Stephanie Cutter Attended WH Meetings With IRS Chief


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Drip, drip, drip . . . . . .

Scandal: The president's deputy campaign manager attended the "nonpolitical" ObamaCare implementation meetings with the former IRS commissioner at the White House. She wasn't there to discuss the Easter Egg Roll.

A clue as to whether the targeting by the IRS of Tea Party and other conservative groups was discussed at the 157 meetings that former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman had at the White House may be found in remarks by Stephanie Cutter, deputy manager for President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign, in a recent appearance on Jake Tapper's show "The Lead" on CNN.

As reported by Gateway Pundit, Cutter attempted to dismiss charges they were political meetings but admitted she had attended meetings with Shulman at the White House. "I was in them with him," Cutter said. "So there was nothing nefarious going on."

Well, if they were not political meetings, why was she there at all? Was she there to offer her health care or tax code expertise?

Cutter became Obama's deputy campaign manager in September 2011. Shulman, a Democratic donor, was IRS commissioner from March 24, 2008, to November 9, 2012. Cutter was an Obama attack dog during the 2012 campaign​

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Obama 2012 Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter In IRS Meetings -
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So what your saying is that evil genius Obama in 157 meetings decided to go after groups like the Alabama tea party? If he was going to go big why not go after Crossroads GPS or freedomworks? Why not go after the big fish? I agree this should not have happened but if you believe Obama would get himself involved in this you are a partisan idiot. Hell, you can see with the Holder fiasco how paranoid the administation is about leaks.
Fox News host Sean Hannity attacked Stephanie Cutter, former assistant to the president for special projects, for meeting with the former IRS commissioner, suggesting she was involved in the controversy involving inappropriate political targeting of conservative groups. But Cutter has made clear that she was meeting with the former commissioner to discuss health care implementation, which was a key part of her White House role.

More: Fox's Hannity Drags Stephanie Cutter Into IRS Witch Hunt

White House Author | The White House
I think the GOP needs to take a step back and think about this before they continue.
Right now, there's a lot of lashing out but no actual thoughtful steps onto what they should do with the information they've gathered.

And no, liberals, I don't care if technically, nothing illegal happened. I know the Patriot Act allows for things like this to occur.

But I don't have to like it. If this was happening to liberal groups while under a conservative president, I'd be saying the same thing right now.

Repeal the Patriot Act
Drip, drip, drip . . . . . .

Scandal: The president's deputy campaign manager attended the "nonpolitical" ObamaCare implementation meetings with the former IRS commissioner at the White House. She wasn't there to discuss the Easter Egg Roll.

A clue as to whether the targeting by the IRS of Tea Party and other conservative groups was discussed at the 157 meetings that former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman had at the White House may be found in remarks by Stephanie Cutter, deputy manager for President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign, in a recent appearance on Jake Tapper's show "The Lead" on CNN.

As reported by Gateway Pundit, Cutter attempted to dismiss charges they were political meetings but admitted she had attended meetings with Shulman at the White House. "I was in them with him," Cutter said. "So there was nothing nefarious going on."

Well, if they were not political meetings, why was she there at all? Was she there to offer her health care or tax code expertise?

Cutter became Obama's deputy campaign manager in September 2011. Shulman, a Democratic donor, was IRS commissioner from March 24, 2008, to November 9, 2012. Cutter was an Obama attack dog during the 2012 campaign​

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Obama 2012 Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter In IRS Meetings -
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I wonder how much information Schulman was feeding the Obama campaign about Romney's taxes?

Or Lerner?

Cutter attacked Romney over taxes along with every one else and their mother including Harry Reid and of all people David Letterman who even called him a felon.

Makes one really wonder looking back now on the Democrat campaign attack launched against Romney.

Sheppard observed that Letterman's fact-free claim sounded "exactly like what Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said in July."

“Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony," Cutter said.

"Or," she added, "he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investments..."

In July, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid accused Romney of not paying any taxes for 10 years, citing an anonymous person that Reid never named.

David Letterman accuses Romney of not paying income taxes, calls him a 'felon' - National Crime & Courts |
So what your saying is that evil genius Obama in 157 meetings decided to go after groups like the Alabama tea party? If he was going to go big why not go after Crossroads GPS or freedomworks? Why not go after the big fish? I agree this should not have happened but if you believe Obama would get himself involved in this you are a partisan idiot. Hell, you can see with the Holder fiasco how paranoid the administation is about leaks.

The conspiracy theory about this that cheapens everything (which is a real scandal by the way) goes like this; Crossroads GPS wasn't targeted by the Obama Administration because they had the legal muscle to fight back.

The idiocy of the argument is that if there was such targeting, it would be a lightning rod for funding for legal action from any number of sources. Probably including Crossroads GPS.
I think the GOP needs to take a step back and think about this before they continue.
Right now, there's a lot of lashing out but no actual thoughtful steps onto what they should do with the information they've gathered.

And no, liberals, I don't care if technically, nothing illegal happened. I know the Patriot Act allows for things like this to occur.

But I don't have to like it. If this was happening to liberal groups while under a conservative president, I'd be saying the same thing right now.

Repeal the Patriot Act

Oooooh! BSCS again! Bullshit Scandal Confusion Syndrome! Nasty disease.
Stephanie Cluster: pretty much a perfect example of the dumb blondes who voted for Obama, yet have no idea of what his policies are, so long as they get free stuff, Little Debbie Snacks and Birth Control pills.
Stephanie Cluster: pretty much a perfect example of the dumb blondes who voted for Obama, yet have no idea of what his policies are, so long as they get free stuff, Little Debbie Snacks and Birth Control pills.

That is possibly the most intelligent and insightful thing I've ever seen you post.
Sad, ain't it?

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