Speaker's wife offers counseling for deviants

Good to see the speaker's wife helping sinners with their problems. Hopefully she can convert them into normal people. America thanks you, Mrs. Johnson.

---Mike Johnson's Wife Runs Counseling Service That Compares Being Gay To Bestiality, Incest---

The Speaker’s wife is as much of a hateful bigot as the Speaker himself and most others on the right.
Good to see the speaker's wife helping sinners with their problems. Hopefully she can convert them into normal people. America thanks you, Mrs. Johnson.

---Mike Johnson's Wife Runs Counseling Service That Compares Being Gay To Bestiality, Incest---

Michelle Bachman's husband got grants to run programs for gays who wanted to change. Do you suppose Mike Johnson is also gay?
Good to see the speaker's wife helping sinners with their problems. Hopefully she can convert them into normal people. America thanks you, Mrs. Johnson.

---Mike Johnson's Wife Runs Counseling Service That Compares Being Gay To Bestiality, Incest---

I doubt the article is characterizing it honestly but even if it is, what Mr. and Mrs. Mike Johnson believe about anything is irrelevant until they try to turn it into federal policy or law. At that time it can be scrutinized for validity or lack thereof.
Meanwhile the president's (M.D.) wife apparently offers counseling about the future of the freaking Country under a brain damaged administration and the angry left is fine about it.
Good to see the speaker's wife helping sinners with their problems. Hopefully she can convert them into normal people. America thanks you, Mrs. Johnson.

---Mike Johnson's Wife Runs Counseling Service That Compares Being Gay To Bestiality, Incest---

Yes, it never fails. Any time a homophobe brings up homosexuality, they quickly deploy their logical fallacy that being gay is akin to bestiality and pedophilia.

Homophobes are too stupid to realize gay sex is between two consenting adults. Animals and children cannot give consent to sex. Not even if the adult is Matt Gaetz or Denny Hastert or a co-worker of Gym Jordan.

Maybe the Right should focus on putting their hypocritical mouths where their fake morals are and start on Donald Trump's constant bearing of false witness, and his pathological adultery, and his stealing from cancer kids and the elderly. Maybe they should question why they are supporting a man who made his living from gambling houses and contests of the flesh and a game show built on greed. Maybe they should question why they support a man who exploits every human weakness and who is a profligate sinner.

Until then, Republicans come across the most hypocritical performative assholes who ever walked the Earth.
I bet I can get the Speaker's wife to give me a handjob in a crowded theater while I grope her tits.

She'd probably kill to give Trump one.
well, be it they need fixing or not, do we really want the gub'mit to make that call Lenny? ~S~

She isn't the government and it isn't through a government agency.

She is as an individual trying to help people that need help and they are voluntarily getting that help of their own free will.

But I'll humor your purely fictional idea and say, yes if the government didn't want fags then I'd be ok with it. They can supress it, keep it a secret like they used to, or simply go to another country. But we passed the point where "what two adults do behind closed doors in private is their business" was tolerable because now their faggotry is spilling out into the streets and is working it's way to children. So if being a fag was deemed illegal I would be ok with that.
Lefties keep bringing up Trump and adultery. Who in their right mind would pass up the chance to bang a porn star?
Lefties keep bringing up Trump and adultery. Who in their right mind would pass up the chance to bang a porn star?
So adultery is now cool.

I see. And who are the deviants again?

What, exactly, are these "Family Values" I keep hearing about?
A man having sex with a woman is normal.
A MARRIED man cheating on three wives is cool, right?

And they say gays are ruining the institution of marriage! :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

What, exactly, are these "Family Values" I keep hearing about?
Good to see the speaker's wife helping sinners with their problems. Hopefully she can convert them into normal people. America thanks you, Mrs. Johnson.

---Mike Johnson's Wife Runs Counseling Service That Compares Being Gay To Bestiality, Incest---

I though all people were sinners in Christianity.

So how can she help them, they'll be sinners no matter what they do, so might as well have fun sinning....

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