Special, addicting ingredient in processed food?


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
I don't know...

For three damn months I went without eating processed food.

That's a lot of days.

Then I eat a Double Quarter Pounder with fries and a Dr Pepper.

Now I feel like I've lost my shit, as if my body [the next day] is screaming for more junk food.

It's awful! I gave in and bought some jerky, chips, and a couple Rock Stars from the local gas station.

F***. Is it just me, or are they putting something addicting in these foods? It's like I have to fight really hard to stop thinking about a tasty junk food treat, ESPECIALLY on hour #10 while working on the hospital floor. God, I was doing great these last three months, eating healthy, tasteless crap like organic eggs, green cabbage, homemade kefir, and ground flax seed and chia. F***. I want some damned pizza. WITH HOT DOGS. AND ROOT BEER. GLORIOUS ROOT BEER.

I bet these evil f***ers are putting something in these foods to bait us into buying more of it.

Am I nuts, or just hungry?

We try to do clean eating about 80% of the time, but there are just times when I crave a bag of chips and some ice cream. I never crave fast food tho unless it is chick Fil a, pdq, or maybe burgerfi.
I don't think they add anything addictive, but I hear ya. I've cut back my bad carbs by 80%-90% and I've lost over 30 pounds in six months. I'm now at my college weight. And when I eat shit like a Quarter Pounder, I feel like shit. I no longer crave the crap I used to eat. And I love crap! Potato chips, fries, etc. But I don't eat that much anymore.
It's gettin bad, man.

I'm already drawing up plans to heist the local Taco Bell.
yeah, some one is putting addictive whatever in all the bad foods

I can go a week or two really good on my diet, then I am rolling in the Kroger candy and chip aisle like a cat after sex.
Just drank three Rock Stars.

Not sure if satisfied, or dying.
Ew. Taco Smell. I eat that stuff and I am SICK soon after. I don't eat fast food anymore. I cook my own. I snack too. Love my cool ranch doritos cuz they are gluten free and I crave the seasoning on them. I also have milkshakes I make at home. Only thing I fry is corn tortillas when I make tacos...and those are chopped up chicken, guacamole, cheese, lettuce that I prepare myself. Or fried eggs..scrambled or over medium.

Maybe you need a FA meeting, Wake. (Food Anonymous). :lol:

One day at a time. ;)
Love the Taco Bell.

Love the Dairy Queen, but the dipped ice cream cones turn my insides into slip and slides.
Taco Bell is awesome!

But I stopped eating there years ago.

I'd be hungry a couple of hours after I ate there and still felt like shit.
Oh, I miss Taco Smell. Loved it. But....innards just can't handle it any more. I liked those Enchiritos, but with sour cream and green sauce. Oh man. Yummy. Alas....it's been probably about 8 years since I have eaten ANYTHING from there. No BK. No McD's. Just can't handle the payment aftering eating it.
I do feel like crap after eating junk food.

People should google GI candidiasis, too.
It's the sugar, and is in everything processed. Read recently, sugar is ten times more addictive than heroine.
I do feel like crap after eating junk food.

People should google GI candidiasis, too.
My gastro doc did an endoscopy on me yesterday. Results won't be known until the 23rd, but he said he thinks I have more BAD bacteria in my gut than the GOOD bacteria. Ya need BOTH. So....gonna start chowing down on yogurt or some other form of probiotic. Get those good ones back in thar!
What? I seem like a junk food junkie??? I'm so transparent.....
I do feel like crap after eating junk food.

People should google GI candidiasis, too.
My gastro doc did an endoscopy on me yesterday. Results won't be known until the 23rd, but he said he thinks I have more BAD bacteria in my gut than the GOOD bacteria. Ya need BOTH. So....gonna start chowing down on yogurt or some other form of probiotic. Get those good ones back in thar!

Make homemade kefir instead.

Trust me: your GI health will thank you.

Up to 60 beneficial probiotic strains. Yogurt only has, like, five. Buy some kefir grains and whole milk.
I do feel like crap after eating junk food.

People should google GI candidiasis, too.
My gastro doc did an endoscopy on me yesterday. Results won't be known until the 23rd, but he said he thinks I have more BAD bacteria in my gut than the GOOD bacteria. Ya need BOTH. So....gonna start chowing down on yogurt or some other form of probiotic. Get those good ones back in thar!

Make homemade kefir instead.

Trust me: your GI health will thank you.

Up to 60 beneficial probiotic strains. Yogurt only has, like, five. Buy some kefir grains and whole milk.
I have to be careful on the grain thing. I am gluten free and have been for years.
Now I have to go google Kefir. Never heard of it.
Kefir is perfect for people who can't properly handle gluten. Gluten feeds GI candidiasis which, if I consume, results in terrible effects.

The 'grains' are actually protein complexes of beneficial bacteria [and, I think, beneficial yeasts]. They look like little white clouds and have a consistency and taste of sour gummi bears. Sounds shocking, but they're both delicious and very good for you.

All you do is plop them into milk, wait while they ferment it by eating up all the milk and turning it into a nutritious power-house, and then strain out the grains and either drink or second ferment [let it sit another 24 hours to ripen]. Then you plop the [slightly bigger] grains into more milk and rinse, wash, repeat. That's it.

After second fermenting [where you let the kefir continue fermenting after removing the grains] I add in a shredded bit of vanilla bean, or papaya, or ginger. The bacteria eat it up and excrete more nutrients and vitamins, and it also flavors the kefir deliciously. Chilled kefir with vanilla bean is freaking awesome.

My little tbsp of kefir grains from yemoos.com is now 4 tbsps, and I'm juggling four quart-sized mason jars of fermenting milk at any given moment. All you need is milk, kefir grains, plastic strainer, glass bowl, plastic spatula, rubber bands, and coffee filters [to cover mason jar but allow air to escape. Just keep the container of kefir out at room temperature and it'll do its thing. :D
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