Spineless liberals sissies: Raised hand violates "safe space"

Says shaking her head was also a safe space violation haha!!!
Ok so what is the official term we are using to mock these safe space liberals? I've heard snow flakes the most. Cupcake also.
Most of the conservatives here tend to go off on these crying jags whenever a college student somewhere does something dumb.

The liberals, we just say, "Yep, that kid's a dumbass" and ignore it, but the conservatives weep for days.

This is why I advocate free testosterone supplements for conservatives. With that simple treatment, we could almost instantly wipe out the disease of conservatism.
Well given the fact the vast majority of universities and their professors bleed secular humanist and liberal positions when it comes to politics, social matters, religious matters, et al. this may becoming more of a scourge than you are willing to believe. You and they and maybe all of us have turned into the proverbial frog in the pan of hot water. Every year since maybe 1964 it goes up about one degree but no one notices because it’s gradual.

Hollwood, TV, music, fashion, sex educators, the government, our education system, the feminist and gay cultures, environmentalist freaks, corporate greed and surely the media are all contributing to this fundamental change in how humanity views itself and others.

In 1964 the temperature was 70 degrees. I just took the temperature in 2016. It is now 199 degrees. Some of us Christians and conservatives are definitely panicking . And hot! And we are not attributing that to global warming.
When is the last time you attended college? I went from 1979-1997..I plan on going back after the youngest of the 4 kids gets done, yet my colleagues, the ones I went to grammar through high school with, and some college, are not teaching their students that stuff..especially the PHD in philosophy professor at the Univ. of Okies, and I have several relatives that are high school teachers, they do not teach as such..So I would like to know when is the last time you attended a college or university in the USA........

Nearly 20 years In school? Dude, get a fucking job! Stop leaching off us working folk!
Yet when a group of 'libruls' shows up to protest somewhere it is cons who are whining and crying for a safe space. All those menacing 15 year old girls really get a conservative to start filling out their will.

Yet when a group of 'libruls' shows up to protest somewhere it is cons who are whining and crying for a safe space. All those menacing 15 year old girls really get a conservative to start filling out their will.

Wait, you just said in another thread that no group has the right to protest violently.

I knew you were full of shit..lol
Most of the conservatives here tend to go off on these crying jags whenever a college student somewhere does something dumb.

The liberals, we just say, "Yep, that kid's a dumbass" and ignore it, but the conservatives weep for days.

This is why I advocate free testosterone supplements for conservatives. With that simple treatment, we could almost instantly wipe out the disease of conservatism.

Yeah. This week it's Scotland. Next week what, Outer Mongolia?
Yet when a group of 'libruls' shows up to protest somewhere it is cons who are whining and crying for a safe space. All those menacing 15 year old girls really get a conservative to start filling out their will.

Wait, you just said in another thread that no group has the right to protest violently.

I knew you were full of shit..lol

You project what's in your head out onto what other people say and do. I actually said no one does. Where in my post above do I advocate violence?

I said protesting. It is the fear in you that saw 'protest' as 'violence'.

Work on it.
Yet when a group of 'libruls' shows up to protest somewhere it is cons who are whining and crying for a safe space. All those menacing 15 year old girls really get a conservative to start filling out their will.

Wait, you just said in another thread that no group has the right to protest violently.

I knew you were full of shit..lol

You project what's in your head out onto what other people say and do. I actually said no one does. Where in my post above do I advocate violence?

I said protesting. It is the fear in you that saw 'protest' as 'violence'.

Work on it.

Oh, now the double standard is offered up. If it weren't for a double standard, you liberals wouldn't have any standards at all.
Every year since maybe 1964 it goes up about one degree but no one notices because it’s gradual

The real gradual change has been in the fervor of the conservative quest for victimhood.

It's such a shame. Just think of what conservatives could accomplish if they lived like normal humans, instead of spending their days scouring the world to find reasons to declare themselves to be the ultimate victims.
Wow, would they rather a person be rude and inconsiderate of everyone else in the picture and just start clucking without any form of a heads up?

God bless you and the girl always!!!

Why don't liberals do us and the world a favor and commit mass suicide becaues you are such fucking pansies you cannot handle life.

Student threatened with removal from meeting after she put her hand up

HAHAHA what a bunch of Idiots, the same people wouldnt have a problem interfering in someone elses political rally. And your right what a bunch of insecure sissies , if there talking points are so weak that someone raising their hand is a threat........ ????
I guess everybody missed the point that the chick agrees with the concept of safe space unless it doesnt allow her to break the rules.

According to the association’s rules, student council meetings should be held in a “safe space environment”, defined as “a space which is welcoming and safe and includes the prohibition of discriminatory language and actions”.

This includes “refraining from hand gestures which denote disagreement”, or “in any other way indicating disagreement with a point or points being made”."

From the chick.

"“I totally do believe in safe space and the principles behind it,” she told the Telegraph. “It’s supposed to enhance free speech and not shut it down, and give everyone a chance to feel like they can contribute.

“Safe space is essential for us to have a debate where everyone can speak, but it can’t become a tool for the hard left to use when they disagree with people.”"

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