So no Deep State?

Hunter's sugar daddy appears to be protected by the Deep State.

The CIA blocked federal investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden’s “sugar brother” Kevin Morris during a five-year probe into the first son’s alleged tax crimes, a whistleblower has told House impeachment leaders.

House Oversight and Judiciary Committee chairmen say the whistleblower informed them the intelligence agency stopped IRS and Justice Department investigators from interviewing Morris in August 2021, a Hollywood lawyer and patron of the first son, according to a Thursday letter addressed to CIA Director William Burns.

The whistleblower informed Oversight chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Judiciary chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) that two DOJ officials were summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Va. — and told Morris “could not be a witness” for their investigation into Hunter Biden.

And it gets even better:

Your sources say "Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) revealed", can we just call bullsjhit now... To say the least, they are not reliable, they need to show hard proof... Then if true, CIA needs to explain why?
You mean like "Christian white nationalists"?
No. Not at all what I mean. Not even close.
You need to work on your whataboutism game.
The Deep State is a completely fabricated and made up thing while the threat from white nationalism extremist groups is identified as the number one terrorist threat facing our nation today.

Today's focus, as mentioned is on domestic terrorism and white supremacy. In the way of background, white supremacists and other far right extremists have killed more people since September 11, 2001, than any other category of domestic extremism. The Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism has reported that 71% of the extremists-related fatalities in the U.S. between 2008 and 2017 were committed by members of a white supremacist or far-right group.

Chasing the Hunter story is irrelevant. The Committee failed to find a connection to any dirt, not dug in Moscow and no financial link to Joe. It is over. Joe will not be impeached. Might as well dump the Hunter BS, (though he is a shit in his own right) and fight it out on the election.

Oh? Being the bagman for your crime boss dad, while selling the country out to China is irrelevant.

On what planet is that?
At least $8M less than Trump
At least 30 fewer patents

But who's counting?

Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease​

Trump, who declared “I don’t make money from China” in Thursday night’s presidential debate, has in fact collected millions of dollars from government-owned entities in China since he took office. Forbes estimates that at least $5.4 million has flowed into the president’s business from a lease agreement involving a state-owned bank in Trump Tower.

Suddenly, a routine real estate deal became a conduit for a foreign superpower to pay the president of the United States.

The arrangement posed legal concerns, since the U.S. Constitution prohibits federal officials from accepting “any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state” without Congressional approval. Ethics experts, who have often focused on the president’s hotel in Washington, D.C., argued that the president would be in violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clause from the moment he took office.
It is important to the cult to have an imaginary boogeyman like "the deep state" to blame for the fact that their day is done and they won't be winning elections anymore.
Why did the gov't come out with a fluff video on it recently trying to justify it's existence?
House Oversight committee?????
Guess it was cool on your block when they were investigating Kushner.
Here is evidence of a deep state and you need to realize that the media is part of the deep state too. In 2008 Trump said Pelosi should have impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq. If you're being honest, you know he did. Stop with all the comebacks and excuses like Hillary signed on too. Fuck that. We all know Bush lied us into Iraq.

But not one liberal media station ever reported that. Trump himself said it in 2008 and then repeated it in 2016 when he ran for the GOP nomination. And he won. So Republicans deep down must on some level know Bush lied us into Iraq.

But the liberal media never said this. So how liberal is the media? It's not. Only on social wedge issues. Fiscally, they are corporations run by Rich fiscal conservatives.

Anyways, so yes there is a deep state. All the Republicans who wouldn't dare admit Bush lied us into Iraq belong. MSNBC who won't report it belongs.

Only Trump admits Bush lied us into Iraq. He is not part of the deep state, globalist, RINOS and DINO's.
You are, of course, deluded.

The "liberal" media as far back as 2003 was calling for Bush' impeachment.

Do an actual web search and you'll get some 6M entries.

Joe could be impeached for failing to uphold The Constitution, but I agree, don't pull the impeachment stuff right now.
After the election, maybe.
Please explain where in the Constitution...

It would be nice if you also show us a precedent of another US President being impeached for the same reason...

Trump did actions to get impeached...

Begging Ukraine to open an investigation on your political oppoent without reason is impeachable.
Telliing an armed crowd they need to fight to keep himself in power and then they attack the Captol buildings and your do nothing for 3 hours is also impeachable.
You are, of course, deluded.

The "liberal" media as far back as 2003 was calling for Bush' impeachment.

Do an actual web search and you'll get some 6M entries.

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Bush invaded a country using false intel... They told lie after lie to have a multi Trillion dollar war...

Yes, some people were asking was this impeachable...

But they didn't... Mainly because it couldn't be proven that Bush knew what he was saying was false.
Your sources say "Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) revealed", can we just call bullsjhit now... To say the least, they are not reliable, they need to show hard proof... Then if true, CIA needs to explain why?
You release the 'hard proof' at the investigations end.
Why did the gov't come out with a fluff video on it recently trying to justify it's existence?

Guess it was cool on your block when they were investigating Kushner.

You mean his bogus clearance?
The $2b he got from the Saudis?
His buddy's mask company that got a $200M contract and delivered no masks?

You're going to be more specific when you're talking about the Trumponi crime family.
You are, of course, deluded.

The "liberal" media as far back as 2003 was calling for Bush' impeachment.

Do an actual web search and you'll get some 6M entries.

View attachment 923619
Are you agreeing with me? Seems to me the liberals didn't impeach Bush. MSNBC didn't talk about it. If they did, how many news cycles? It's not enough to report on it one day. When they want to get something in our skulls they report on it over and over

Trump said it in 2008 and repeated it in 2016 while running for the GOP nominee and Republicans voted for him

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.
You are, of course, deluded.

The "liberal" media as far back as 2003 was calling for Bush' impeachment.

Do an actual web search and you'll get some 6M entries.

View attachment 923619

The effort to impeach President Bush was not supported by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who believed the move would be "divisive and unlikely to succeed."

Maybe I just expect Democrats would have acted the same way Republicans would have if Bill or Obama or Biden lied us into a war.

Remember they accused Bill of Wag the Dog?
Bush invaded a country using false intel... They told lie after lie to have a multi Trillion dollar war...

Yes, some people were asking was this impeachable...

But they didn't... Mainly because it couldn't be proven that Bush knew what he was saying was false.
But they did.
People in the media were calling for Bush' impeachment as early as summer 2003 over his lies about Iraq.
In 2005 35 articles of impeachment we submitted in Congress.
In 2003 the NLG proposed a resolution for the impeachment of Bush
In 2004 NBC published articles calling for Bush' impeachment.

What you are saying simply isn't true.

Like all Democrats, the House under Pelosi was looking for compromise, not confrontation. Therefore she decided to forego impeachment for the sake of pushing legislation.
Aren't you the guy who recently said, in this very thread, that you read and follow many many news sources across all divides, and basically, nothing gets by you.

I looked for that post and noticed you deleted convenient......... :biggrin:
I've seen a few videos from Johnny Harris. I don't know what to think of him but here's one on the Deep State:
Are you agreeing with me? Seems to me the liberals didn't impeach Bush. MSNBC didn't talk about it. If they did, how many news cycles? It's not enough to report on it one day. When they want to get something in our skulls they report on it over and over

Trump said it in 2008 and repeated it in 2016 while running for the GOP nominee and Republicans voted for him

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.
"Liberal" and I suppose you mean by that Democrats did not control the House till January 2007.
Impeachment of Bush would have accomplished nothing PARTICULARLY since the Senate votes were not there to convict.

Impeachment resolution was filed in 2005. And ignored by Republicans.

The press was publishing calls for Bush's impeachment as early as summer 2003.

Trump's attempts do distance himself from the war he originally supported and the President he supported was as disingenuous in 2016 as anything he says today.

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