Sounds like a great place to work


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
He quit because they were being a dick about leaving work to pick up his child, and then didn't want to pay him his last check until they were forced to.

And they did it like this.

I'd have had him charged with littering/dumping, and forced to clean up the mess.

Alone, with his fingers. "No outside equipment is permitted on the property, nor additional personnel."

I would too, there is the issue of illegal dumping, not sure if he can be prosecuted or forced to clean it up, but his reputation should be shit after this.
He quit because they were being a dick about leaving work to pick up his child, and then didn't want to pay him his last check until they were forced to.

And they did it like this.

/——/ Being the kind of smart ass I am. I would have taken pictures of some rare pennies at a coin store and mailed them to the boss. “Dear Former Boss, while cleaning the oil from the pennies you dropped off, my Uncle, an avid coin collector, gave me a hand. His eyes popped when one of the coins was a 1909 SVDB penny that has been appraise $1,800. He also found a few other rare coins valued at over $900. And please expect a call from the EPA for dumping oil coated coins in run off water. I think the fine is $20,000. “ And I would have called the EPA.

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