Stained glass and other things!

Let's see, what do I do in the world of arts and crafts?

I draw, usually in black and white, and plan to take classes in oil and acrylic painting when I have time. I crochet, embroider, and cross-stitch. I sew, which is a necessity if one is involved in medieval recreation groups, as I am. It's also been darned helpful since I got pregnant. I make beaded and chainmail jewelry. And I sing, play the flute, and storytell with the Society for Creative Anachronism. I plan to learn to play the psaltery, because I need an instrument I can play while I sing, and my fingers are too stubby for the guitar.

Oh, I'm also writing a paranormal romance novel.

My problem is that I've always been good at too many things to ever focus on just one of them long enough to be really great. ::sigh::
I tried doing stained glass, but I had to quit.

A sports injury to my neck makes it impossible for me to look down for very long and so all kinds of crafts requiring that sort of close work are impossible for me, now.

Should you ever visit editec here in Maine, Stroll, I'll show you a Tiffany Stained Glass Church Window that'll knock your artistic socks off.

Ironically it sits in a church that had been long abandoned which has recently been rented by a fundamentalist congregation.

I wonder if they really understand that they get to enjoy one the world's most masterfully rendered stain glass windows?

I rather doubt it. Their esthetic sensibilities aren't exactly obvious.

For example, that church is one of those classical New England designs.

It sits on a small hill with trees planted around it which frames it beautfully, showing off its architecture.

So what did the recent renters do to it?

They placed a doublewide next to that church totally screwing up the beauty of the setting, thus destroying the obviously well thought out impression that church was supposed to convey.

Some people truly are souless when it comes to esthetics, I think.

Nice people but completely clueless.
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Nice work Strollingbones.

Fine oil paint, sculpture, ect... here. Not sure how to put pictures up here. A few pieces that were featured in a Peak oil special edition deally from Gallery Front. A page online.
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o very nice....i love that fish
Thank you. I made enough to do a life size like aquarium. My mom decided she liked them to well to let them go. She mounted them in her new house permantly on the bathroom walls. As soon as I can get the kiln going again I'll start a new life size aquarium project.

I need about three hundred pounds of beeswax. I want to try a brass casting of something i have had in my head for years on my next round of projects.

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