Stephen Hawking's deathbed warning.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Stephen Hawking, the human telephone answering machine in an electric wheelchair, has died and left us with a warning: Beware the pitfalls of artificial intelligence or AI. Apparently Hawking’s observation that humans are becoming more reliant on computers, smart phones and drive-up windows, admonishes us that we are headed for disaster when the electronic brains of these machines develop a mind of their own and take over the world. This is not how it’s likely to happen.

Hawking may have a point but not in the way he thinks. With intelligent machines doing all the work, humans could rid themselves of the burden of employment so instead of just off time they could spend all of their time either half in the bag or stoned out of their wits.

There is a global effort to legalize marijuana which suggests governments all over the planet have already come to the conclusion that people whose brains are perpetually saturated with THC are chronically confused, clinically indecisive and poorly informed about how the world around them really works. This makes them no threat to a status quo that keeps their dope affordable and accessible while it is taxed by state governments that function as their main dealer. In the US testing for the substance will soon stop as industry uses more smart machines

As AI advances, slowly at first then with blistering speed, entire factories will spring up with sophisticated robots performing all the industrial tasks humans once did including the planning. As AI becomes ubiquitous all poverty will be abolished and world populations will be exposed to massive leisure time while artificial intelligence bestows its gifts of love on the people. This will spell the end of the human race.

It isn’t clear if Hawking was familiar with Calhoun’s rodent paradise but it’s a lead pipe cinch that once humans no longer have to struggle to survive they will develop the same “behavioral sink” that killed all the rats. Birth rates will fall, medical facilities will be overwhelmed and all kinds of new diseases will sweep the Earth.

The intelligent machines won’t need to wipe out the human race. They’ll just inherit the planet after humans wipe themselves out by descending into debauchery, drunken sloth and the last days of global Woodstock and Ashleigh Madison on steroids.

Hawking had it right but just by dumb luck. He should’ve stuck to quantum physics. Anybody could’ve figured this out.

AI debate: Remembering Stephen Hawking's warning
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For an intelligent man he sure held a lot of fear...maybe if he accepted God into his life he wouldn't have been so afraid of things like computers and the weather...
He just told the world that the particles the universe is made of after all do not need a cause to come into existence and that the universe started as such a particle. I don´t believe him. And even if he´s right, who told him that the environment in which this first particle was born for no reason is run by the same laws of nature that apply for inside the universe.
Steven Hawking was a dumbshit.

1) His "theories" were nonsensical hypotheses and universally void of experimental support, let alone practical use.

2) Atheists are always fools.

3) If he were so smart, why didn't he find a cure for ALS?

Conclusions: Hawking's warnings about the future carry no weight. And, what we should fear in the future is sin't what that shithead worried about, but about old-fashioned human fascism.
Steven Hawking was a dumbshit.

1) His "theories" were nonsensical hypotheses and universally void of experimental support, let alone practical use.

2) Atheists are always fools.

3) If he were so smart, why didn't he find a cure for ALS?

Conclusions: Hawking's warnings about the future carry no weight. And, what we should fear in the future is sin't what that shithead worried about, but about old-fashioned human fascism.
And the belief that a bearded old man in the sky created it all is logical?
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Steven Hawking was a dumbshit.

1) His "theories" were nonsensical hypotheses and universally void of experimental support, let alone practical use.

2) Atheists are always fools.

3) If he were so smart, why didn't he find a cure for ALS?

Conclusions: Hawking's warnings about the future carry no weight. And, what we should fear in the future is sin't what that shithead worried about, but about old-fashioned human fascism.
And the belief that a bearded old man in the sky created it all is logical?

Agnostic here. Both the atheist and the theist work on faith without solid evidence. The atheist is sure that everything came about randomly for no particular reason. The theist believes that design was involved. The atheist cannot explain science any better that the theist. By the known physical laws of the universe it should be flying apart but it isn't. Something that cannot be detected by our senses is holding it together. Dark energy and dark matter are names we attribute to what we cannot see but know must be there.

Neither can we see God. We think he must be there because how else to explain existence? We pray to this God to save us because we at least know we are not perfect.

The only valid conclusion is to wait for the whole of the story and let the two sides continue to state their case. Agnostics rule.
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Holy shit, it's amazing that people feel a need to slam Hawking, of all people.

We need more people with their mind in the stars, and fewer people with their mind in a vacuum.

No one is slamming Hawking. Some have deified him though.
Holy shit, it's amazing that people feel a need to slam Hawking, of all people. We need more people with their mind in the stars, and fewer people with their mind in a vacuum.
No one is slamming Hawking. Some have deified him though.
Of course they have. On this thread. Read it. And what is your own term, "human telephone answering machine in an electric wheelchair", some kind of compliment?

And please show me who has declared him a deity.
#7: Radical atheism differs from its traditional form in questioning the desire for immortality, which correctly places the critique and expose that undermines religion's contradictions from within by turning them aqainst themselves. Time is a critical concept for such enterprises.
And the belief that a bearded old man in the sky created it all is logical?

Belief in God as creator is more logical than Hawking nonsensically claiming the universe created itself because gravity exists. And, dumbshit, logic isn't the only source of reason.

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