Speed of light might be wrong


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Physicist suggests speed of light might be slower than thought

" (Phys.org) —Physicist James Franson of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County has captured the attention of the physics community by posting an article to the peer-reviewed New Journal of Physics in which he claims to have found evidence that suggests the speed of light as described by the theory of general relativity, is actually slower than has been thought.

The theory of general relativity suggests that light travels at a constant speed of 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. It's the c in Einstein's famous equation after all, and virtually everything measured in the cosmos is based on it—in short, it's pretty important. But, what if it's wrong?"

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Reminded me of previous stories about a variable velocity of light like this,

Light Traveled Faster in the Early Universe -- The Varying Speed of Light Theory Today s Most Popular

and this,

Speed of Light May Not Be Constant Physicists Say Cosmology Astronomy

and this,

Scientists Slow Down Speed of Light - ABC News

"Scientists have managed to slow down light so much that if it were a car on a highway, it could get a ticket for not getting over to the right-hand lane.

The speed of light is normally about 186,000 miles per second, or fast enough to go around the world seven times in the wink of eye.

Scientists succeeded in slowing it down to 38 mph.

They did this by shooting a laser through extremely cold sodium atoms, which worked like “optical molasses” to slow the light down. Scientists have managed to slow down light so much that if it were a car on a highway, it could get a ticket for not getting over to the right-hand lane."

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