South Carolina Bill Would Criminalize Obamacare

Were yall fuckers bitching when Arizona was getting sued for implementing immigration laws?

I think its pointless, but at least they have balls. Do you need a fuckin link for that?
How do people survive in such a backwards place? The food ain't that great.

This is exactly why we have a Wall between the states. To keep them to the south, on the other side of it.

The South is a great place with great folks.

The sillies are easily spotted and simply ignored.

Don't tell anyone that. We don't particulary want stupid yankees wandering down here and spreading their liberal bullshit around. We'd rather talk to the cows.

One of the best bumper stickers in this neighborhood says,
"YANKEES -- Go back to Florida!"

Democrats always did stand in the way of progress in South Carolina. Why, they were in power when they seceded from the Union in 1861 and the Democrats were opposing Civil Rights in 1961.

Things have changed in that half century. For a major one, the spelling of "Democrats". It's now spelled "R-e-p-u-b-l-i-c-a-n-s". That started with Strom Thurmond in 1964. I guess news travels slow.
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This is what you get when the constitution is no longer followed and the use of the "general welfare clause" can mean anything and everything... From killing us citizens to forcing them to buy shit.

Bush was a divisive President, but Obama somehow managed to push the country to talk of civil war lol.
Calling Obamacare unconstitutional, the "South Carolina Freedom of Health Care Protection Act" declares that the law "is invalid in this State, is not recognized by this State, is specifically rejected by this State, and is null and void and of no effect in this State."

Good ,Obama care is a nightmare-destined to be flushed down the toilet.........At least they have the balls to fight the Obama regime...:clap2:

Only the crazies who, like the confeds, ignore constitutional and electoral process talk of civil war. If they act on it, they will die, their properties confiscated, and their families flung onto the highways and biways.

This is what you get when the constitution is no longer followed and the use of the "general welfare clause" can mean anything and everything... From killing us citizens to forcing them to buy shit.

Bush was a divisive President, but Obama somehow managed to push the country to talk of civil war lol.
americanfirst's confused response proves he is a liberal from the South.
Sometimes I just can't help but wonder if there are more crazy people in the world than there are sane people...and by how wide a margin.

Hey, it's ONE thing to be against Obamacare. I get that. But when members of any state legislature introduce a bill that would, if passed, actually attempt to jail people for implementing a law that was passed by Congress and later upheld by the Supreme Court, I would say that the sanity of those legislators is seriously in question.

South Carolina is considering outlawing Obamacare.
Five Republican South Carolina state representatives introduced a bill last week that, if passed, would send people to jail for trying to implement the Affordable Care Act in South Carolina.

Under the bill, federal officials, employees and contractors implementing Obamacare could face a jail sentence of up to 5 years, and state officials and employees implementing Obamacare could face a jail sentence of up to 2 years.

Calling Obamacare unconstitutional, the "South Carolina Freedom of Health Care Protection Act" declares that the law "is invalid in this State, is not recognized by this State, is specifically rejected by this State, and is null and void and of no effect in this State."

South Carolina Bill Would Criminalize Obamacare

Thios is in no way surprising coming from South Carolina.Some in the state are under the impression that the South will rise again.
I work in the food service industry. My hours have been cut to 28 hours per week due to ObamaCare. This is happening to millions of people in the United States. I have started a petition on the White House web site. I have 31 signatures so far and I need 150 before it will be public on the web site and 25,000 total is needed before February 7, 2013. I'm asking that restaurant workers be exempt from ObamaCare. Go to white house web site and look for petition pny9. Find create account and follow the instructions to sign this petition! While you are there, look at the other petitions pertaining to ObamaCare. Please help so people can go back to work. The economy is bad enough without adding more people out of work or barely working. Thanks to all that help!!!!!
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This is exactly why we have a wall between the Carolinas. To quarantine the shallow end of the gene puddle.

I was driving through the Carolinas a few years back, had just crossed the line into SC. Right away a cop pulls me over -- no infraction at all, just sits me in his car and starts grilling me about "do you have any meth in there? Drugs? Guns? Ammunition?" Then he wants to know why my parents aren't traveling with me-- I say "uh, because I'm 45 years old and they have their own lives?"

I invited him to have a look in the car; guess that wasn't what he wanted to hear, 'cause he just scratched his head, let me go and moved on to pull the same thing on somebody else.
True story.

SC is behind some kind of intellectual force field. If you have to go in there you hold your breath and watch your back until you see the other side of the state line, then you breathe a sigh of relief. It's a very weird place. When we get the giant State Line Sawing Project completed (a joint venture between NC and GA), we're going to just push it out into the Atlantic.
There's just far too much inbreeding and mental illness in the south.

They're dead set against gay marriage, but you apparently can fuck your cousin silly down their.

How do people survive in such a backwards place? The food ain't that great.

Hazenut, by reading your useless rants I would say XXXXXXX. You want to make fun of us in the south. Have you ever been to sc? There are great people down here, we are friendly hard working people. Most of us believe in God and believe that a marrige should stay between a man and a woman, but are okay with civil unions. Which gives gays the same rights as being married, but no progressives want to shove gay marrige in our face. So who is being tolorant now? This is coming from someone who calls a black conservative an oreo or an uncle tom. Hazenut your a hypoctrite.
Tolerant means nothing, jknowgood. Following the law is the point. Glad you believe in God, but the atheist has every right you do. Homosexuals have every right to marry as heterosexuals, and the laws are changing to make sure that will happen everywhere in America, even in SC.

Good friends live in Lexington, SC, and, yes, the food is good. south kakalakie will change as surely as will all the country.

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