Spontaneous Heat: A DreamWorks Parable


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Sep 22, 2013
A supernova is a cosmic event during which a large star or space-body spontaneously explodes. This causes the sudden appearance of a "new" bright star, before slowly fading from sight over several weeks or months.

The fact that a supernova, or its 'miniature rendition,' the nova, may occur somewhat spontaneously (since increasing heat-course signatures, expansion and regression, of stars do not necessarily follow linear courses, rendering their heating and cooling to be 'nonlinear'), tells us that when we see stars in the night-sky from Earth, they may actually be light-transmissions of faded or exploded stars that take too long for us to reach in time in order for us to exactly cite the time of explosion.

Spontaneous combustion is when a substance/particle ignites 'automatically' and without any electrical spark, since chemical interactions create a 'natural energization' (or a motion in certain energy orbitals).

This is related to thermal runaway, which is when changes in temperature create further changes in temperature (by shifts in potential and kinetic energy), not unlike entropy!

This sort of 'enigmatic energy' work was explored by renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking who suggested that distinct pockets of emitted energy and heat from otherwise void-like black holes indicated an 'arrow of time' (since energy was moving and changing in space) relevant to thermodynamics (the study of heat and energy and radiation), which suggests that heating-cooling and expansion-contraction cycles (or repetitions in radiation occurrences) are distinct stellar evens. This is known as 'Hawking radiation' (theory).

This sort of 'energy-consciousness' was explored in the Hawking-biopic film The Theory of Everything and reveals the modern-day artistic appeal of the 'terrain-piercing' fictional comic book superhuman Wolverine (Marvel Comics), a mutant who can literally 'scratch' through anything (with his metal knuckle-blades) despite any kind of anticipatory material/surface integrity (almost as if he is a 'spontaneous force of disintegration').

So is teamwork spontaneous?

This apocalypto-parable was inspired by Deep Impact and Buckaroo Banzai.


As humanity witnessed the greatest supernova in the history of the mapped universe, NASA scientists scrambled to understand (finally!) how heat-signature cycles and trajectories of energy between particles in space gave off 'random' emissions of force/energy, leading to great turbulence in stellar orbitals(!). The observed titanic supernova was named 'Scratch,' since it seemed to literally 'scratch' a dent into the fabric of space-time (and human imagination!). This 'spontaneous combustion' of Biblical proportions had divinity-scholars on Earth talking about Armageddon (the prophesied 'End of Days') during which Jesus Christ would return and deal with the adversary known as the 'AntiChrist.'


Well, Wolverine was not going to take all this 'lying down.' Wolverine was a master-mutant, genetically-engineered by the U.S. government to be a perfect 'super-soldier.' Wolverine was genetically-altered and afforded special adamantium (metal) knuckle-blades which gave him the superhuman ability to cut through any surface (regardless of strength/integrity of the material!). Wolverine was sure that the supernova Scratch which NASA scientists were busy analysing was indeed a sign that the adversarial AntiChrist had arrived on Earth to scare humanity about the potential 'deep impact' of human apathy.


Wolverine had a right to be paranoid. On Earth, massive levels of industrialization related eco-pollution had created huge shifts in climate systems, yielding unpredictable weather and uncomfortable changes in warm-and-cold temperatures in big cities and leading to what many eco-scientists and politicians (such as former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore) referred to as the 'inconvenient truth' of global warming ('unnatural' changes in Earth's climate-system heating-and-cooling cycles), which would eventually lead to a 'manmade Ice Age.' Wolverine was certain that the AntiChrist was some 'wild Hollywood (USA) movie star' (such as Tom Cruise or Leo DiCaprio) making 'ominously-speculative' films about the 'course of history' (such as Edge of Tomorrow and Body of Lies).


If Wolverine was correct, then the supernova Scratch just might signal the coming of a terrible 'tribulation' on Earth, otherwise a wonderful planet of great organic life, human intelligence, and animalia proliferation. Wolverine began wondering if Americans' great celebration of the recent incredible 'underdog-victory' of the Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) over the seemingly-indomitable New England Patriots would create some sudden unnatural 'social hysteria' regarding the media's proliferation of 'self-constrol consciousness.' Would the AntiChrist bring forth a news of great and terrible spontaneous heat? This was the theory of everything.



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