Special Counsel Mueller investigating Russian interference in the election look at DNC emails?

would you think that the first thing we need to look at/look for are all of those secret flights back/forth from USA/Russia? that seems to be what the loony left is insinuating? and the 98,000 phone calls between the Trump staff,,,and "The Russians"

As mentioned before, since the Dems are so crazy for special investigations, let us investigate why, as Hillary was Sec. of State, Bill Clinton's speaking fees DOUBLED, and he made a special trip to MOSCOW to give a 1 hour talk a few years ago and was paid HALF A MILLION DOLLARS by the Russians! It was right after that that Hillary gave them 20% of the USA's URANIUM RESERVES. To Russia. You know---- buddies to Iran? That is, after Hillary's hitting the "Reset" button with Russia that took a strategic eastern Europe missile defensive shield away much to the chagrin of the Eastern Bloc nations that was much to Russia's liking and set the stage for them to invade the Crimea.

That was not long after when Obama was going into his reelection that he told Russia while he thought the mike had been turned off to wait until after his reelection when he would be free to do more for them. Trump-Russian collusion? WHO THE HELL ARE WE KIDDING HERE? Just who is calling the kettle black here?

While some Dems call Russia such a threat that they want to cut off all conversations with them, that Trump just meeting with and having normal, casual diplomatic discussions with them to get to know each other is grounds for scrutiny, let us investigate THAT BULLSHIT.

You can always tell what the Democrats are up to by merely observing what they accuse the other side of doing.
right, can u imagine if this went to trial? and Trump has all of this collusion evidence between the Clintons and the Russians,,,,u think Hillary will go for this?

This special investigation might lead back to places the democrats never intended. There was talk this morning of it eventually involving Susan Rice.
They've opened Pandoras Box...

The special counsel should get to the bottom of Russian involvement in America in every way...like getting control of the USA's Uranium supply.

The Clinton brokered URANIUM ONE deal through the CLINTON FOUNDATION should be thoroughly examined.

These investigations can go anywhere.

Russian involvement in the DNC e-mail hack, Seth Rich's murder, Uranium One, Podesta molesting children, Wasserman fixing the primaries, Huma having 4 private jobs while working at the STATE DEPARTMENT.....it's all fair game.

THis should be very interesting.
would you think that the first thing we need to look at/look for are all of those secret flights back/forth from USA/Russia? that seems to be what the loony left is insinuating? and the 98,000 phone calls between the Trump staff,,,and "The Russians"

As mentioned before, since the Dems are so crazy for special investigations, let us investigate why, as Hillary was Sec. of State, Bill Clinton's speaking fees DOUBLED, and he made a special trip to MOSCOW to give a 1 hour talk a few years ago and was paid HALF A MILLION DOLLARS by the Russians! It was right after that that Hillary gave them 20% of the USA's URANIUM RESERVES. To Russia. You know---- buddies to Iran? That is, after Hillary's hitting the "Reset" button with Russia that took a strategic eastern Europe missile defensive shield away much to the chagrin of the Eastern Bloc nations that was much to Russia's liking and set the stage for them to invade the Crimea.

That was not long after when Obama was going into his reelection that he told Russia while he thought the mike had been turned off to wait until after his reelection when he would be free to do more for them. Trump-Russian collusion? WHO THE HELL ARE WE KIDDING HERE? Just who is calling the kettle black here?

While some Dems call Russia such a threat that they want to cut off all conversations with them, that Trump just meeting with and having normal, casual diplomatic discussions with them to get to know each other is grounds for scrutiny, let us investigate THAT BULLSHIT.

You can always tell what the Democrats are up to by merely observing what they accuse the other side of doing.

No, that's what Trump does. The Liar-in-Chief called Cruz "Lying Ted", while claiming that Obama was born in Kenya, and Ted's father was involved in JFK's assassination.

Trump never settles but settled the Trump U case for $25 million while claiming no wrongdoing.

Trump asked the Russians to hack Hillary and they did.
would you think that the first thing we need to look at/look for are all of those secret flights back/forth from USA/Russia? that seems to be what the loony left is insinuating? and the 98,000 phone calls between the Trump staff,,,and "The Russians"

As mentioned before, since the Dems are so crazy for special investigations, let us investigate why, as Hillary was Sec. of State, Bill Clinton's speaking fees DOUBLED, and he made a special trip to MOSCOW to give a 1 hour talk a few years ago and was paid HALF A MILLION DOLLARS by the Russians! It was right after that that Hillary gave them 20% of the USA's URANIUM RESERVES. To Russia. You know---- buddies to Iran? That is, after Hillary's hitting the "Reset" button with Russia that took a strategic eastern Europe missile defensive shield away much to the chagrin of the Eastern Bloc nations that was much to Russia's liking and set the stage for them to invade the Crimea.

That was not long after when Obama was going into his reelection that he told Russia while he thought the mike had been turned off to wait until after his reelection when he would be free to do more for them. Trump-Russian collusion? WHO THE HELL ARE WE KIDDING HERE? Just who is calling the kettle black here?

While some Dems call Russia such a threat that they want to cut off all conversations with them, that Trump just meeting with and having normal, casual diplomatic discussions with them to get to know each other is grounds for scrutiny, let us investigate THAT BULLSHIT.

You can always tell what the Democrats are up to by merely observing what they accuse the other side of doing.

No, that's what Trump does. The Liar-in-Chief called Cruz "Lying Ted", while claiming that Obama was born in Kenya, and Ted's father was involved in JFK's assassination.

Trump never settles but settled the Trump U case for $25 million while claiming no wrongdoing.

Trump asked the Russians to hack Hillary and they did.
Trump asked the Russians to hack Hillary and they did.

Breaking Everywhere!

Comey Under Oath: Trump NEVER Pressured FBI to Halt Investigations “It’s Not Happened”


The DOJ operates under Trump. The head of the DOJ works at the pleasure of the POTUS - they are in contact regularly and work together often.

Comey's testimony is fundamentally a game changer........ "in my experience" - meaning "in ALL my experiences" there has never been pressure to end an investigation.

That would have to include Trump
LOL The senile old orange clown has tweeted enough to create the appearance of obstruction of justice.

Old Rocks, the "appearance" of obstruction doesn't mean crap. Appear any way you want. Especially with a guy like Mueller, all he and the law care about is Actual OBSTRUCTION. There is none. All of this is another democratic sham just trying to stall Trump, sour voters and try to get some seats back in 2018.

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