State Department escalating probe into Hillary email records

That arrogant BITCH is not above the law, she belongs behind bars. The average citizen has been sent to prison for a small fraction of what she did. AND as a licensed lawyer, two term first lady, Senator, and SOS she has ZERO credibility to claim ignorance of the law.
Oh look, the Trump administration is still running against Hillary. It may be the greatest tragedy in republican politics that Hillary Clinton has retired from running for elective office.
Oh look, the Trump administration is still running against Hillary. It may be the greatest tragedy in republican politics that Hillary Clinton has retired from running for elective office.
Maybe, but her face and blabbering is still on the news.
Oh look, the Trump administration is still running against Hillary. It may be the greatest tragedy in republican politics that Hillary Clinton has retired from running for elective office.
Maybe, but her face and blabbering is still on the news.
Trump still bringing her up all the time is pathetic. If Obama bitched about Romney or McCain every single time he gave a speech years later you would think it was odd but you happily join in the "lock-er-up" chant and somehow don't feel like a dumbass.
"We got her now!" version 434,656,426,354,475,646,223,814,614,162,549,188,041,559,185,105,435,860,143,891.3
The State Department reportedly intensified a probe into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server, contacting dozens of former aides involved in email exchanges that passed through Clinton's server.

The Washington Post reported Saturday that as many as 130 former Clinton aides have been contacted by State Department investigators in recent weeks, with many being informed that they have been found "culpable" for transmitting information that should have been classified at a higher level than it was originally sent.

Former Obama administration officials describe the probe to the Post as an extraordinary investigation fueled by political animosity.

But current officials speaking on the condition of anonymity told the newspaper that the probe was structured to avoid the appearance of political bias.

The probe, which reportedly reached the stage where former officials began being contacted shortly after Trump's inauguration, was described by one senior agency official to the Post as having nothing to do with President Trump's vows to investigate Clinton if elected during the 2016 election.

“This has nothing to do with who is in the White House,” the official said. “This is about the time it took to go through millions of emails, which is about three and a half years.”

“The process is set up in a manner to completely avoid any appearance of political bias,” another official told the Post.

State Dept. ramps up probe into Clinton email server: report

Roh back at the ranch....

Based on bookies' bets and a few recent actions, speculation is once again starting to grow that Hillary Clinton may be about to enter the Democratic Party presidential nominee race...

First, the repeatedly failed presidential candidate has a suddenly full media schedule this week, making appearances on CBS Sunday Morning, Stephen Colbert, and The View among others.

Is Hillary Gearing Up For Late-Stage Do-Over Against "Corrupt Human Tornado" Trump?

Oh please! If there is a Santa Claus, please let this be so.....:5_1_12024::abgg2q.jpg::dance::clap2:

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