State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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Religious nutters, freedom of religion has NOTHING to do with discriminating against people. The line is drawn. Your religious views can NOT conflict with our secular laws or violate another person's CIVIL rights. You nutters could say slavery is a part of your religious beliefs, or child molestation ( which obviously IS a belief in some religions anyways). Us SANE people say no way. You are free to practice your nutty beliefs, but you are not free to force them upon others through your business dealings or anywhere else.
So the gays can force their dealings on people, but it cant be the other way around? Hell, really, it isn't the other waqy around. They just don't want to sell their product to someone. If a black refused to make me a cake because I was white, I would laugh and go next door. Why in the fuck cant anyone else do that instead of supporting state sponsored mental conformity?
Also, I really don't think its "nutty" to be disgusted with gays.. Im not, but I understand if someone else is. People cant all be the same. Its not possible. And fascist legislation like this only divides further, puts one group of people over another and ruins lives for having a personal opinion. Its crazy!
That you are too much of a pussy to stand up for your right to not be discriminated against; that are so much of a coward that you would allow yourself and your children to be told that they are not good enough to patronize a business, does not mean that other people; those with more courage than you, should put up with that nonsense. If you are to gutless to fight the fight, thank God there are others who are not.
Stand up and fight? You mean claiming tolerance will doing NOTHING but showing intolerance? Ruining those peoples lives because they don't agree with your lifestyle? Fuck that hypocritical bullshit.
No. I mean not allowing yourself to be cowered into accepting that some folks think you are a lesser human being because of an immutable think like race, gender, sexual orientation. Since you are clearly a white male who has never likely been denied service because of his race or had to see his children treated as lesser than others because of their race, and you don't seem to be very bright, it is not surprising you do not understand this.
Why should it matter what other people think? Not all gays are fuckin limp wristed pussies like that. One of my dear friends is a lesbian that looks down on dumbfucks like that. She accepts who she is :thup:
As I said, people like you are fuckin hypocrites.
Now I don't have much intelligence? Why? Because I think its fuckin pathetic what people like you do and support? Because I value opinion and liberty over emotion?
Would you like to test my intelligence?
Why didn't you guys cry when PA laws first appeared in the 60s?

Probably because I was in lindergarten.

Why such ignorance? Do you not understand the way our laws work and the reason why they exist? Are you advocating for Americans to discriminate against gay people?

I'm not advocating it, but the freedom to associate also means the freedom to no associate for whatever reason you deem appropriate.

That applies to your personal life, yes. Not with your business practice. Not for "whatever" reason. Nope.

Bullshit. My business is my personal property. Why should government have any authority to tell me who I have to serve? Do you think government should have authority to force you to invite people into your home that you don't want to invite? don't follow government safety and health laws? Should that be cause for concern for anyone who does business with you or works for you?
Once you apply for and sign a business permit, you are already agreeing to abide by that particular state's laws regarding business practice.
I will not argue that. lol
My only argument is its not right. I dont agree with mental conformity.
I do agree with free will and personal liberty.
Did I mention I was "pro-choice"? :rofl:

I am pro free will and liberty too. Nobody forces you to open a public accommodation business. :) No one is telling how to conduct your personal life or how to feel, but yes, there are going to be rules and regulations whenever you open a business.

This is the same argument that was used against anti-discrimination laws against black people way back when, such as interracial marriages, and serving black people at certain businesses. The only difference? The discrimination now against our gay citizens is based upon personal sexual habits rather than skin color. It failed then and fails now.
I agree with the top. Im not saying these people didn't break the law, I am saying it shouldn't be a law in the first place. In fact, if you gave me a couple hours I could probably gather some good information to explain how it is also unconstitutional. Because, frankly, there is no possible way that it is.
People should be able to refuse service to anyone they feel they don't want to sell their product to. People have a right to feel uncomfortable, a right to personal opinion, a right to the company they OWN and a right to be an asshole.
"if you gave me a couple hours I could probably gather some good information to explain how it is also unconstitutional" So, you think, in those couple of hours, you would be able to secure an Amendment to the constitution that would make public accommodation laws no longer constitutional. That is what you would have to do since these laws have been around for decades and have been challenged in the past without any success.
No Mr intelligence(lol) I could prove how anti discrimination laws are unconstitutional. ESPECIALLY invoking fascism like this into private businesses :thup:
What if the baker were an emergency room surgeon in a small hospital in the south, and he refused to operate on a critical patient because he was gay.

Does he have the right to let someone die because it would infringe on his religious rights.
Strawman. But I will go ahead and break it down for you :thup:
That would be illegal. FFS, hospitals cant even turn down people with no insurance.
You wouldn't know it if your fat ass tripped over it.
You make it really easy when you admit you'd lie and break the law. That shows a lack of ethics and integrity.
YOUR ethics and integrity! You're an asshole on the internet, not God.
We were talking about your admitted lack of ethics and integrity. You know, where you said you would lie rather than either follow a law or engage in principled disobedience.
Yep, I lie so filthy shitstains like you couldn't put me out of business. I also pointed out that your love of law only works when you approve it. I'm honest about it, you aren't. You're just a fat shitstain that loves tyranny.
Put you out of business? You call sitting on your ass spewing racist nonsense a business?
No I don't. You just lied again. Businesses are often too busy when they encounter an asshole.
Show me the actual harm.
Read the complaint. It's why the two women were awarded 135K. That, and the fact that Melissa broke the law.

No harm seen there, except hurt feewings.
Since it wasn't for you to judge, it matters not a damn...

it shouldn't be government's either, not for something like this.
Your position is noted, and rejected since the real world disagrees...

That's the position a lemming takes.
Incorrect. In fact, PA laws have had their Constitutionality challenged. Guess what happened.

Government decided they have any fucking power they want and they can do anything they fucking want to because it's up to government what their powers are.

Am I right?
Let me ask you...what are you ACTIVELY doing to get PA laws off the books? Because there IS a way. You can vote for those who promise to repeal such laws. You can run yourself for office. You can petition. You can help fund organizations who lobby to get such laws repealed. You can start such an organization if you wish. All those avenues are open to you.

Trying to change minds
Well, it ain't workin'. Your position is one of hatred. Give it up,

The only hate here is from your side.
Why is it that you consider it hateful to be against unlawful business discrimination?
This isn't justice.
The hell it isn't. She got nailed, and deserved to be. Obey the law, or face the consequences.

Wrong laws shouldn't be there in the first place, or at most laws should not be misapplied.
You believe that the law is wrong however the courts and the American people do not which means, you're fucked. Now what?

The courts have been idiots for decades, and more people are coming around to the side of freedom. The backlash will only get bigger as your side gets more stupid.
My side has been winning since we founded the place, and even defeated your kind in a civil war. We're not worried, nor should we be.

your side lost in Berlin in 1945. Stop pretending to be anything close to an american.
Sure they do. Try to say you won't serve Christians or Jews. Try it. Make a public announcement on Twitter and FB.

So LGBT is a church then?
LGBT are minorities, and here minorities are protected from the whims of the majority. Now you know.

bakers who don't want to work gay weddings are a minority as well.
What baker was asked to "work" a gay wedding?
Government decided they have any fucking power they want and they can do anything they fucking want to because it's up to government what their powers are.

Am I right?
Let me ask you...what are you ACTIVELY doing to get PA laws off the books? Because there IS a way. You can vote for those who promise to repeal such laws. You can run yourself for office. You can petition. You can help fund organizations who lobby to get such laws repealed. You can start such an organization if you wish. All those avenues are open to you.

Trying to change minds
Well, it ain't workin'. Your position is one of hatred. Give it up,

The only hate here is from your side.
Why is it that you consider it hateful to be against unlawful business discrimination?

Keep hiding behind that crap to cover for your hatred of anyone who disagrees with you, or disapproves of your lifestyle.
Sure they do. Try to say you won't serve Christians or Jews. Try it. Make a public announcement on Twitter and FB.

So LGBT is a church then?
LGBT are minorities, and here minorities are protected from the whims of the majority. Now you know.

bakers who don't want to work gay weddings are a minority as well.
What baker was asked to "work" a gay wedding?

Stop quibbling with semantics, it's getting old. Just admit you like using government to punish people who don't like you.
What if the baker were an emergency room surgeon in a small hospital in the south, and he refused to operate on a critical patient because he was gay.

Does he have the right to let someone die because it would infringe on his religious rights.
Strawman. But I will go ahead and break it down for you :thup:
That would be illegal. FFS, hospitals cant even turn down people with no insurance.

The surgeon is in business and he is being forced to provide his services to gay people, which he doesn't want to do.

He's being forced to provide his services to EVERYONE.

See dopes.
Once you apply for and sign a business permit, you are already agreeing to abide by that particular state's laws regarding business practice.
I will not argue that. lol
My only argument is its not right. I dont agree with mental conformity.
I do agree with free will and personal liberty.
Did I mention I was "pro-choice"? :rofl:

I am pro free will and liberty too. Nobody forces you to open a public accommodation business. :) No one is telling how to conduct your personal life or how to feel, but yes, there are going to be rules and regulations whenever you open a business.

This is the same argument that was used against anti-discrimination laws against black people way back when, such as interracial marriages, and serving black people at certain businesses. The only difference? The discrimination now against our gay citizens is based upon personal sexual habits rather than skin color. It failed then and fails now.
I agree with the top. Im not saying these people didn't break the law, I am saying it shouldn't be a law in the first place. In fact, if you gave me a couple hours I could probably gather some good information to explain how it is also unconstitutional. Because, frankly, there is no possible way that it is.
People should be able to refuse service to anyone they feel they don't want to sell their product to. People have a right to feel uncomfortable, a right to personal opinion, a right to the company they OWN and a right to be an asshole.
"People have a right to feel uncomfortable, a right to personal opinion, a right to the company they OWN and a right to be an asshole." And that is which of the Bill of Rights?
That would be humans rights you fuckin statist.
But article 9 sure does paint a pretty picture doesn't it? Well, maybe not to you. Who needs individual liberty?
What a surprise? You lack ethics and integrity.
You wouldn't know it if your fat ass tripped over it.
You make it really easy when you admit you'd lie and break the law. That shows a lack of ethics and integrity.
YOUR ethics and integrity! You're an asshole on the internet, not God.
We were talking about your admitted lack of ethics and integrity. You know, where you said you would lie rather than either follow a law or engage in principled disobedience.
Yep, I lie so filthy shitstains like you couldn't put me out of business. I also pointed out that your love of law only works when you approve it. I'm honest about it, you aren't. You're just a fat shitstain that loves tyranny.
No. I mean not allowing yourself to be cowered into accepting that some folks think you are a lesser human being because of an immutable think like race, gender, sexual orientation. Since you are clearly a white male who has never likely been denied service because of his race or had to see his children treated as lesser than others because of their race, and you don't seem to be very bright, it is not surprising you do not understand this.
No one said gays were lessor humans, you lying piece of shit.
Sure you did. That is how lowlifes like you can feel better about yourselves. You look at your miserable existence, your lack of accomplishment, your mindless, dead end job, your lack of a wife or lack of a decent one, the failures that define you and need someone you can judge as lesser than you. How ironic that in doing so you simply prove that you are the lesser human being.
What if the baker were an emergency room surgeon in a small hospital in the south, and he refused to operate on a critical patient because he was gay.

Does he have the right to let someone die because it would infringe on his religious rights.
Strawman. But I will go ahead and break it down for you :thup:
That would be illegal. FFS, hospitals cant even turn down people with no insurance.

The surgeon is in business and he is being forced to provide his services to gay people, which he doesn't want to do.

He's being forced to provide his services to EVERYONE.

See dopes.
Most of the morons posting here are just dying to post, "Yes, let the F*****s die"
What if the baker were an emergency room surgeon in a small hospital in the south, and he refused to operate on a critical patient because he was gay.

Does he have the right to let someone die because it would infringe on his religious rights.

Timely or necessary services are a compelling government interest that merit anti-discrimination rules. A gay couple having to spend 15 minutes finding another baker and feeling bad about it isn't, and it is not worth ruining the baker in question.
Once you apply for and sign a business permit, you are already agreeing to abide by that particular state's laws regarding business practice.
I will not argue that. lol
My only argument is its not right. I dont agree with mental conformity.
I do agree with free will and personal liberty.
Did I mention I was "pro-choice"? :rofl:

I am pro free will and liberty too. Nobody forces you to open a public accommodation business. :) No one is telling how to conduct your personal life or how to feel, but yes, there are going to be rules and regulations whenever you open a business.

This is the same argument that was used against anti-discrimination laws against black people way back when, such as interracial marriages, and serving black people at certain businesses. The only difference? The discrimination now against our gay citizens is based upon personal sexual habits rather than skin color. It failed then and fails now.
I agree with the top. Im not saying these people didn't break the law, I am saying it shouldn't be a law in the first place. In fact, if you gave me a couple hours I could probably gather some good information to explain how it is also unconstitutional. Because, frankly, there is no possible way that it is.
People should be able to refuse service to anyone they feel they don't want to sell their product to. People have a right to feel uncomfortable, a right to personal opinion, a right to the company they OWN and a right to be an asshole.
"People have a right to feel uncomfortable, a right to personal opinion, a right to the company they OWN and a right to be an asshole." And that is which of the Bill of Rights?
That would be humans rights you fuckin statist.
But article 9 sure does paint a pretty picture doesn't it? Well, maybe not to you. Who needs individual liberty?
There is no "Article 9" dumbass. If you are referring to the 9th Amendment, it does not say or mean what you think it does.
The law is wrongly applied. Stop arguing mechanics and deal with the outcomes/results.

No the law was not "wrongly applied", Sweetcakes by Melissa was clearly a for profit business under Oregon Public Accommodation law. They violated the law by refusing goods and services they routinely supplied to the public based on the sexual orientation of the customers.

Just because you disagree with a law does not mean that it was "wrongly applied".

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