South Sudan is the newest country, and already we are trying to make it more like America


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I read about this new country in a magazine for lawyers.

Apparently, we have "peace keepers" there and lawyers and judges trying to bring different fighting factions to the table to broker a peace.

My question: Why the hell is always on US to fix every little shithole country in the world?

I have no doubt taxpayer dollars are being used to bribe people to get this "peace" achieved and seriously -- when our nation is trillions in debt and getting deeper in debt because of COVID -- why the hell are we still giving money away to solve problems that don't concern us?
Maybe oil? I think they might be an oil producer. Also they are in somewhat of a strategic location in Africa. They have close proximity to Kenya which is a major Import export hub. Stability in that region IS a good idea. Potentially the U.S could benefit in the future but it would be in the distant future.
Frankly, I'm tired of hearing geopolitical bullshit to excuse the fact that our military and CIA is meddling in every piss pot excuse of a backwards country all over the planet.
Frankly, I'm tired of hearing geopolitical bullshit to excuse the fact that our military and CIA is meddling in every piss pot excuse of a backwards country all over the planet.

Well, I'm not making excuses. You asked the question and those are the only reasons I can think of
South Sudan, if gravity were reversed and it was flung into outer space, would not be missed.
South Sudan, if gravity were reversed and it was flung into outer space, would not be missed.

that may be. My guess though is because there is oil involved and new exploration is scheduled there with outside help, there will be politicians willing to "enrich" themselves in the process which will probably be rife with corruption.
The people of South Sudan should decide their own fate, without American interference.

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