconian, government-led crackdown on carbon dioxide emissions which some scientists theorize will have an impact on global temperatures. They want massive taxpayer subsidies for marginal energy sources such as solar and wind power, which cannot compete in the marketplace. They claim they want to bring electricity to the world's poor but only without generating extra carbon emissions, which of course, is impossible. Carbon and economic progress go hand in hand. Life itself is impossible without carbon.

Soros and other members of the climate-industrial complex enjoy condescending to Third World inhabitants, explaining to them why they can't have cars, air conditioning, and the agricultural technology those in wealthy countries possess because it would generate carbon, the harmless gas we all expel from our lungs. They can't have these things we take for granted because all that carbon isn't good for the planet, they allege.

There are about 7 billion people on the planet and more than a billion of them lack access to electricity. Around "3 billion people cook and heat their homes using open fires and simple stoves burning biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal," according to the World Health Organization. "Most are poor, and live in low- and middle-income countries."

The report continues:

Such inefficient cooking fuels and technologies produce high levels of household air pollution with a range of health-damaging pollutants, including small soot particles that penetrate deep into the lungs. In poorly ventilated dwellings, indoor smoke can be 100 times higher than acceptable levels for small particles. Exposure is particularly high among women and young children, who spend the most time near the domestic hearth.

Cooking with solid fuels pollutes household air and kills 4.3 million people annually. Those deaths are attributed to: stroke (34 percent); ischaemic heart disease (26 percent); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (22 percent); pneumonia (12 percent); and lung cancer (6 percent).

Cooking with electricity would end household air pollution but carbon would have to be emitted to bring electricity to the world's poor. And that can't be allowed because it violates the tenets of the Left's manmade global warming faith -- so the poor will have to continue getting by without electricity.

Which is fine by Soros and his fellow investors in the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, an assortment of crony capitalists, billionaire left-wingers, open-borders advocates, and Obama lackeys and bundlers, put together by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Gates is at the United Nations-sponsored COP21 conference, which stands for the 21st annual meeting of the Conference of Parties. COP21's official goal is to pursue "a new international agreement on climate change, applicable to all, to keep global warming below" 2 degrees Celsius. The summit started Nov. 30 in France's capital and runs through Dec. 11. Also reportedly in attendance are leaders of 150 nations and 40,000 delegates from 195 countries, but they are largely taking orders from the leftist billionaires.

The summit got underway after the reported death at age 86 of Canadian-born energy tycoon and climate alarmist Maurice Strong. Strong is considered by some to be the father of the global warming movement. Curiously, news reports do not indicate a cause or place of death nor does the press release from the Nairobi-based U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) he founded that first announced his passing. Strong, who described himself as "a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology," fled to Communist China years ago after he was implicated in the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food scandal and likely died there.


The summit in France comes as Congress gives an emphatic thumbs-down to President Obama’s move to implement harmful Environmental Protection Agency regulations that will drastically increase the price of energy for millions of Americans.

“The EPA carbon rule amounts to a massive tax increase on those who can least afford it," said Freedom Partners Senior Policy Advisor Andy Koenig.

"How can the Obama administration ask families to pay more for electricity and heat when even they admit these regulations will have virtually no impact on the climate?"

That's an excellent question.

Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor
Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor
The global poor have to stay that way for the global warmists to make a mint.
December 4, 2015
Matthew Vadum


Extremely wealthy radical left-wingers like George Soros are busy at the Paris enviro-summit right now plotting to fatten their already bulging wallets by keeping billions of people worldwide powerless, sick, and poor.

Soros and his fellow investors on the "clean energy" bandwagon want to cut carbon dioxide emissions down to zero, a move that will necessarily condemn hundreds of millions of people in developing countries to prolonged misery and death. They want a draconian, government-led crackdown on carbon dioxide emissions which some scientists theorize will have an impact on global temperatures. They want massive taxpayer subsidies for marginal energy sources such as solar and wind power, which cannot compete in the marketplace. They claim they want to bring electricity to the world's poor but only without generating extra carbon emissions, which of course, is impossible. Carbon and economic progress go hand in hand. Life itself is impossible without carbon.

Soros and other members of the climate-industrial complex enjoy condescending to Third World inhabitants, explaining to them why they can't have cars, air conditioning, and the agricultural technology those in wealthy countries possess because it would generate carbon, the harmless gas we all expel from our lungs. They can't have these things we take for granted because all that carbon isn't good for the planet, they allege.

There are about 7 billion people on the planet and more than a billion of them lack access to electricity. Around "3 billion people cook and heat their homes using open fires and simple stoves burning biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal," according to the World Health Organization. "Most are poor, and live in low- and middle-income countries."

The report continues:

Such inefficient cooking fuels and technologies produce high levels of household air pollution with a range of health-damaging pollutants, including small soot particles that penetrate deep into the lungs. In poorly ventilated dwellings, indoor smoke can be 100 times higher than acceptable levels for small particles. Exposure is particularly high among women and young children, who spend the most time near the domestic hearth.

Cooking with solid fuels pollutes household air and kills 4.3 million people annually. Those deaths are attributed to: stroke (34 percent); ischaemic heart disease (26 percent); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (22 percent); pneumonia (12 percent); and lung cancer (6 percent).

Cooking with electricity would end household air pollution but carbon would have to be emitted to bring electricity to the world's poor. And that can't be allowed because it violates the tenets of the Left's manmade global warming faith -- so the poor will have to continue getting by without electricity.

Which is fine by Soros and his fellow investors in the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, an assortment of crony capitalists, billionaire left-wingers, open-borders advocates, and Obama lackeys and bundlers, put together by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Gates is at the United Nations-sponsored COP21 conference, which stands for the 21st annual meeting of the Conference of Parties. COP21's official goal is to pursue "a new international agreement on climate change, applicable to all, to keep global warming below" 2 degrees Celsius. The summit started Nov. 30 in France's capital and runs through Dec. 11. Also reportedly in attendance are leaders of 150 nations and 40,000 delegates from 195 countries, but they are largely taking orders from the leftist billionaires.

The summit got underway after the reported death at age 86 of Canadian-born energy tycoon and climate alarmist Maurice Strong. Strong is considered by some to be the father of the global warming movement. Curiously, news reports do not indicate a cause or place of death nor does the press release from the Nairobi-based U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) he founded that first announced his passing. Strong, who described himself as "a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology," fled to Communist China years ago after he was implicated in the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food scandal and likely died there.


The summit in France comes as Congress gives an emphatic thumbs-down to President Obama’s move to implement harmful Environmental Protection Agency regulations that will drastically increase the price of energy for millions of Americans.

“The EPA carbon rule amounts to a massive tax increase on those who can least afford it," said Freedom Partners Senior Policy Advisor Andy Koenig.

"How can the Obama administration ask families to pay more for electricity and heat when even they admit these regulations will have virtually no impact on the climate?"

That's an excellent question.

Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor

Hate to break it to you. You already lost this one. Now let's hear you tell us where the extreme upage of Methane is coming from which is more dangerous than all the others put together? It's coming from the northern tudra. It's sprewing millions of gallons a month. I accept that. Now, will you accept that it's because the tundra is thawing out and releasing the Methane? Now, keep going. What is causing the thawing?
Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor
The global poor have to stay that way for the global warmists to make a mint.
December 4, 2015
Matthew Vadum


Extremely wealthy radical left-wingers like George Soros are busy at the Paris enviro-summit right now plotting to fatten their already bulging wallets by keeping billions of people worldwide powerless, sick, and poor.

Soros and his fellow investors on the "clean energy" bandwagon want to cut carbon dioxide emissions down to zero, a move that will necessarily condemn hundreds of millions of people in developing countries to prolonged misery and death. They want a draconian, government-led crackdown on carbon dioxide emissions which some scientists theorize will have an impact on global temperatures. They want massive taxpayer subsidies for marginal energy sources such as solar and wind power, which cannot compete in the marketplace. They claim they want to bring electricity to the world's poor but only without generating extra carbon emissions, which of course, is impossible. Carbon and economic progress go hand in hand. Life itself is impossible without carbon.

Soros and other members of the climate-industrial complex enjoy condescending to Third World inhabitants, explaining to them why they can't have cars, air conditioning, and the agricultural technology those in wealthy countries possess because it would generate carbon, the harmless gas we all expel from our lungs. They can't have these things we take for granted because all that carbon isn't good for the planet, they allege.

There are about 7 billion people on the planet and more than a billion of them lack access to electricity. Around "3 billion people cook and heat their homes using open fires and simple stoves burning biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal," according to the World Health Organization. "Most are poor, and live in low- and middle-income countries."

The report continues:

Such inefficient cooking fuels and technologies produce high levels of household air pollution with a range of health-damaging pollutants, including small soot particles that penetrate deep into the lungs. In poorly ventilated dwellings, indoor smoke can be 100 times higher than acceptable levels for small particles. Exposure is particularly high among women and young children, who spend the most time near the domestic hearth.

Cooking with solid fuels pollutes household air and kills 4.3 million people annually. Those deaths are attributed to: stroke (34 percent); ischaemic heart disease (26 percent); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (22 percent); pneumonia (12 percent); and lung cancer (6 percent).

Cooking with electricity would end household air pollution but carbon would have to be emitted to bring electricity to the world's poor. And that can't be allowed because it violates the tenets of the Left's manmade global warming faith -- so the poor will have to continue getting by without electricity.

Which is fine by Soros and his fellow investors in the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, an assortment of crony capitalists, billionaire left-wingers, open-borders advocates, and Obama lackeys and bundlers, put together by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Gates is at the United Nations-sponsored COP21 conference, which stands for the 21st annual meeting of the Conference of Parties. COP21's official goal is to pursue "a new international agreement on climate change, applicable to all, to keep global warming below" 2 degrees Celsius. The summit started Nov. 30 in France's capital and runs through Dec. 11. Also reportedly in attendance are leaders of 150 nations and 40,000 delegates from 195 countries, but they are largely taking orders from the leftist billionaires.

The summit got underway after the reported death at age 86 of Canadian-born energy tycoon and climate alarmist Maurice Strong. Strong is considered by some to be the father of the global warming movement. Curiously, news reports do not indicate a cause or place of death nor does the press release from the Nairobi-based U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) he founded that first announced his passing. Strong, who described himself as "a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology," fled to Communist China years ago after he was implicated in the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food scandal and likely died there.


The summit in France comes as Congress gives an emphatic thumbs-down to President Obama’s move to implement harmful Environmental Protection Agency regulations that will drastically increase the price of energy for millions of Americans.

“The EPA carbon rule amounts to a massive tax increase on those who can least afford it," said Freedom Partners Senior Policy Advisor Andy Koenig.

"How can the Obama administration ask families to pay more for electricity and heat when even they admit these regulations will have virtually no impact on the climate?"

That's an excellent question.

Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor

Hate to break it to you. You already lost this one. Now let's hear you tell us where the extreme upage of Methane is coming from which is more dangerous than all the others put together? It's coming from the northern tudra. It's sprewing millions of gallons a month. I accept that. Now, will you accept that it's because the tundra is thawing out and releasing the Methane? Now, keep going. What is causing the thawing?

Scientist Confesses: "Global Warming a $22 Billion Scam"

Read more: The Cold Truth Initiative
Important: Can you afford to Retire?

Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor
The global poor have to stay that way for the global warmists to make a mint.
December 4, 2015
Matthew Vadum


Extremely wealthy radical left-wingers like George Soros are busy at the Paris enviro-summit right now plotting to fatten their already bulging wallets by keeping billions of people worldwide powerless, sick, and poor.

Soros and his fellow investors on the "clean energy" bandwagon want to cut carbon dioxide emissions down to zero, a move that will necessarily condemn hundreds of millions of people in developing countries to prolonged misery and death. They want a draconian, government-led crackdown on carbon dioxide emissions which some scientists theorize will have an impact on global temperatures. They want massive taxpayer subsidies for marginal energy sources such as solar and wind power, which cannot compete in the marketplace. They claim they want to bring electricity to the world's poor but only without generating extra carbon emissions, which of course, is impossible. Carbon and economic progress go hand in hand. Life itself is impossible without carbon.

Soros and other members of the climate-industrial complex enjoy condescending to Third World inhabitants, explaining to them why they can't have cars, air conditioning, and the agricultural technology those in wealthy countries possess because it would generate carbon, the harmless gas we all expel from our lungs. They can't have these things we take for granted because all that carbon isn't good for the planet, they allege.

There are about 7 billion people on the planet and more than a billion of them lack access to electricity. Around "3 billion people cook and heat their homes using open fires and simple stoves burning biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal," according to the World Health Organization. "Most are poor, and live in low- and middle-income countries."

The report continues:

Such inefficient cooking fuels and technologies produce high levels of household air pollution with a range of health-damaging pollutants, including small soot particles that penetrate deep into the lungs. In poorly ventilated dwellings, indoor smoke can be 100 times higher than acceptable levels for small particles. Exposure is particularly high among women and young children, who spend the most time near the domestic hearth.

Cooking with solid fuels pollutes household air and kills 4.3 million people annually. Those deaths are attributed to: stroke (34 percent); ischaemic heart disease (26 percent); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (22 percent); pneumonia (12 percent); and lung cancer (6 percent).

Cooking with electricity would end household air pollution but carbon would have to be emitted to bring electricity to the world's poor. And that can't be allowed because it violates the tenets of the Left's manmade global warming faith -- so the poor will have to continue getting by without electricity.

Which is fine by Soros and his fellow investors in the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, an assortment of crony capitalists, billionaire left-wingers, open-borders advocates, and Obama lackeys and bundlers, put together by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Gates is at the United Nations-sponsored COP21 conference, which stands for the 21st annual meeting of the Conference of Parties. COP21's official goal is to pursue "a new international agreement on climate change, applicable to all, to keep global warming below" 2 degrees Celsius. The summit started Nov. 30 in France's capital and runs through Dec. 11. Also reportedly in attendance are leaders of 150 nations and 40,000 delegates from 195 countries, but they are largely taking orders from the leftist billionaires.

The summit got underway after the reported death at age 86 of Canadian-born energy tycoon and climate alarmist Maurice Strong. Strong is considered by some to be the father of the global warming movement. Curiously, news reports do not indicate a cause or place of death nor does the press release from the Nairobi-based U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) he founded that first announced his passing. Strong, who described himself as "a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology," fled to Communist China years ago after he was implicated in the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food scandal and likely died there.


The summit in France comes as Congress gives an emphatic thumbs-down to President Obama’s move to implement harmful Environmental Protection Agency regulations that will drastically increase the price of energy for millions of Americans.

“The EPA carbon rule amounts to a massive tax increase on those who can least afford it," said Freedom Partners Senior Policy Advisor Andy Koenig.

"How can the Obama administration ask families to pay more for electricity and heat when even they admit these regulations will have virtually no impact on the climate?"

That's an excellent question.

Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor

Hate to break it to you. You already lost this one. Now let's hear you tell us where the extreme upage of Methane is coming from which is more dangerous than all the others put together? It's coming from the northern tudra. It's sprewing millions of gallons a month. I accept that. Now, will you accept that it's because the tundra is thawing out and releasing the Methane? Now, keep going. What is causing the thawing?

Scientist Confesses: "Global Warming a $22 Billion Scam"

Read more: The Cold Truth Initiative
Important: Can you afford to Retire?


You already blew it. Your cite definately shows that the icecap, overall, is smaller now than before. Your Cite takes one small area that was liquid and changed to ice. It also shows that the overall size has shrunken. And at an alarming rate. What it doesn't show is the thawing of the tundra that is even more dangerous than anything else to the air since it's releasing an alarming amount of Methane Gas that is trapped in the tundra. And what is causing this thawing? You guess it, warming climates.

Then your cite goes into saying that the other side is claiming fast warmer climates. Some did but they have gone silent. It's not quick, it's gradual.

You already lost this one big time. Now move on.
Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor
The global poor have to stay that way for the global warmists to make a mint.
December 4, 2015
Matthew Vadum


Extremely wealthy radical left-wingers like George Soros are busy at the Paris enviro-summit right now plotting to fatten their already bulging wallets by keeping billions of people worldwide powerless, sick, and poor.

Soros and his fellow investors on the "clean energy" bandwagon want to cut carbon dioxide emissions down to zero, a move that will necessarily condemn hundreds of millions of people in developing countries to prolonged misery and death. They want a draconian, government-led crackdown on carbon dioxide emissions which some scientists theorize will have an impact on global temperatures. They want massive taxpayer subsidies for marginal energy sources such as solar and wind power, which cannot compete in the marketplace. They claim they want to bring electricity to the world's poor but only without generating extra carbon emissions, which of course, is impossible. Carbon and economic progress go hand in hand. Life itself is impossible without carbon.

Soros and other members of the climate-industrial complex enjoy condescending to Third World inhabitants, explaining to them why they can't have cars, air conditioning, and the agricultural technology those in wealthy countries possess because it would generate carbon, the harmless gas we all expel from our lungs. They can't have these things we take for granted because all that carbon isn't good for the planet, they allege.

There are about 7 billion people on the planet and more than a billion of them lack access to electricity. Around "3 billion people cook and heat their homes using open fires and simple stoves burning biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal," according to the World Health Organization. "Most are poor, and live in low- and middle-income countries."

The report continues:

Such inefficient cooking fuels and technologies produce high levels of household air pollution with a range of health-damaging pollutants, including small soot particles that penetrate deep into the lungs. In poorly ventilated dwellings, indoor smoke can be 100 times higher than acceptable levels for small particles. Exposure is particularly high among women and young children, who spend the most time near the domestic hearth.

Cooking with solid fuels pollutes household air and kills 4.3 million people annually. Those deaths are attributed to: stroke (34 percent); ischaemic heart disease (26 percent); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (22 percent); pneumonia (12 percent); and lung cancer (6 percent).

Cooking with electricity would end household air pollution but carbon would have to be emitted to bring electricity to the world's poor. And that can't be allowed because it violates the tenets of the Left's manmade global warming faith -- so the poor will have to continue getting by without electricity.

Which is fine by Soros and his fellow investors in the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, an assortment of crony capitalists, billionaire left-wingers, open-borders advocates, and Obama lackeys and bundlers, put together by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Gates is at the United Nations-sponsored COP21 conference, which stands for the 21st annual meeting of the Conference of Parties. COP21's official goal is to pursue "a new international agreement on climate change, applicable to all, to keep global warming below" 2 degrees Celsius. The summit started Nov. 30 in France's capital and runs through Dec. 11. Also reportedly in attendance are leaders of 150 nations and 40,000 delegates from 195 countries, but they are largely taking orders from the leftist billionaires.

The summit got underway after the reported death at age 86 of Canadian-born energy tycoon and climate alarmist Maurice Strong. Strong is considered by some to be the father of the global warming movement. Curiously, news reports do not indicate a cause or place of death nor does the press release from the Nairobi-based U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) he founded that first announced his passing. Strong, who described himself as "a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology," fled to Communist China years ago after he was implicated in the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food scandal and likely died there.


The summit in France comes as Congress gives an emphatic thumbs-down to President Obama’s move to implement harmful Environmental Protection Agency regulations that will drastically increase the price of energy for millions of Americans.

“The EPA carbon rule amounts to a massive tax increase on those who can least afford it," said Freedom Partners Senior Policy Advisor Andy Koenig.

"How can the Obama administration ask families to pay more for electricity and heat when even they admit these regulations will have virtually no impact on the climate?"

That's an excellent question.

Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor

Hate to break it to you. You already lost this one. Now let's hear you tell us where the extreme upage of Methane is coming from which is more dangerous than all the others put together? It's coming from the northern tudra. It's sprewing millions of gallons a month. I accept that. Now, will you accept that it's because the tundra is thawing out and releasing the Methane? Now, keep going. What is causing the thawing?

Scientist Confesses: "Global Warming a $22 Billion Scam"

Read more: The Cold Truth Initiative
Important: Can you afford to Retire?


You already blew it. Your cite definately shows that the icecap, overall, is smaller now than before. Your Cite takes one small area that was liquid and changed to ice. It also shows that the overall size has shrunken. And at an alarming rate. What it doesn't show is the thawing of the tundra that is even more dangerous than anything else to the air since it's releasing an alarming amount of Methane Gas that is trapped in the tundra. And what is causing this thawing? You guess it, warming climates.

Then your cite goes into saying that the other side is claiming fast warmer climates. Some did but they have gone silent. It's not quick, it's gradual.

You already lost this one big time. Now move on.

Listen up I'M only going to tell you this once, climate has bin changing since the beginning of time and it's time you morons get over it.
Carbon banks = Scam...rolmao
Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor
The global poor have to stay that way for the global warmists to make a mint.
December 4, 2015
Matthew Vadum


Extremely wealthy radical left-wingers like George Soros are busy at the Paris enviro-summit right now plotting to fatten their already bulging wallets by keeping billions of people worldwide powerless, sick, and poor.

Soros and his fellow investors on the "clean energy" bandwagon want to cut carbon dioxide emissions down to zero, a move that will necessarily condemn hundreds of millions of people in developing countries to prolonged misery and death. They want a draconian, government-led crackdown on carbon dioxide emissions which some scientists theorize will have an impact on global temperatures. They want massive taxpayer subsidies for marginal energy sources such as solar and wind power, which cannot compete in the marketplace. They claim they want to bring electricity to the world's poor but only without generating extra carbon emissions, which of course, is impossible. Carbon and economic progress go hand in hand. Life itself is impossible without carbon.

Soros and other members of the climate-industrial complex enjoy condescending to Third World inhabitants, explaining to them why they can't have cars, air conditioning, and the agricultural technology those in wealthy countries possess because it would generate carbon, the harmless gas we all expel from our lungs. They can't have these things we take for granted because all that carbon isn't good for the planet, they allege.

There are about 7 billion people on the planet and more than a billion of them lack access to electricity. Around "3 billion people cook and heat their homes using open fires and simple stoves burning biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal," according to the World Health Organization. "Most are poor, and live in low- and middle-income countries."

The report continues:

Such inefficient cooking fuels and technologies produce high levels of household air pollution with a range of health-damaging pollutants, including small soot particles that penetrate deep into the lungs. In poorly ventilated dwellings, indoor smoke can be 100 times higher than acceptable levels for small particles. Exposure is particularly high among women and young children, who spend the most time near the domestic hearth.

Cooking with solid fuels pollutes household air and kills 4.3 million people annually. Those deaths are attributed to: stroke (34 percent); ischaemic heart disease (26 percent); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (22 percent); pneumonia (12 percent); and lung cancer (6 percent).

Cooking with electricity would end household air pollution but carbon would have to be emitted to bring electricity to the world's poor. And that can't be allowed because it violates the tenets of the Left's manmade global warming faith -- so the poor will have to continue getting by without electricity.

Which is fine by Soros and his fellow investors in the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, an assortment of crony capitalists, billionaire left-wingers, open-borders advocates, and Obama lackeys and bundlers, put together by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Gates is at the United Nations-sponsored COP21 conference, which stands for the 21st annual meeting of the Conference of Parties. COP21's official goal is to pursue "a new international agreement on climate change, applicable to all, to keep global warming below" 2 degrees Celsius. The summit started Nov. 30 in France's capital and runs through Dec. 11. Also reportedly in attendance are leaders of 150 nations and 40,000 delegates from 195 countries, but they are largely taking orders from the leftist billionaires.

The summit got underway after the reported death at age 86 of Canadian-born energy tycoon and climate alarmist Maurice Strong. Strong is considered by some to be the father of the global warming movement. Curiously, news reports do not indicate a cause or place of death nor does the press release from the Nairobi-based U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) he founded that first announced his passing. Strong, who described himself as "a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology," fled to Communist China years ago after he was implicated in the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food scandal and likely died there.


The summit in France comes as Congress gives an emphatic thumbs-down to President Obama’s move to implement harmful Environmental Protection Agency regulations that will drastically increase the price of energy for millions of Americans.

“The EPA carbon rule amounts to a massive tax increase on those who can least afford it," said Freedom Partners Senior Policy Advisor Andy Koenig.

"How can the Obama administration ask families to pay more for electricity and heat when even they admit these regulations will have virtually no impact on the climate?"

That's an excellent question.

Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor

Hate to break it to you. You already lost this one. Now let's hear you tell us where the extreme upage of Methane is coming from which is more dangerous than all the others put together? It's coming from the northern tudra. It's sprewing millions of gallons a month. I accept that. Now, will you accept that it's because the tundra is thawing out and releasing the Methane? Now, keep going. What is causing the thawing?

You do realize that the methane began venting 8000 years ago....right? There has even been a couple of peer reviewed papers that confirm that fact. many SUV'S were tooling around back then?
Here is something else the left can chew on...:bye1:

The Koch Brothers Shake it Up
A gift by Koch Industries to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers belies liberals' stereotypes.


Liberal detractors should look in their own backyard.

By Peter Roff
Oct. 24, 2014 | 5:15 p.m. EDT

For the American left, the philanthropy of billionaires Charles and David Koch approaches an obsession. There is no cause they have touched, no effort they have mounted that is not – according to the clack of liberal journalists and bloggers who populate the Internet – somehow tainted by their association with it.

It’s no longer just their political giving that attracts attention. Liberal activists have taken to the streets to protest Koch support for museums, for the theater and the performing arts, for medical research and for just about any other cause to which the brothers – together or individually – choose to donate a share of their considerable wealth.

Their latest philanthropic effort, which is certain to receive critical attention, is fully consistent with their support for freedom of the individual, freedom in the marketplace and the protection of the constitutionally enumerated liberties we all enjoy. It will also probably turn more than a few heads in the chattering classes around so far that something might snap. You see the main beneficiaries of their latest act of largess will be the poor and the indigent.


The Koch Brothers Shake it Up
Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor
The global poor have to stay that way for the global warmists to make a mint.
December 4, 2015
Matthew Vadum


Extremely wealthy radical left-wingers like George Soros are busy at the Paris enviro-summit right now plotting to fatten their already bulging wallets by keeping billions of people worldwide powerless, sick, and poor.

Soros and his fellow investors on the "clean energy" bandwagon want to cut carbon dioxide emissions down to zero, a move that will necessarily condemn hundreds of millions of people in developing countries to prolonged misery and death. They want a draconian, government-led crackdown on carbon dioxide emissions which some scientists theorize will have an impact on global temperatures. They want massive taxpayer subsidies for marginal energy sources such as solar and wind power, which cannot compete in the marketplace. They claim they want to bring electricity to the world's poor but only without generating extra carbon emissions, which of course, is impossible. Carbon and economic progress go hand in hand. Life itself is impossible without carbon.

Soros and other members of the climate-industrial complex enjoy condescending to Third World inhabitants, explaining to them why they can't have cars, air conditioning, and the agricultural technology those in wealthy countries possess because it would generate carbon, the harmless gas we all expel from our lungs. They can't have these things we take for granted because all that carbon isn't good for the planet, they allege.

There are about 7 billion people on the planet and more than a billion of them lack access to electricity. Around "3 billion people cook and heat their homes using open fires and simple stoves burning biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal," according to the World Health Organization. "Most are poor, and live in low- and middle-income countries."

The report continues:

Such inefficient cooking fuels and technologies produce high levels of household air pollution with a range of health-damaging pollutants, including small soot particles that penetrate deep into the lungs. In poorly ventilated dwellings, indoor smoke can be 100 times higher than acceptable levels for small particles. Exposure is particularly high among women and young children, who spend the most time near the domestic hearth.

Cooking with solid fuels pollutes household air and kills 4.3 million people annually. Those deaths are attributed to: stroke (34 percent); ischaemic heart disease (26 percent); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (22 percent); pneumonia (12 percent); and lung cancer (6 percent).

Cooking with electricity would end household air pollution but carbon would have to be emitted to bring electricity to the world's poor. And that can't be allowed because it violates the tenets of the Left's manmade global warming faith -- so the poor will have to continue getting by without electricity.

Which is fine by Soros and his fellow investors in the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, an assortment of crony capitalists, billionaire left-wingers, open-borders advocates, and Obama lackeys and bundlers, put together by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Gates is at the United Nations-sponsored COP21 conference, which stands for the 21st annual meeting of the Conference of Parties. COP21's official goal is to pursue "a new international agreement on climate change, applicable to all, to keep global warming below" 2 degrees Celsius. The summit started Nov. 30 in France's capital and runs through Dec. 11. Also reportedly in attendance are leaders of 150 nations and 40,000 delegates from 195 countries, but they are largely taking orders from the leftist billionaires.

The summit got underway after the reported death at age 86 of Canadian-born energy tycoon and climate alarmist Maurice Strong. Strong is considered by some to be the father of the global warming movement. Curiously, news reports do not indicate a cause or place of death nor does the press release from the Nairobi-based U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) he founded that first announced his passing. Strong, who described himself as "a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology," fled to Communist China years ago after he was implicated in the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food scandal and likely died there.


The summit in France comes as Congress gives an emphatic thumbs-down to President Obama’s move to implement harmful Environmental Protection Agency regulations that will drastically increase the price of energy for millions of Americans.

“The EPA carbon rule amounts to a massive tax increase on those who can least afford it," said Freedom Partners Senior Policy Advisor Andy Koenig.

"How can the Obama administration ask families to pay more for electricity and heat when even they admit these regulations will have virtually no impact on the climate?"

That's an excellent question.

Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor

Hate to break it to you. You already lost this one. Now let's hear you tell us where the extreme upage of Methane is coming from which is more dangerous than all the others put together? It's coming from the northern tudra. It's sprewing millions of gallons a month. I accept that. Now, will you accept that it's because the tundra is thawing out and releasing the Methane? Now, keep going. What is causing the thawing?

Scientist Confesses: "Global Warming a $22 Billion Scam"

Read more: The Cold Truth Initiative
Important: Can you afford to Retire?


You already blew it. Your cite definately shows that the icecap, overall, is smaller now than before. Your Cite takes one small area that was liquid and changed to ice. It also shows that the overall size has shrunken. And at an alarming rate. What it doesn't show is the thawing of the tundra that is even more dangerous than anything else to the air since it's releasing an alarming amount of Methane Gas that is trapped in the tundra. And what is causing this thawing? You guess it, warming climates.

Then your cite goes into saying that the other side is claiming fast warmer climates. Some did but they have gone silent. It's not quick, it's gradual.

You already lost this one big time. Now move on.

Listen up I'M only going to tell you this once, climate has bin changing since the beginning of time and it's time you morons get over it.
Carbon banks = Scam...rolmao

You've said it over and over. If you tell a lie enough times does it make it right? Each time the mother nature does a climate change it usually goes back the way it was. It cycles. Ever wonder why the Vikings stopped trying to "Pillage" the world? A mini iceage stopped them cold. It ended right after the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Funny how that happens when we give it a nudge with bad industry and living. That mini iceage was suppose to go on much longer but Europe helped it along. It ended when Britain started setting up it;s world wide manufacturing of goods coming out of Britain. Either you learn from the past or you live through it again. In this case, the industry is much more severe and so are the affects.

Now, I know you are going to break your promise.
Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor
The global poor have to stay that way for the global warmists to make a mint.
December 4, 2015
Matthew Vadum


Extremely wealthy radical left-wingers like George Soros are busy at the Paris enviro-summit right now plotting to fatten their already bulging wallets by keeping billions of people worldwide powerless, sick, and poor.

Soros and his fellow investors on the "clean energy" bandwagon want to cut carbon dioxide emissions down to zero, a move that will necessarily condemn hundreds of millions of people in developing countries to prolonged misery and death. They want a draconian, government-led crackdown on carbon dioxide emissions which some scientists theorize will have an impact on global temperatures. They want massive taxpayer subsidies for marginal energy sources such as solar and wind power, which cannot compete in the marketplace. They claim they want to bring electricity to the world's poor but only without generating extra carbon emissions, which of course, is impossible. Carbon and economic progress go hand in hand. Life itself is impossible without carbon.

Soros and other members of the climate-industrial complex enjoy condescending to Third World inhabitants, explaining to them why they can't have cars, air conditioning, and the agricultural technology those in wealthy countries possess because it would generate carbon, the harmless gas we all expel from our lungs. They can't have these things we take for granted because all that carbon isn't good for the planet, they allege.

There are about 7 billion people on the planet and more than a billion of them lack access to electricity. Around "3 billion people cook and heat their homes using open fires and simple stoves burning biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal," according to the World Health Organization. "Most are poor, and live in low- and middle-income countries."

The report continues:

Such inefficient cooking fuels and technologies produce high levels of household air pollution with a range of health-damaging pollutants, including small soot particles that penetrate deep into the lungs. In poorly ventilated dwellings, indoor smoke can be 100 times higher than acceptable levels for small particles. Exposure is particularly high among women and young children, who spend the most time near the domestic hearth.

Cooking with solid fuels pollutes household air and kills 4.3 million people annually. Those deaths are attributed to: stroke (34 percent); ischaemic heart disease (26 percent); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (22 percent); pneumonia (12 percent); and lung cancer (6 percent).

Cooking with electricity would end household air pollution but carbon would have to be emitted to bring electricity to the world's poor. And that can't be allowed because it violates the tenets of the Left's manmade global warming faith -- so the poor will have to continue getting by without electricity.

Which is fine by Soros and his fellow investors in the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, an assortment of crony capitalists, billionaire left-wingers, open-borders advocates, and Obama lackeys and bundlers, put together by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Gates is at the United Nations-sponsored COP21 conference, which stands for the 21st annual meeting of the Conference of Parties. COP21's official goal is to pursue "a new international agreement on climate change, applicable to all, to keep global warming below" 2 degrees Celsius. The summit started Nov. 30 in France's capital and runs through Dec. 11. Also reportedly in attendance are leaders of 150 nations and 40,000 delegates from 195 countries, but they are largely taking orders from the leftist billionaires.

The summit got underway after the reported death at age 86 of Canadian-born energy tycoon and climate alarmist Maurice Strong. Strong is considered by some to be the father of the global warming movement. Curiously, news reports do not indicate a cause or place of death nor does the press release from the Nairobi-based U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) he founded that first announced his passing. Strong, who described himself as "a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology," fled to Communist China years ago after he was implicated in the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food scandal and likely died there.


The summit in France comes as Congress gives an emphatic thumbs-down to President Obama’s move to implement harmful Environmental Protection Agency regulations that will drastically increase the price of energy for millions of Americans.

“The EPA carbon rule amounts to a massive tax increase on those who can least afford it," said Freedom Partners Senior Policy Advisor Andy Koenig.

"How can the Obama administration ask families to pay more for electricity and heat when even they admit these regulations will have virtually no impact on the climate?"

That's an excellent question.

Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor

Hate to break it to you. You already lost this one. Now let's hear you tell us where the extreme upage of Methane is coming from which is more dangerous than all the others put together? It's coming from the northern tudra. It's sprewing millions of gallons a month. I accept that. Now, will you accept that it's because the tundra is thawing out and releasing the Methane? Now, keep going. What is causing the thawing?

Scientist Confesses: "Global Warming a $22 Billion Scam"

Read more: The Cold Truth Initiative
Important: Can you afford to Retire?


You already blew it. Your cite definately shows that the icecap, overall, is smaller now than before. Your Cite takes one small area that was liquid and changed to ice. It also shows that the overall size has shrunken. And at an alarming rate. What it doesn't show is the thawing of the tundra that is even more dangerous than anything else to the air since it's releasing an alarming amount of Methane Gas that is trapped in the tundra. And what is causing this thawing? You guess it, warming climates.

Then your cite goes into saying that the other side is claiming fast warmer climates. Some did but they have gone silent. It's not quick, it's gradual.

You already lost this one big time. Now move on.

Listen up I'M only going to tell you this once, climate has bin changing since the beginning of time and it's time you morons get over it.
Carbon banks = Scam...rolmao

You've said it over and over. If you tell a lie enough times does it make it right? Each time the mother nature does a climate change it usually goes back the way it was. It cycles. Ever wonder why the Vikings stopped trying to "Pillage" the world? A mini iceage stopped them cold. It ended right after the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Funny how that happens when we give it a nudge with bad industry and living. That mini iceage was suppose to go on much longer but Europe helped it along. It ended when Britain started setting up it;s world wide manufacturing of goods coming out of Britain. Either you learn from the past or you live through it again. In this case, the industry is much more severe and so are the affects.

Now, I know you are going to break your promise.

Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor
The global poor have to stay that way for the global warmists to make a mint.
December 4, 2015
Matthew Vadum


Extremely wealthy radical left-wingers like George Soros are busy at the Paris enviro-summit right now plotting to fatten their already bulging wallets by keeping billions of people worldwide powerless, sick, and poor.

Soros and his fellow investors on the "clean energy" bandwagon want to cut carbon dioxide emissions down to zero, a move that will necessarily condemn hundreds of millions of people in developing countries to prolonged misery and death. They want a draconian, government-led crackdown on carbon dioxide emissions which some scientists theorize will have an impact on global temperatures. They want massive taxpayer subsidies for marginal energy sources such as solar and wind power, which cannot compete in the marketplace. They claim they want to bring electricity to the world's poor but only without generating extra carbon emissions, which of course, is impossible. Carbon and economic progress go hand in hand. Life itself is impossible without carbon.

Soros and other members of the climate-industrial complex enjoy condescending to Third World inhabitants, explaining to them why they can't have cars, air conditioning, and the agricultural technology those in wealthy countries possess because it would generate carbon, the harmless gas we all expel from our lungs. They can't have these things we take for granted because all that carbon isn't good for the planet, they allege.

There are about 7 billion people on the planet and more than a billion of them lack access to electricity. Around "3 billion people cook and heat their homes using open fires and simple stoves burning biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal," according to the World Health Organization. "Most are poor, and live in low- and middle-income countries."

The report continues:

Such inefficient cooking fuels and technologies produce high levels of household air pollution with a range of health-damaging pollutants, including small soot particles that penetrate deep into the lungs. In poorly ventilated dwellings, indoor smoke can be 100 times higher than acceptable levels for small particles. Exposure is particularly high among women and young children, who spend the most time near the domestic hearth.

Cooking with solid fuels pollutes household air and kills 4.3 million people annually. Those deaths are attributed to: stroke (34 percent); ischaemic heart disease (26 percent); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (22 percent); pneumonia (12 percent); and lung cancer (6 percent).

Cooking with electricity would end household air pollution but carbon would have to be emitted to bring electricity to the world's poor. And that can't be allowed because it violates the tenets of the Left's manmade global warming faith -- so the poor will have to continue getting by without electricity.

Which is fine by Soros and his fellow investors in the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, an assortment of crony capitalists, billionaire left-wingers, open-borders advocates, and Obama lackeys and bundlers, put together by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Gates is at the United Nations-sponsored COP21 conference, which stands for the 21st annual meeting of the Conference of Parties. COP21's official goal is to pursue "a new international agreement on climate change, applicable to all, to keep global warming below" 2 degrees Celsius. The summit started Nov. 30 in France's capital and runs through Dec. 11. Also reportedly in attendance are leaders of 150 nations and 40,000 delegates from 195 countries, but they are largely taking orders from the leftist billionaires.

The summit got underway after the reported death at age 86 of Canadian-born energy tycoon and climate alarmist Maurice Strong. Strong is considered by some to be the father of the global warming movement. Curiously, news reports do not indicate a cause or place of death nor does the press release from the Nairobi-based U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) he founded that first announced his passing. Strong, who described himself as "a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology," fled to Communist China years ago after he was implicated in the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food scandal and likely died there.


The summit in France comes as Congress gives an emphatic thumbs-down to President Obama’s move to implement harmful Environmental Protection Agency regulations that will drastically increase the price of energy for millions of Americans.

“The EPA carbon rule amounts to a massive tax increase on those who can least afford it," said Freedom Partners Senior Policy Advisor Andy Koenig.

"How can the Obama administration ask families to pay more for electricity and heat when even they admit these regulations will have virtually no impact on the climate?"

That's an excellent question.

Gates and Soros Versus the World's Poor

Hate to break it to you. You already lost this one. Now let's hear you tell us where the extreme upage of Methane is coming from which is more dangerous than all the others put together? It's coming from the northern tudra. It's sprewing millions of gallons a month. I accept that. Now, will you accept that it's because the tundra is thawing out and releasing the Methane? Now, keep going. What is causing the thawing?

Scientist Confesses: "Global Warming a $22 Billion Scam"

Read more: The Cold Truth Initiative
Important: Can you afford to Retire?


You already blew it. Your cite definately shows that the icecap, overall, is smaller now than before. Your Cite takes one small area that was liquid and changed to ice. It also shows that the overall size has shrunken. And at an alarming rate. What it doesn't show is the thawing of the tundra that is even more dangerous than anything else to the air since it's releasing an alarming amount of Methane Gas that is trapped in the tundra. And what is causing this thawing? You guess it, warming climates.

Then your cite goes into saying that the other side is claiming fast warmer climates. Some did but they have gone silent. It's not quick, it's gradual.

You already lost this one big time. Now move on.

Listen up I'M only going to tell you this once, climate has bin changing since the beginning of time and it's time you morons get over it.
Carbon banks = Scam...rolmao

You've said it over and over. If you tell a lie enough times does it make it right? Each time the mother nature does a climate change it usually goes back the way it was. It cycles. Ever wonder why the Vikings stopped trying to "Pillage" the world? A mini iceage stopped them cold. It ended right after the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Funny how that happens when we give it a nudge with bad industry and living. That mini iceage was suppose to go on much longer but Europe helped it along. It ended when Britain started setting up it;s world wide manufacturing of goods coming out of Britain. Either you learn from the past or you live through it again. In this case, the industry is much more severe and so are the affects.

Now, I know you are going to break your promise.

You clearly don't know your history. The Vikings found religion. That's why they stopped pillaging. That and they pretty much had anything worth Stealing By then.

They controlled the coast of England an Ireland, all of Scandinavia, most of European Russia, Normandy, Iceland, and of course Greenland.

The reason why they stopped pillaging is the aforementioned finding of religion and the fact they had run out of people to pillage with!

The Greenland colony was the last one that had young bucks who even wanted to go pillaging but there wasn't a lot worth pillaging in their region.
Hate to break it to you. You already lost this one. Now let's hear you tell us where the extreme upage of Methane is coming from which is more dangerous than all the others put together? It's coming from the northern tudra. It's sprewing millions of gallons a month. I accept that. Now, will you accept that it's because the tundra is thawing out and releasing the Methane? Now, keep going. What is causing the thawing?

Scientist Confesses: "Global Warming a $22 Billion Scam"

Read more: The Cold Truth Initiative
Important: Can you afford to Retire?


You already blew it. Your cite definately shows that the icecap, overall, is smaller now than before. Your Cite takes one small area that was liquid and changed to ice. It also shows that the overall size has shrunken. And at an alarming rate. What it doesn't show is the thawing of the tundra that is even more dangerous than anything else to the air since it's releasing an alarming amount of Methane Gas that is trapped in the tundra. And what is causing this thawing? You guess it, warming climates.

Then your cite goes into saying that the other side is claiming fast warmer climates. Some did but they have gone silent. It's not quick, it's gradual.

You already lost this one big time. Now move on.

Listen up I'M only going to tell you this once, climate has bin changing since the beginning of time and it's time you morons get over it.
Carbon banks = Scam...rolmao

You've said it over and over. If you tell a lie enough times does it make it right? Each time the mother nature does a climate change it usually goes back the way it was. It cycles. Ever wonder why the Vikings stopped trying to "Pillage" the world? A mini iceage stopped them cold. It ended right after the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Funny how that happens when we give it a nudge with bad industry and living. That mini iceage was suppose to go on much longer but Europe helped it along. It ended when Britain started setting up it;s world wide manufacturing of goods coming out of Britain. Either you learn from the past or you live through it again. In this case, the industry is much more severe and so are the affects.

Now, I know you are going to break your promise.

Hate to break it to you. You already lost this one. Now let's hear you tell us where the extreme upage of Methane is coming from which is more dangerous than all the others put together? It's coming from the northern tudra. It's sprewing millions of gallons a month. I accept that. Now, will you accept that it's because the tundra is thawing out and releasing the Methane? Now, keep going. What is causing the thawing?

Scientist Confesses: "Global Warming a $22 Billion Scam"

Read more: The Cold Truth Initiative
Important: Can you afford to Retire?


You already blew it. Your cite definately shows that the icecap, overall, is smaller now than before. Your Cite takes one small area that was liquid and changed to ice. It also shows that the overall size has shrunken. And at an alarming rate. What it doesn't show is the thawing of the tundra that is even more dangerous than anything else to the air since it's releasing an alarming amount of Methane Gas that is trapped in the tundra. And what is causing this thawing? You guess it, warming climates.

Then your cite goes into saying that the other side is claiming fast warmer climates. Some did but they have gone silent. It's not quick, it's gradual.

You already lost this one big time. Now move on.

Listen up I'M only going to tell you this once, climate has bin changing since the beginning of time and it's time you morons get over it.
Carbon banks = Scam...rolmao

You've said it over and over. If you tell a lie enough times does it make it right? Each time the mother nature does a climate change it usually goes back the way it was. It cycles. Ever wonder why the Vikings stopped trying to "Pillage" the world? A mini iceage stopped them cold. It ended right after the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Funny how that happens when we give it a nudge with bad industry and living. That mini iceage was suppose to go on much longer but Europe helped it along. It ended when Britain started setting up it;s world wide manufacturing of goods coming out of Britain. Either you learn from the past or you live through it again. In this case, the industry is much more severe and so are the affects.

Now, I know you are going to break your promise.

You clearly don't know your history. The Vikings found religion. That's why they stopped pillaging. That and they pretty much had anything worth Stealing By then.

They controlled the coast of England an Ireland, all of Scandinavia, most of European Russia, Normandy, Iceland, and of course Greenland.

The reason why they stopped pillaging is the aforementioned finding of religion and the fact they had run out of people to pillage with!

The Greenland colony was the last one that had young bucks who even wanted to go pillaging but there wasn't a lot worth pillaging in their region.

Before the "Little" Iceage, there was constant commercial traffic from the north countries. But around 1200 AD, the ice began coming down and it turned colder. There were quite a few Viking cities in Greenland until then. Greenland was a farmers delight and they traded food for other goods. Until it became a nightmare to go from the Norse areas to Greenland.

Have you ever been to Greenland? I have many times. Have you ever been to Iceland, I have. Both places had some agriculture. One of the biggies for Greenland is Dairy even today. Iceland has some great cheezes and so does Greenland. But you can only go so far up on greenland before you run out of airable lands. Most of Iceland has some fine grass alibi, a short season. But Greenland only has some serious weather even on the coast. We flew in Plywood Sheets on Pallets and did air drops because we couldn't land in 100 mph gusting winds. Those people were freezing to death and many of their habitats had been all but leveled. Believe it or not, it's actually better today than it was from 1250 to 1850 (note the date). 1850 is a special date. That date is when the Industrial revolution in the British Isles and the European Mainland such as France, Spain and Germany. They were at the height of their industrial revolution. The air was very dirty. It snow was colored black.The US didn't come into it's own Industrial Revolution until about 1890 but by 1905, we were many times cleaner at it than Europe was. Unlike the US, Europe strickly used coal. A lot of coal for not only industry but for home use as well. Hello black snow.

I lived in an area where the snow was black. And it was in Western Colorado. The health related problems are astounding. Now, keep doing and only the hearty need apply. But the County and State moved in and outlawed industrial use of Coal until proper scrubbers could be installed. They changed to Oil and Natural Gas. Unfortunately, both of these sky rocketed right after that. The cost of the scrubbers for coal and transiting back was deemed too costly on a Corporate Level. The Silos that I helped to build are still there because they are just too large to tear down and too costly to remove. The air is now clean and it's a favorite for people with breathing disorders.

Now, have the industrial leader of the world all burning coal so they can export to the rest of the world. In 1850, Europe was the mass production for the entire world. The US was slowly turning to other methods for home heating like oil. Europe wasn't up to the US for oil quite yet. And Natural Gas wasn't (and still isn't) comparable to the US. Until England started cleaning itself up, the US was the cleanest heavy industrial nation with the lowest pollution rate. We are now #3 in the world for pollution man made. Only India and China beats us out. But we have NEVER been as dirty as Europe before it cleaned it's act up. And by 1850, there was a huge black snow and yellow rain over much of Europe. There is NO way to ignore that the height of the European Industrial Revolution was when the Mini Iceage ended.

To give you another point of view, there used to be an ice bridge from Greenland to Canada. While it couldn't be use as a highway to the new world, it was used for Navigation. The Viking beat Columbus by over 400 years to the new world. But the Mini Iceage stopped that when it went from an ice bridge to an icepack. The same cold snap and iceburgs that stopped trade with Greenland 200 years later as it moved south in time. Where it was met with artificial heated air and land when the European Industrial age started.There is a reason that the British could not afford to let the US become the US. They lost their newly found raw resources which were only a boat ride away.

You can't change history no matter what you do. But you can ignore it and try to modify it to suit your own needs and actually find a few that will listen. In the end more and more people will just stop listening to you like we are today. So you keep your fantasies but the rest of will take the lead like we have done.

BTW, unlike you, this is my last statement in the series. And, unlike you, this won't be a lie.

Have a nice life.
Scientist Confesses: "Global Warming a $22 Billion Scam"

Read more: The Cold Truth Initiative
Important: Can you afford to Retire?


You already blew it. Your cite definately shows that the icecap, overall, is smaller now than before. Your Cite takes one small area that was liquid and changed to ice. It also shows that the overall size has shrunken. And at an alarming rate. What it doesn't show is the thawing of the tundra that is even more dangerous than anything else to the air since it's releasing an alarming amount of Methane Gas that is trapped in the tundra. And what is causing this thawing? You guess it, warming climates.

Then your cite goes into saying that the other side is claiming fast warmer climates. Some did but they have gone silent. It's not quick, it's gradual.

You already lost this one big time. Now move on.

Listen up I'M only going to tell you this once, climate has bin changing since the beginning of time and it's time you morons get over it.
Carbon banks = Scam...rolmao

You've said it over and over. If you tell a lie enough times does it make it right? Each time the mother nature does a climate change it usually goes back the way it was. It cycles. Ever wonder why the Vikings stopped trying to "Pillage" the world? A mini iceage stopped them cold. It ended right after the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Funny how that happens when we give it a nudge with bad industry and living. That mini iceage was suppose to go on much longer but Europe helped it along. It ended when Britain started setting up it;s world wide manufacturing of goods coming out of Britain. Either you learn from the past or you live through it again. In this case, the industry is much more severe and so are the affects.

Now, I know you are going to break your promise.

Scientist Confesses: "Global Warming a $22 Billion Scam"

Read more: The Cold Truth Initiative
Important: Can you afford to Retire?


You already blew it. Your cite definately shows that the icecap, overall, is smaller now than before. Your Cite takes one small area that was liquid and changed to ice. It also shows that the overall size has shrunken. And at an alarming rate. What it doesn't show is the thawing of the tundra that is even more dangerous than anything else to the air since it's releasing an alarming amount of Methane Gas that is trapped in the tundra. And what is causing this thawing? You guess it, warming climates.

Then your cite goes into saying that the other side is claiming fast warmer climates. Some did but they have gone silent. It's not quick, it's gradual.

You already lost this one big time. Now move on.

Listen up I'M only going to tell you this once, climate has bin changing since the beginning of time and it's time you morons get over it.
Carbon banks = Scam...rolmao

You've said it over and over. If you tell a lie enough times does it make it right? Each time the mother nature does a climate change it usually goes back the way it was. It cycles. Ever wonder why the Vikings stopped trying to "Pillage" the world? A mini iceage stopped them cold. It ended right after the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Funny how that happens when we give it a nudge with bad industry and living. That mini iceage was suppose to go on much longer but Europe helped it along. It ended when Britain started setting up it;s world wide manufacturing of goods coming out of Britain. Either you learn from the past or you live through it again. In this case, the industry is much more severe and so are the affects.

Now, I know you are going to break your promise.

You clearly don't know your history. The Vikings found religion. That's why they stopped pillaging. That and they pretty much had anything worth Stealing By then.

They controlled the coast of England an Ireland, all of Scandinavia, most of European Russia, Normandy, Iceland, and of course Greenland.

The reason why they stopped pillaging is the aforementioned finding of religion and the fact they had run out of people to pillage with!

The Greenland colony was the last one that had young bucks who even wanted to go pillaging but there wasn't a lot worth pillaging in their region.

Before the "Little" Iceage, there was constant commercial traffic from the north countries. But around 1200 AD, the ice began coming down and it turned colder. There were quite a few Viking cities in Greenland until then. Greenland was a farmers delight and they traded food for other goods. Until it became a nightmare to go from the Norse areas to Greenland.

Have you ever been to Greenland? I have many times. Have you ever been to Iceland, I have. Both places had some agriculture. One of the biggies for Greenland is Dairy even today. Iceland has some great cheezes and so does Greenland. But you can only go so far up on greenland before you run out of airable lands. Most of Iceland has some fine grass alibi, a short season. But Greenland only has some serious weather even on the coast. We flew in Plywood Sheets on Pallets and did air drops because we couldn't land in 100 mph gusting winds. Those people were freezing to death and many of their habitats had been all but leveled. Believe it or not, it's actually better today than it was from 1250 to 1850 (note the date). 1850 is a special date. That date is when the Industrial revolution in the British Isles and the European Mainland such as France, Spain and Germany. They were at the height of their industrial revolution. The air was very dirty. It snow was colored black.The US didn't come into it's own Industrial Revolution until about 1890 but by 1905, we were many times cleaner at it than Europe was. Unlike the US, Europe strickly used coal. A lot of coal for not only industry but for home use as well. Hello black snow.

I lived in an area where the snow was black. And it was in Western Colorado. The health related problems are astounding. Now, keep doing and only the hearty need apply. But the County and State moved in and outlawed industrial use of Coal until proper scrubbers could be installed. They changed to Oil and Natural Gas. Unfortunately, both of these sky rocketed right after that. The cost of the scrubbers for coal and transiting back was deemed too costly on a Corporate Level. The Silos that I helped to build are still there because they are just too large to tear down and too costly to remove. The air is now clean and it's a favorite for people with breathing disorders.

Now, have the industrial leader of the world all burning coal so they can export to the rest of the world. In 1850, Europe was the mass production for the entire world. The US was slowly turning to other methods for home heating like oil. Europe wasn't up to the US for oil quite yet. And Natural Gas wasn't (and still isn't) comparable to the US. Until England started cleaning itself up, the US was the cleanest heavy industrial nation with the lowest pollution rate. We are now #3 in the world for pollution man made. Only India and China beats us out. But we have NEVER been as dirty as Europe before it cleaned it's act up. And by 1850, there was a huge black snow and yellow rain over much of Europe. There is NO way to ignore that the height of the European Industrial Revolution was when the Mini Iceage ended.

To give you another point of view, there used to be an ice bridge from Greenland to Canada. While it couldn't be use as a highway to the new world, it was used for Navigation. The Viking beat Columbus by over 400 years to the new world. But the Mini Iceage stopped that when it went from an ice bridge to an icepack. The same cold snap and iceburgs that stopped trade with Greenland 200 years later as it moved south in time. Where it was met with artificial heated air and land when the European Industrial age started.There is a reason that the British could not afford to let the US become the US. They lost their newly found raw resources which were only a boat ride away.

You can't change history no matter what you do. But you can ignore it and try to modify it to suit your own needs and actually find a few that will listen. In the end more and more people will just stop listening to you like we are today. So you keep your fantasies but the rest of will take the lead like we have done.

BTW, unlike you, this is my last statement in the series. And, unlike you, this won't be a lie.

Have a nice life.

Ahhhhhh, yes. You can always tell a progressive loon because they call anyone who disagrees with them a liar. Nothing I posted was a lie silly boy. It was all factual.

It is also factual that there is virtually no empirical data that shows human activities are affecting global temperatures.

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