Star Trek or Star Wars?

fuzzykitten99 said:
neither...i think both suck.

but if i did have to choose, i would choose star wars. at least the battle scenes are pretty cool.

There are great battle scenes in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
This is so freaky- I was thinking of starting the same thread just a couple of days ago.

Anyway, definitely Star Trek.

So who will 'fess up to having been to a Star Trek or Star Wars convention?
Abbey Normal said:
This is so freaky- I was thinking of starting the same thread just a couple of days ago.

Anyway, definitely Star Trek.

So who will 'fess up to having been to a Star Trek or Star Wars convention?

I've been to a Star Trek convention. It was held on my campus on a Saturday and I got free admission for being a student. I was bored.

Kirk - One of the kookiest actors of all time. He didn't seem to understand the concept of overly tweaking the beats in your script.

Spock - It was interesting the first 100 times he said something about humans not being logical. After about the 1000th time, I wanted to kick him in the head and explain to him that he was not only the only Vulcan on the ship, but that he was only half a Vulcan.

McCoy - If I wanted an overdramatic, preachy doctor, I'd watch the last season of M*A*S*H.

Scotty - Eh, James Doohan is pretty cool. However, the whole, "Look at me, I'm Scottish," and "You canna' change the laws of physics" thing got old.

Sulu - What did he do that was so special? His job could probably be done by the computer.

Chekov - least until "The Hunt for Red October."

Uhura - So she's a black woman working in a spaceship. Big deal. All she ever did was look at those monitors, yet another job replacable by a computer.

Let's also not forget that Han Solo never wasted time being boringly seduced by green women. No, he was too busy being a BADA$$ to bang green women. Oh, and look who it got him...CARRIE FRICKIN' FISHER, that's who.

And no, there weren't any cool battle scenes in Wrath of Khan. Lasers that automatically hit ships that move around pretty slowly is not a cool battle scene. A bunch of high performance fighters dogfighting around a space station the size of a planet is a cool battle scene.

And Darth Vader is the best villian of all time. You're just in denial. He got so...personal, and he was IMMENSELY EEEEEEEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLL! Khan was a wussy boy crybaby trying to beat up the mean captain that punished him. He even let worms do most of the work. Darth Vader killed his subordinates for tactical errors. He choked a general half to death just to prove he could. He didn't hold decades old grudges, he just killed people.
And Darth Vader is the best villian of all time. You're just in denial. He got so...personal, and he was IMMENSELY EEEEEEEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLL! Khan was a wussy boy crybaby trying to beat up the mean captain that punished him. He even let worms do most of the work. Darth Vader killed his subordinates for tactical errors. He choked a general half to death just to prove he could. He didn't hold decades old grudges, he just killed people.

And he gave one of the worst deliveries of a line EVER in Episode III.

Seriously, that one, very simple line really ruined my memory of Darth Vader forever.
"And Darth Vader is the best villian of all time. You're just in denial. He got so...personal, and he was IMMENSELY EEEEEEEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLL!"

Darth Vader is so evil that he turned good in the sixth movie?

The battle scenes are great in Wrath of Khan. I rank The Nebula battle scene as the best. Two ships are in a beatiful nebula, duking it out without tactical or shields. And there is the interaction between the two (Kirk/Khan). It shows that starships aren't F16 and they can't turn on a dime. Like when the Enterprise is turning to starboard to avoid the reliant, it turns very slowly. The battle scene also shows the fault in Khan's intelligence. Plus, the 'battle stations, man the guns' music/scene before adds a whole plus to it. Plus, earlier battle scene is good too, for the phaser effects.
Do any of you realize that "Scripts" are written at the 12th grade level?
It's just entertainment folks....I remember several years ago when William Shatners daughter was at a equine event at the 'Burbank Equistrian Center' his daughter was kicked by a contenders horse...she went on to sue the contender...what is up with all ya's total acceptance of celebrities input and worldley knowledge of events...they are human and have their weakness's too! My daughter was in the competition at this event and was a witness...give it a rest..all is not what it appears to be...geez! :eek:
archangel said:
Do any of you realize that "Scripts" are written at the 12th grade level?
It's just entertainment folks....I remember several years ago when William Shatners daughter was at a equine event at the 'Burbank Equistrian Center' his daughter was kicked by a contenders horse...she went on to sue the contender...what is up with all ya's total acceptance of celebrities input and worldley knowledge of events...they are human and have their weakness's too! My daughter was in the competition at this event and was a witness...give it a rest..all is not what it appears to be...geez! :eek:
What I said what in the sam hell are you talking about? William Shatners daughter suing horse owners? Does anyone see how this connects to this thread? So lost.
The ClayTaurus said:
What I said what in the sam hell are you talking about? William Shatners daughter suing horse owners? Does anyone see how this connects to this thread? So lost.

all I can say is motion picture fantasy is just that fantasy...sometimes one must bring the debate up to reality...I grew up with a grandfather who was in the is all fantasy...get a grip...dude! :boohoo:
Chewbacca Chewbacca Chewbacca Chewbacca Chewbacca!


Hagbard Celine said:
Chewbacca Chewbacca Chewbacca Chewbacca Chewbacca!



ya like 'werewolves'!....careful shattered will bite ya!
Dan said:
And he gave one of the worst deliveries of a line EVER in Episode III.

Seriously, that one, very simple line really ruined my memory of Darth Vader forever.

The so-called "Prequal Trilogy" doesn't count in much the same way that "Enterprise" doesn't count towards Star Trek. I'll stick to the original, thank you.
Big Blue Machin said:
Khan is better than Darth Vader as a villian.

Yeah Khan is a real icon in American pop culture. :rolleyes: Ricardo Montalban's bare chest really struck fear, the only distracting thing was I kept expecting Tattoo to peek under a control planel some where and yell "de plane, de plane".

Galaxtic villian or aging rock star? :D

Big Blue Machin said:
At least he was true to his villian self and didn't change sides.

You don't get it. The sympathetic villians are often the best. The redemption of Anakin Skywalker is what Star Wars is about. I mean, the guy is SOOOOOO evil, yet at the very end, he makes one final act that redeems him and frees the galaxy. Darth Vader is the classic sympathetic villian and though not all of them redeem themselves, they are always some of the best villians ever. Just think of Sephiroth. Let's also not forget that Darth Vader actually fought Luke Skywalker one on one, mano e mano, while Khan was, well, a wussy boy who wouldn't even fight William Shatner, of all people, without some sort of unfair advantage. And he looks like a Whitesnake fan still desperately clutching to his youth.

I will concede the awesomeness of the Borg. Next Generation is, IMO, the best Star Trek, with great villians and dynamic characters. Still, I think Star Wars is better, especially because watching Next Generation means I have to tolerate Wesley Crusher.
Hobbit said:
...I will concede the awesomeness of the Borg. Next Generation is, IMO, the best Star Trek, with great villians and dynamic characters. Still, I think Star Wars is better, especially because watching Next Generation means I have to tolerate Wesley Crusher.

Spike TV had the Borg episodes on back-to-back last night (what fun!) so it was on my mind today. It was worth staying up late for. I agree with you about TNG, though I also really enjoyed DS9 for it's interesting story lines, and for Avery Brooks as Captain. I would say that Voyager was the all-time worst.

I've always wondered why guys had such a strong reaction to Wesley. He was a bit of a weenie, but he was young, so... What is it about him that drove you all nuts?
Just happened to see this:

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Evidently "Star Trek" actor James "Scotty" Doohan took the catchphrase "beam me up" very seriously -- his cremated remains will be launched into space in accord with his last wishes.

Commercial space flight operator Space Services Inc. will launch the late actor's remains into space aboard its Explorers Flight on December 6, a company spokeswoman said on Friday.

She said the remains of more than 120 others will be aboard the flight, including those of an unidentified astronaut and Mareta West, the astrogeologist who determined the site for the first spacecraft landing on the moon.

Space Services spokeswoman Susan Schonfeld declined to identify the astronaut whose cremated remains will be launched into space. She said the name would be announced the day of the launch.

Doohan, who portrayed feisty chief engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott on the "Star Trek" television series, died in July at age 85. On the program, when Capt. James Kirk ventured off the spaceship Enterprise and faced peril, he would demand Scotty "beam" his body up to the safety of the ship.

The actual phrase "Beam me up, Scotty," was not used on the show, but it entered pop culture.

To mark the flight into his final frontier, Doohan's family will hold a service for fans on a 60-acre (24-hectare) site near Vandenberg Air Force Base north of Los Angeles the day of the launch to pay tribute to him. Some fans are expected to attend in the formal white suit of a Star Fleet commander.

"I can't think of a more fitting send-off than having some of his fans attend this, his final journey," his widow, Wende Doohan, said in an open invitation to the service.

"Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry also had his remains shot into space after his death in 1991. They returned to Earth in 2002, Schonfeld said.

Doohan's cremated remains will be packed into a special tube that is ejected from the rocket and expected to orbit Earth for about 50 to 200 years before plunging into the planet's atmosphere and burning up.

Fans can post tributes to Doohan at the Space Services Web site ( Those messages will be digitized, packed with "Scotty" and blasted into space.;_ylu=X3oDMTA4dDg2MG9mBHNlYwMxNjk3
Hobbit said:
I will concede the awesomeness of the Borg. Next Generation is, IMO, the best Star Trek, with great villians and dynamic characters. Still, I think Star Wars is better, especially because watching Next Generation means I have to tolerate Wesley Crusher.

Don't you like the original series and movies too?

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