So no Deep State?

Let us know when you actually have something to say in your posts
The OP invited it. WTF is a deep state? Would I be pissed to know the CIA or Homeland Sec is reading my emails .... I'd be mad as hell if Homeland or the CIA read an email from me to a christian aid society in Palestine without a warrant. But since one Hunter "informant" is already outed as a Russian disinformation asset, I would not be at all surprised if the CIA was telling Comer .... get the fuck outta natl secruity.
So No Deep State?
Well, you see it works like this. The Deep State runs the country forever while they set up some patsy for 4 to 8 years such as Biden to take the fall for anything the American people are dissatisfied with. Trump (so it seems) is an enemy of the Deep State but his courage is very rare. When he says "Drain the swamp" and "Make America Great Again" he means to diminish the power of the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex and give Democracy a chance instead.
Funny, or should I said pathetic, how you're so ready to ignore any corruption in the Biden family and will most likely vote for the idiot, but want to hang Trump for any wiff of wrong doing. Your downfall is your undying belief in the US justice system and the US government, even when it's been proven corrupt and shown as liars in past Trump lynchings, you just close your eyes and plug your ears like the good little lemming you are.
Bitch to the committee if you do not like what they have done or the way they did it. It is certainly not my fault they unknowingly tried to use Russian Trolls or were just to inept with legal accounting forensics to find a connection. Remember, they main Republicans on there are either Republican Lawyers or they used Republican Lawyers, so naturally highly ineffective, even in a committee they control, much less in court actions or referrals, especially referrals not made, as to inept to get the goods.
They are far too emotionally invested in the "Biden's son bad" narrative to let it go now. It will be flogged as long as it is useful in keeping the rubes infotained, distracted, and ignorant.
Not emotional about it at all. But, I certainly do not mind pointing out the futility of people beating their gums over food that is off the table. I openly laugh at the continued attempts to use politically contrived bs proven false or at the very least not supportive to intended action of the partisan making the attempt. I look at it like laugh at it as dumbass kids will be dumbass kids, whining about what they cannot change, as after it's over, it's over.:auiqs.jpg:
Different rules for Democrats.. of course.
Not sure what you mean. All the testimony and investigation was done in a Republican controlled committee, in a Republican controlled House, with witnesses and forensic analysis carried out under Republican control and calling. If the Republicans fucked up their attempt to impeach, based on their own witnesses and investigation, they put in the Congressional Record, I do not know what rules you could possibly be talking about. It was your committee, mostly staffed by trumper Republicans. I am pretty sure you are not holding Dems responsible for Republicans being inept.
Well, you see it works like this. The Deep State runs the country forever while they set up some patsy for 4 to 8 years such as Biden to take the fall for anything the American people are dissatisfied with. Trump (so it seems) is an enemy of the Deep State but his courage is very rare. When he says "Drain the swamp" and "Make America Great Again" he means to diminish the power of the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex and give Democracy a chance instead.
Trump triggered the deep state, Schumer even acknowledged it:

“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.
Bitch to the committee if you do not like what they have done or the way they did it. It is certainly not my fault they unknowingly tried to use Russian Trolls or were just to inept with legal accounting forensics to find a connection. Remember, they main Republicans on there are either Republican Lawyers or they used Republican Lawyers, so naturally highly ineffective, even in a committee they control, much less in court actions or referrals, especially referrals not made, as to inept to get the goods.

Not emotional about it at all. But, I certainly do not mind pointing out the futility of people beating their gums over food that is off the table. I openly laugh at the continued attempts to use politically contrived bs proven false or at the very least not supportive to intended action of the partisan making the attempt. I look at it like laugh at it as dumbass kids will be dumbass kids, whining about what they cannot change, as after it's over, it's over.:auiqs.jpg:

Just like you beat your gums about Trump?
In reality there is two sides
1. The billionaire elites and 2. the little guy(95% of society!)

The billionaire elites want all the power, control and to tell the little guy how to live their lives. They want us working until we're dead to make them ever richer and to stop us from being paid fairlly. They don't want us to have a good standard of living as they see as parasites to be crushed under their foot. They think they're our masters and our lords.

The republican party worships these people as they're fools
Just like you beat your gums about Trump?
That one won't be over until after he is defeated again in November. Then it will be over.
Aren't you the guy who recently said, in this very thread, that you read and follow many many news sources across all divides, and basically, nothing gets by you.

I looked for that post and noticed you deleted convenient......... :biggrin:
You are lying.
I never deleted anything. As usual you just don't know what you are talking about.
You're the one bringing up a 25 year old GOP crapfest.
Here you go:
Democrat's are interesting in governing, not revenge.

You are lying.
I never deleted anything. As usual you just don't know what you are talking about.
You are a liar.
So where is your link to this "fluff video" you claim exists somewhere?
You claimed you are on top of the news with access to all kinds of different sources...
So you tell me.
I'd have more to agree with you had not Trump called Ga asking for votes and wanted to go personally visit the "insurgents."\

And had he not done that, Biden would have no chance in Nov
He still has no chance with the job he's done as president.
the more it talks the less sense it makes.
Is it a trump speech?
The more pertinent question would be: "Are you a bot?"

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