Spreading the rep!

I rep'd one person. I have rep'd nine people since, and I am still not able to rep the person.
It is nine now, it used to be eight. That one is going to really screw me. :D
:lol: re California

I wonder why they made it nine?

Funny story. My friend and I always use nine. Example: " Man Katie, there is like nine them" But in reality it could be only four boys. It is just something we do.
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Dammit... A great great thread setup like this and I must resist.....

legs, she knows how to use them.
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:lol: re California

I wonder why they made it nine?

Funny story. My friend and I always use nine. Example: " Man Katie, there is like nine them" But in reality it could be only four boys. It is just something we do.

I blame that bastard Gunny and his stupid rep rules.... although, I've always thought they were more sort of guidelines. :lol:
But what really annoys me is this.... You go to rep someone.... and you get that 'you greedy biatch, you slapped around too much rep lately so you're on the naughty step and have to wait there til Gunny returns your rep'.

Ok, I over dramatized a tad but it's the same thing.
I have maxed out twice this week. I haven't maxed out in a long time.
What I would like to request is that Gunny makes our Latest Reputation Given list show the last 20 instead of the last 10. That way, if we maxed out, we would know when the 24 hours was up.
What I would like to request is that Gunny makes our Latest Reputation Given list show the last 20 instead of the last 10. That way, if we maxed out, we would know when the 24 hours was up.

True dat.

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