Sports Irritations


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
ONE: Derek Jeter recently finished a career in which he had approximately 10,000 official times at bat, and probably another thousand non-counted at bats or post season turns. Each one of them included about 5 pitches.

Therefore one can confidently estimate that about fifty-five thousand times, Derek Jeter stepped out of the batter's box and adjusted - not one - but both of his two batting gloves.

Now at long, long last, he can finally give this ridiculous, unnecessary, time-wasting, self-adulating ritual a rest.

Batters who step out of the box on each pitch should be ejected, then suspended, then shot.

TWO: Spitting is one of the most disgusting acts that a human can do. There are a few times in life when it seems like the best thing to do, but those times are rare, and best suppressed or done in private. Many baseball players spit constantly, with the former player - now manager - Dusty Baker being the King of Spit. He should be forced to drink a 55-gallon drum of his own spit. Maybe then he would get the message of how disgusting it (he) is.

Adding sunflower seeds to the equation raises the level of disgusting-ness to the third power.

THREE: These women who find it necessary to shriek when they hit the ball make me want to shriek, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" when I have the occasion to see them on the telly. Unfortunately, a few of the shriekers (e.g., Williams, the younger) are at the top of the rankings, and playing in significant matches. I turn off the sound.

The Navratilova woman is just as disgusted as I am with the shrieking and I heard her suggest a year or so ago that if you deducted a point for shrieking, it would take the offending players about 5 minutes to permanently rid themselves of this ridiculous, pointless habit. I understand that some womens' coaches actually teach it. A pox on all of them.

FOUR: When I was growing up and playing basketball, the rules required that when dribbling the ball, the players hand be ON TOP OF THE BALL. If the player controlled the ball from the side of the ball, it was a violation called, "palming," and the team lost the ball.

Then along came an NBA "star" named Ervin Johnson. He "palmed" the ball every time he dribbled it, so in true NBA fashion, the officials declined to call the infraction because of Johnson's exalted status. Now palming the ball is universal, and never called. Thank you Ervin Johnson, for that. May you get HIV. already have it. Never mind.

FIVE: When I was growing up, it was customary for winning sports competitors to be humble and gracious when discussing their wins. Expressions like, "It was really a team effort," "It could have gone either way," and "By the grace of God," were common.

Then a strange thing happened. There was a boxer named Cassius Clay, who was a shameless self-promoter, and who decided to emulate PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS, specifically, one "Gorgeous George," who made it a practice to boast about themselves and belittle their opponents when being interviewed after a win. At the time, this was something that was limited to Professional Wrestling, which was and is something of a farce anyway. But it was NEVER done in "real" sport.

Until Cassius Clay starting spouting, "I am the greatest!" and other expressions of similar import.

And now this disgusting and totally ungracious behavior pattern is common.
ONE... Agreed. I'm no fan of baseball and if I was it wouldn't be the Yankees. Matter of fact I had a personal beef with Reggie(Mr. October) back in the late 70's. I came this >< close to planting his arrogant ass in the Everglades to feed the gators.

TWO... Spitting doesn't even come close to the most disgusting things a human can do. I had a girlfriend that forgot she had a tampon in and after a couple of get the picture. Pee You !!!

THREE... Female tennis players are not as big as you might think. I hung out with the younger Williams gal for a bit in Hawaii one Pro Bowl trip. I can see why they must conjur up every bit of strength to hit a ball that hard.

FOUR... Agree completely. I used to get called for palming in HS. It drove me crazy. Then as you said along came Johnson and they abandoned playing by the rules.

FIVE... Clay had an agenda that he played out using boxing as the platform. Those were troubled times. Racism WAS still rampant. The draft to send Americans..mostly blacks to the illegal war in South East Asia to support the South Viet Nam's several bogus governments DID need speaking out against. It was not our fight. If it was then we should have used our nukes. But THAT would have put our politicians and THEIR families at risk wouldn't it? Ya...Clay was a big mouth but he had important things to say. It's not like he was a Richard Sherman running his mouth over trivial issues and personal gain.
FOUR: When I was growing up and playing basketball, the rules required that when dribbling the ball, the players hand be ON TOP OF THE BALL. If the player controlled the ball from the side of the ball, it was a violation called, "palming," and the team lost the ball.


In addition to palming there is travelling as he takes four steps toward the basket
It also drives me nuts on free throws when they cross the line before the ball has left the shooters hands
Batters who step out of the box on each pitch should be ejected, then suspended, then shot.

Maybe not that far but the pitcher should be free to throw the ball whether he is in the box or not
The pitcher should have a 24 sec clock like in basketball. If he doesn't get a pitch off in 24 sec it is called a ball
Oh yeah...

The "walk to China" dunk! In the NBA, you can walk the length of the court, and if it ends with a dunk, there is no traveling call! Jesus!

Not to mention the fact that the dunk is the one play in basketball that requires absolutely NO SKILL WHATSOEVER, and yet it floods the Highlight Reels as though it were the basketball equivalent of a golf hole in one. Good God, people, if you can jump high enough to do it, that's it. No skill.

As for women in Tennis shrieking, there is no need to do it (very few of the top pro's do, and almost none of the men), it provides no advantage, and it is a distraction. Just STFU.

I think baseball management is working on a project right now to speed up the game, including limiting the batter from stepping out on every pitch, and forcing the pitchers to actually throw the ball without undue delay. There is no need to hurry, just get in position and throw the ball.
Batters who step out of the box on each pitch should be ejected, then suspended, then shot.

Maybe not that far but the pitcher should be free to throw the ball whether he is in the box or not
The pitcher should have a 24 sec clock like in basketball. If he doesn't get a pitch off in 24 sec it is called a ball
I agree that the game is too slow and it would make it more interesting if there was some pressure to perform within tighter time constraints.

The batter's time out for no apparent reason needs to be eliminated. When did it start? Why has it not been changed to tighten up the game? Who would be against making it harder to just step in the batter's box and be prepared to hit the ball?

Maybe the whole idea of the time out in baseball needs some investigation and adjustment.

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