Sorry Democrats


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
People's Republic

Although Obama’s approval rating is improving, this is offset by the fact that it remains below the averages at the same point in time
for presidents who were re-elected. All presidents since Eisenhower who were re-elected enjoyed average approval ratings above 50% during their 13th quarters in office.​

If Gallup’s trend holds, it looks like history might repeat itself- Papa Obama
will go the way of Jimmy Carter

It's improving? I don't think its improving...Look at all those polls 88!..Wow!
Unless there is some big event to help him

this election is going to be mean and ugly and very close

I think it will be mean and ugly, but I don't think it will be that close. Romney is such a personally unlikable person that he's unelectable.


but the fact remains

Obama Isn't Working

I'll agree he's a weak president. But Romney would be worse, probably because he lacks basic humanity.

And while things are bad, more people think that was Bush's fault than Obama's.
Unless there is some big event to help him

this election is going to be mean and ugly and very close

It could also be a wave election... Who knows? Dick Morris thinks Romney has a larger lead and as of right now would win handedly.

Dick Morris also predicted Hillary would get the nomination in 2008.

Anything Dick Morris says has to be tempered by the fact he is still bitter the Democrats threw him out after the Toe-Sucking scandal of 1996.
I think it will be mean and ugly, but I don't think it will be that close. Romney is such a personally unlikable person that he's unelectable.


but the fact remains

Obama Isn't Working

I'll agree he's a weak president. But Romney would be worse, probably because he lacks basic humanity.

And while things are bad, more people think that was Bush's fault than Obama's.

I agree he is not my first choice

Getting Papa Obama out of office, still seems the better choice
Believe me, if gas is high or even higher and
unemployment is around the same

He will have a hard time winning
Unless there is some big event to help him

this election is going to be mean and ugly and very close

I think it will be mean and ugly, but I don't think it will be that close. Romney is such a personally unlikable person that he's unelectable.

I agree but he's also frightening. All the time he was simpering and mincing to make a good impression, he'd be giving away the silver AND alienating other heads of state.

Imagine his constant gaffes on the international stage. Putin, for example, would have his bitty little balls for a snack.

He's just not very smart and he wouldn't have Ann there to bail him out or his sons to tweet around every stupid thing he says.

but the fact remains

Obama Isn't Working

I'll agree he's a weak president. But Romney would be worse, probably because he lacks basic humanity.

And while things are bad, more people think that was Bush's fault than Obama's.

I agree he is not my first choice

Getting Papa Obama out of office, still seems the better choice
Believe me, if gas is high or even higher and
unemployment is around the same

He will have a hard time winning

Again, I don't think so.

True, the economy is bad, which was a factor in getting out Bush-41 and Carter. But it wasn't exactly swell under Reagan and Bush-43, and they got second terms.

I think you need about five factors to get an incumbant out of office.

1) A bad economy. Check. Got that one.

2) Dissent in the base. Happened with Carter and Bush-41, but not Obama.

3) THird party Challenge- Not happening this time, Happened with both Carter and Bush-41.

4) A truly dynamic Challenger- Reagan and Clinton were dynamic, Romney, not so much.

5) Other non-economic factors. Carter had the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Soviets in Afghanistan. Bush had the S&L meltdown (which his own son was implicated in) and the last embers of Iran Contra flaring up. Again, nothing even close to that right now for Obama.
I'll agree he's a weak president. But Romney would be worse, probably because he lacks basic humanity.

And while things are bad, more people think that was Bush's fault than Obama's.

I agree he is not my first choice

Getting Papa Obama out of office, still seems the better choice
Believe me, if gas is high or even higher and
unemployment is around the same

He will have a hard time winning

Again, I don't think so.

True, the economy is bad, which was a factor in getting out Bush-41 and Carter. But it wasn't exactly swell under Reagan and Bush-43, and they got second terms.

I think you need about five factors to get an incumbant out of office.

1) A bad economy. Check. Got that one.

2) Dissent in the base. Happened with Carter and Bush-41, but not Obama.

3) THird party Challenge- Not happening this time, Happened with both Carter and Bush-41.

4) A truly dynamic Challenger- Reagan and Clinton were dynamic, Romney, not so much.

5) Other non-economic factors. Carter had the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Soviets in Afghanistan. Bush had the S&L meltdown (which his own son was implicated in) and the last embers of Iran Contra flaring up. Again, nothing even close to that right now for Obama.

high gas prices? check,,, high food prices? check,, higher unemployment? check,,, decreased value of homes? check,,,higher insurance premiums? check,,, no pipeline? check,,, no drilling for us but billions for brazil? check fast and furious? check,,, solyndra? check,, GSA? fucking check?? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I'll agree he's a weak president. But Romney would be worse, probably because he lacks basic humanity.

And while things are bad, more people think that was Bush's fault than Obama's.

I agree he is not my first choice

Getting Papa Obama out of office, still seems the better choice
Believe me, if gas is high or even higher and
unemployment is around the same

He will have a hard time winning

Again, I don't think so.

True, the economy is bad, which was a factor in getting out Bush-41 and Carter. But it wasn't exactly swell under Reagan and Bush-43, and they got second terms.

I think you need about five factors to get an incumbant out of office.

1) A bad economy. Check. Got that one.

2) Dissent in the base. Happened with Carter and Bush-41, but not Obama.

3) THird party Challenge- Not happening this time, Happened with both Carter and Bush-41.

4) A truly dynamic Challenger- Reagan and Clinton were dynamic, Romney, not so much.

5) Other non-economic factors. Carter had the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Soviets in Afghanistan. Bush had the S&L meltdown (which his own son was implicated in) and the last embers of Iran Contra flaring up. Again, nothing even close to that right now for Obama.

Identity politics does not allow the left to challenge Papa Obama
No doubt, if he was a different race- Hillary would be running

Reagan won even with a third party "republican" candidate running in the general election

Jimmy Carter's 13th-quarter average is better than Obama’s at 47.7%.

Look at the 8th quarter in 2010, Papa Obama had a nearly identical average approval rating of 46 percent or just around the midterms
What happened there ? A historic rejection of Papa Obama and the Democrats, almost 70 seats in the House and they almost lost the Senate

Papa Obama is very vulnerable

If nothing major changes to help him
and these trends stay the same or get worse

I do believe he will lose

Only time will show us who is wrong or right
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Although Obama’s approval rating is improving, this is offset by the fact that it remains below the averages at the same point in time
for presidents who were re-elected. All presidents since Eisenhower who were re-elected enjoyed average approval ratings above 50% during their 13th quarters in office.​

If Gallup’s trend holds, it looks like history might repeat itself- Papa Obama
will go the way of Jimmy Carter


Below averave for this point in time?
This point in time has never been here before.
And since I typed this this point in time is now that point in time.

We are in the klingering aftermath of the worst recession since the great depression.
Any presidents ratings will be down.
Especially those of a third Bush term.
Blaming Bush does not work anymore
except for his base

What another 5 trillion and unemployment would be 8 percent?

Obama is not working

History shows, it is not in his favor
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I agree he is not my first choice

Getting Papa Obama out of office, still seems the better choice
Believe me, if gas is high or even higher and
unemployment is around the same

He will have a hard time winning

Again, I don't think so.

True, the economy is bad, which was a factor in getting out Bush-41 and Carter. But it wasn't exactly swell under Reagan and Bush-43, and they got second terms.

I think you need about five factors to get an incumbant out of office.

1) A bad economy. Check. Got that one.

2) Dissent in the base. Happened with Carter and Bush-41, but not Obama.

3) THird party Challenge- Not happening this time, Happened with both Carter and Bush-41.

4) A truly dynamic Challenger- Reagan and Clinton were dynamic, Romney, not so much.

5) Other non-economic factors. Carter had the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Soviets in Afghanistan. Bush had the S&L meltdown (which his own son was implicated in) and the last embers of Iran Contra flaring up. Again, nothing even close to that right now for Obama.

high gas prices? check,,, high food prices? check,, higher unemployment? check,,, decreased value of homes? check,,,higher insurance premiums? check,,, no pipeline? check,,, no drilling for us but billions for brazil? check fast and furious? check,,, solyndra? check,, GSA? fucking check?? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Helpful forum hint - yelling doesn't make you any more believable.

Swing-state unemployment down, Obama's chances up - CBS News

WASHINGTON — The improving economy is swinging the pendulum in President Barack Obama's favor in the 14 states where the presidential election will likely be decided.

Recent polls have shown Obama gaining an edge over his likely Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, in several so-called swing states — those that are considered up for grabs.

What's made the difference is that unemployment has dropped more sharply in several swing states than in the nation as a whole. A resurgence in manufacturing is helping the economy — and Obama's chances — in the industrial Midwestern states of Ohio and Michigan.

And Arizona, Nevada and Florida, where unemployment remains high, are getting some relief from an uptick in tourism.

"The biggest reason for the president's improving prospects probably is the economy," says Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.


The national economic trend favors Obama, too. Unemployment is down significantly from its 10 percent peak in October 2009. No incumbent president dating to 1956 has lost when unemployment fell over the two years leading up to his re-election contest. And none has won when the rate rose.
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