St. Paul's Prep School Rape


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2013
One Owen Labrie, a graduate of elite St. Paul's prep school in New Hampshire, is now on trial for raping a 15-year-old girl student at the school while he was a senior. He was first charged with ten felonies, now pared to three.

The "Senior Salute" is an annual competition among senior boys of who can have sex with the largest number of younger female students.

Owen Labrie

Labrie was 18 when the alleged assault took place on May 30, 2014. He was a prefect at St. Paul's and had been accepted to Harvard, where he planned to study theology. During his initial interview with Concord police, he spoke openly about the Senior Salute and his participation in it (hoping to be "number one"). He described the scoreboard he and his classmates kept, written in marker on a wall behind some washing machines (which, he says, the school kept painting over, so they eventually moved it online).

I read that this "Senior Salute" business was a competition to deflower as many young girls as possible, and it's been going on for many years. This terrible kid wanted to be "Number One" in this activity and also wanted to be a minister and planned to study theology at Harvard. I wonder if Harvard will still allow him entry? Probably, if he isn't in prison. I can't understand how a person can have two such disparate ambitions without his head splitting open.

Besides hoping this kid DOES go to prison as I follow the trial, I would like to know why the school allowed all this to continue year after year, decade after decade. Surely they could have stopped it? They could call in girls, call in the seniors, tell them it's absolutely a dead tradition and anyone doing it faces expulsion.

The main thing I think is that this is why the "only yes means yes" idea out of California is what we need on all school campuses. She said no, she tried to stop him, but he was bigger and he just couldn't hear a no.
One Owen Labrie, a graduate of elite St. Paul's prep school in New Hampshire, is now on trial for raping a 15-year-old girl student at the school while he was a senior. He was first charged with ten felonies, now pared to three.

The "Senior Salute" is an annual competition among senior boys of who can have sex with the largest number of younger female students.

Owen Labrie

Labrie was 18 when the alleged assault took place on May 30, 2014. He was a prefect at St. Paul's and had been accepted to Harvard, where he planned to study theology. During his initial interview with Concord police, he spoke openly about the Senior Salute and his participation in it (hoping to be "number one"). He described the scoreboard he and his classmates kept, written in marker on a wall behind some washing machines (which, he says, the school kept painting over, so they eventually moved it online).

I read that this "Senior Salute" business was a competition to deflower as many young girls as possible, and it's been going on for many years. This terrible kid wanted to be "Number One" in this activity and also wanted to be a minister and planned to study theology at Harvard. I wonder if Harvard will still allow him entry? Probably, if he isn't in prison. I can't understand how a person can have two such disparate ambitions without his head splitting open.

Besides hoping this kid DOES go to prison as I follow the trial, I would like to know why the school allowed all this to continue year after year, decade after decade. Surely they could have stopped it? They could call in girls, call in the seniors, tell them it's absolutely a dead tradition and anyone doing it faces expulsion.

The main thing I think is that this is why the "only yes means yes" idea out of California is what we need on all school campuses. She said no, she tried to stop him, but he was bigger and he just couldn't hear a no.

That's why she sent him days of texts saying "Let's just keep this our little secret. When can I see you again.?"
That's why she sent him days of texts saying "Let's just keep this our little secret. When can I see you again.?"

An 18 year old having consensual sex with a 15 year old is hardly rape. Only in a country where people want to make sure sex is forbidden would such sort of things happen.

A proper law on rape like this should take into account that if a guy in his 16th birthday has sex with his girlfriend whose birthday is the day after, that this isn't rape at all.

There should be some intelligence in all of this.
You say it was consensual sex, but she is accusing him of rape. That is what the trial is about: you can't assume it was consensual if he is on trial for rape. His parents have hired the high-powered Whitey Bulger lawyer to defend him as best they can --- but her parents are pretty angry too. It's a decidedly ugly story and I find the arrogance and the entitlement of this --- these --- young men pretty awful. They want it, they take it, and throw the girls away like a dirty rag.
In my state, 16 is the age of consent.

She was 15 when he raped her as part of this arcane ritualistic competition they had. I would hope her being underage is one of the charges, but I don't know what they are specifically, except that one pertains to using a computer to groom someone for sex.
I'm going to have to wait for more. The flirty texts she initiated afterwards are troubling. If he raped her, he should fry. However, if she falsely accused him of rape as revenge when she found out it was no longer their secret, she should receive the same penalty he faced.
The villain of the piece, Owen Labrie, is testifying today.

I don't want to see him FRY, but I'd like to see him in jail a few years, and no Harvard for him.

I'd sure like to see this malign custom stopped at this school --- people who send daughters there are CRAZY and I bet parents understand that now.
Perhaps girls should regain the power for themselves to say no. None of these girls have been forcibly raped. The cases rely instead on legal definitions of statutory.
The girls are guilty of using very poor judgment. They really believe that these boys are looking for a girlfriend and not a score.
After hearing some of the testimony, there is very little chance of a conviction.

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