Star Wars, Obi Wan film...Tatooine...again....seriously?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Looking at a story on an Obi Wan film they are trying to make, and they hint they might set it on Tatooine. My thought is, why on Tatooine would you set another Star Wars film on that rock? Remember....Luke wanted nothing more than to get off that Rock.....and as far as boring settings go...Tatooine is boring.......

Obi-Wan Movie Working Title Hints At Tatooine
why are they doing any of these Episode III-3/8th semi-prequels?

Because they know the fanboys will come out and see them. So we'll get a Han Solo Movie, a Boba Fett Movie, and Obi-Wan hanging out in the desert like an old hippy Movie because why not?

If the movie about the guys mentioned breifly in the opening crawl of Star Wars (I refuse to call it "A New Hope") can get their own movie and make $532,177,324.00, why not milk that Cash Cow. Milk it really good.
I always found it odd that a planet with barely a trace of vegetation would have enough oxygen in the atmosphere to sustain a human being.
I always found it odd that a planet with barely a trace of vegetation would have enough oxygen in the atmosphere to sustain a human being.

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts
Repeat to yourself, it's just a show, you should really just relax
Rogue 1 I liked very much. I have no idea how they will fill 2 hours with Obi Wan in the desert where Vader and the Empire doesn't know he is entertainingly.

In the Clone Wars cartoons didn't Obi Wan have a near love interest with some Senator? Perhaps she could visit him and turn out to be Rey's mother? The timeline is contorted but things we accept like near lightspeed travel or time in stasis could fix it.
Looking at a story on an Obi Wan film they are trying to make, and they hint they might set it on Tatooine. My thought is, why on Tatooine would you set another Star Wars film on that rock? Remember....Luke wanted nothing more than to get off that Rock.....and as far as boring settings go...Tatooine is boring.......

Obi-Wan Movie Working Title Hints At Tatooine
Young adults are always wanting to leave home, but as they age, they want to go back to their roots. Go figure.

As for the new movie, if it was as good as the last two, I'll be happy. Rogue One was awesome and The Force Awakens was a great beginning for a new story arc.
Rogue 1 I liked very much. I have no idea how they will fill 2 hours with Obi Wan in the desert where Vader and the Empire doesn't know he is entertainingly.

In the Clone Wars cartoons didn't Obi Wan have a near love interest with some Senator? Perhaps she could visit him and turn out to be Rey's mother? The timeline is contorted but things we accept like near lightspeed travel or time in stasis could fix it.
Rogue One began as a single line in the original Star Wars movie. Obi Wan knew about the resistance and, as we know from Star Wars, Princess Leia knew about Obi Wan. Therefore, he can't have been too secluded from events.

It appears that writers are staying within the guidelines of the Clone Wars and other series so you could be correct.
As for the new movie, if it was as good as the last two, I'll be happy. Rogue One was awesome and The Force Awakens was a great beginning for a new story arc.

Rogue One was a bunch of fan service pretending to be a story, with a creepy CGI Tarkin in it.

My true contempt is for the FOrce Awakens though. It managed to do what the awful prequels couldn't do.- Ruin the original trilogy.

At the end of Jedi, Han and Leia are together, Han has reformed into a responsible leader of the Rebellion, Luke has mastered his Jedi Powers, and the Empire was defeated. Vader/Anikan Skywalker redeemed himself in the end,

And at the beginning of "The Farce Awakens",

Han and Leia's relationship has totally failed. Han and Chewie have gone back to being criminals.

Luke just gave up on being a Jedi or creating a new Jedi order

The Empire has been replaced by the New Order, who frankly are bigger pricks than the Empire ever were.

And while they didn't bring back Vader, he's still serving as a bad influence... which kind of nullifies his redemption.

And we get a rehashed version of A New Hope with better special effects and less cool characters.

On top of that, we have Han Solo getting killed in the most undignified way possible.

And at the end of the day, I'll still show up to see 'The Last Jedi".

Says the Dr. Who freak.

Yes, when you are a Science Fiction Fan, you actually have to accept a lot of things that are Scientifically improbable. I think that's why they call it "Science Fiction".

Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, they all have universes where you have to accept things that are fairly improbable, but they make good stories.
I really liked The Force Awakens until they hurry through the whole bigger Death Star thing. That was a bridge to far IMO.

As it was the first 1/2 or 3/4 were pretty darned good and the second or third time through watching with the kids the ending seems less bad.
I always found it odd that a planet with barely a trace of vegetation would have enough oxygen in the atmosphere to sustain a human being.

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts
Repeat to yourself, it's just a show, you should really just relax

I am relaxed. I just thought it was an unusual detail, that's all. I agree there's no need to make a big deal of it.
Your life summed up in three words. Lighten up, Francis. It's just a movie.

That took something that I loved from my youth and took a big old shit on it.

Fuck you, J.J. Abrams. He fucked up Star Trek. He fucked up Star Wars. He needs to be stopped before he messes up anything else.
I am relaxed. I just thought it was an unusual detail, that's all. I agree there's no need to make a big deal of it.

I could think of several explanations for it.

Perhaps at some point, to deal with the growing population crisis, the Galactic Republic started the process of terraforming Tantoonine, and the first step was to put a breathable atmosphere on it.

Then the Hutts took over the project, and pretty much stole all the funds to divert to pod racing franchises until the Republic cut off the program. The people who were left there were reduced to slavery and moisture farming. Such corruption was so rampant that it led to the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire.

See, and that was totally winging it.
Your life summed up in three words. Lighten up, Francis. It's just a movie.

That took something that I loved from my youth and took a big old shit on it.

Fuck you, J.J. Abrams. He fucked up Star Trek. He fucked up Star Wars. He needs to be stopped before he messes up anything else.
ROFL. Jesus, you really don't have a real life, do you, Joe? Alright, bitch about a movie as if it means something. Your choice.
I always found it odd that a planet with barely a trace of vegetation would have enough oxygen in the atmosphere to sustain a human being.

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts
Repeat to yourself, it's just a show, you should really just relax

I am relaxed. I just thought it was an unusual detail, that's all. I agree there's no need to make a big deal of it.
An interesting point. Ever read Herbert's "Dune"? Same problem, no explanation there either. Since it's a completely different planet in a SF universe, perhaps a SF solution can be dreamed up such as oxygen producing microbes which are prodigious enough to produce the necessary amount of O2 to sustain life. Another solution might be hereto unseen terraforming machines which produce the O2.
ROFL. Jesus, you really don't have a real life, do you, Joe? Alright, bitch about a movie as if it means something. Your choice.

You can have a life and still comment on art.

the problem is, I made a pretty compelling argument about why the Force Awakens is a bad movie. There are a lot of others, but even some right wingers like 2AGuy who normally don't agree with me on jack said, "Wow, you got a point!"

Now, sadly, the thing is, the people who run Star Wars figure they can serve any slop on a plate with the Star Wars Logo and the fans will eat it up. That Rogue One made half a billion dollars probably proves they are right.

But the fans deserve better than warmed over leftovers.
ROFL. Jesus, you really don't have a real life, do you, Joe? Alright, bitch about a movie as if it means something. Your choice.

You can have a life and still comment on art.

the problem is, I made a pretty compelling argument about why the Force Awakens is a bad movie. There are a lot of others, but even some right wingers like 2AGuy who normally don't agree with me on jack said, "Wow, you got a point!"

Now, sadly, the thing is, the people who run Star Wars figure they can serve any slop on a plate with the Star Wars Logo and the fans will eat it up. That Rogue One made half a billion dollars probably proves they are right.

But the fans deserve better than warmed over leftovers.
One, it's a movie, not a work by Da Vinci.

Two, you're investing a lot of emotion into a fictitious storyline. Your choice. My choice to tell you to get a life. :)
Two, you're investing a lot of emotion into a fictitious storyline. Your choice. My choice to tell you to get a life.

You are so unconcerned you are posting in a thread about it, got it.

Well, back on ignore you go, Troll.

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