Stephen Hawkins Affirms His Atheism!

Except Einstein did have an epiphany on his death bed, about life and god.
The "childish" quote you are thinking of is probably, "I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth.
Nothing in this post references anything childish?
Except Einstein did have an epiphany on his death bed, about life and god.

I thought you made an interesting point here. I did a little research to find data supporting your premise but, alas, came up short . I found no evidence to support your claim. Perhaps you can shed some light on this for us . Would you?
Except Einstein did have an epiphany on his death bed, about life and god.

I thought you made an interesting point here. I did a little research to find data supporting your premise but, alas, came up short . I found no evidence to support your claim. Perhaps you can shed some light on this for us . Would you?
Okay, you used google, and failed to use it without your biases.
Geniuses are rare. Some such as Stephen Hawkins have incredible insight as to the workings of the physical universe. Their opinions and theories are held in high esteem by academics and others, including the masses who thirst for knowledge about the universe. Inadvertently, geniuses are queried on how the physical universe came to be. Hawkins answered such a query and left no doubt as to his feelings about how the universe was created. In doing so, he also revealed the underlying atheism at the core of his scientific based beliefs

8211 Stephen Hawking 8216 I 8217 m An Atheist 8217 And Science Created Universe Not God VIDEO

It's Hawking you nattering nabob. Hell the correct spelling is even in your link....

JQ, I'm laughing at the superior intellect....

Last line a Khan reference? :)

"Full impulse power damn you!" :)
Except Einstein did have an epiphany on his death bed, about life and god.
The "childish" quote you are thinking of is probably, "I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth.
Nothing in this post references anything childish?
you just keep telling yourself that ,
Except Einstein did have an epiphany on his death bed, about life and god.
The "childish" quote you are thinking of is probably, "I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth.
Nothing in this post references anything childish?
you just keep telling yourself that ,
Among his contemporaries, his fellow physics, Hawking is not considered to be in the top ten. I would say shallow depth is a term they would use.

other than the vague things you state, what will hawking greatest contribution be and where do you think that will stand against the greatest minds. I doubt anything original from hawkin will rank in the top 50 achievements in science, maybe not even in the top 100.

that is not to say he is not a brilliant cripple, just not at the top of his field.
Except Einstein did have an epiphany on his death bed, about life and god.
The "childish" quote you are thinking of is probably, "I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth.
Nothing in this post references anything childish?
you just keep telling yourself that ,
Among his contemporaries, his fellow physics, Hawking is not considered to be in the top ten. I would say shallow depth is a term they would use.

other than the vague things you state, what will hawking greatest contribution be and where do you think that will stand against the greatest minds. I doubt anything original from hawkin will rank in the top 50 achievements in science, maybe not even in the top 100.

that is not to say he is not a brilliant cripple, just not at the top of his field.
yes dear....that's not to say your perception of what's beneficial to mankind is extremely bias.
Geniuses are rare. Some such as Stephen Hawkins have incredible insight as to the workings of the physical universe. Their opinions and theories are held in high esteem by academics and others, including the masses who thirst for knowledge about the universe. Inadvertently, geniuses are queried on how the physical universe came to be. Hawkins answered such a query and left no doubt as to his feelings about how the universe was created. In doing so, he also revealed the underlying atheism at the core of his scientific based beliefs

8211 Stephen Hawking 8216 I 8217 m An Atheist 8217 And Science Created Universe Not God VIDEO

Atheists are just plain wrong
It's Hawking you nattering nabob. Hell the correct spelling is even in your link....

JQ, I'm laughing at the superior intellect....

I guess you got me. But this is not the first time I've made an error and it won't be the last .Thanks anyway

BTW, whose superior intellect are you laughing at? I never claimed to have that. But if you want to declare an errant S as the symbolic Waterloo of JQ and a marker of the boundaries of my intellect , be m be my guest.

By referencing HawkinG as both a genius and an atheist, you are of course, implying the correlation. The whole post revolves around that point.

First of all let me make one clarification. The errors in my post were not typed ; I spoke them. And I make no excuses for my errors. I am responsible. I see now that speech recognition software cannot be relied upon to be highly accurate. Frankly though, my one regret is that my error has caused you to become distracted from the title of the OP. For you that singular error has taken on
Life of it's own. You are wrong about your imagined notion that my purpose in posting this open was to project the genius of HawkinG onto myself.

But you are implying that genius=atheism, correct?
no he is not but you sure as fuck want there to be one .

There have been lots of studies done on this topic; one the whole, the results point towards non-believers and agnostics having a slightly higher IQ. It might not be a very pleasant thought to many, but 'thems the facts!'
IQ is a non starter,there are vast numbers of very intelligent people that are faith based in their lives,trying to correlate intelligence v faith is well wrong.
Geniuses are rare. Some such as Stephen Hawkins have incredible insight as to the workings of the physical universe. Their opinions and theories are held in high esteem by academics and others, including the masses who thirst for knowledge about the universe. Inadvertently, geniuses are queried on how the physical universe came to be. Hawkins answered such a query and left no doubt as to his feelings about how the universe was created. In doing so, he also revealed the underlying atheism at the core of his scientific based beliefs

8211 Stephen Hawking 8216 I 8217 m An Atheist 8217 And Science Created Universe Not God VIDEO

Atheists are just plain wrong
religious intolerance rears it's misshapen head.
I guess you got me. But this is not the first time I've made an error and it won't be the last .Thanks anyway

BTW, whose superior intellect are you laughing at? I never claimed to have that. But if you want to declare an errant S as the symbolic Waterloo of JQ and a marker of the boundaries of my intellect , be m be my guest.

By referencing HawkinG as both a genius and an atheist, you are of course, implying the correlation. The whole post revolves around that point.

First of all let me make one clarification. The errors in my post were not typed ; I spoke them. And I make no excuses for my errors. I am responsible. I see now that speech recognition software cannot be relied upon to be highly accurate. Frankly though, my one regret is that my error has caused you to become distracted from the title of the OP. For you that singular error has taken on
Life of it's own. You are wrong about your imagined notion that my purpose in posting this open was to project the genius of HawkinG onto myself.

But you are implying that genius=atheism, correct?
no he is not but you sure as fuck want there to be one .

There have been lots of studies done on this topic; one the whole, the results point towards non-believers and agnostics having a slightly higher IQ. It might not be a very pleasant thought to many, but 'thems the facts!'
IQ is a non starter,there are vast numbers of very intelligent people that are faith based in their lives,trying to correlate intelligence v faith is well wrong.
nobody's arguing that
I guess you got me. But this is not the first time I've made an error and it won't be the last .Thanks anyway

BTW, whose superior intellect are you laughing at? I never claimed to have that. But if you want to declare an errant S as the symbolic Waterloo of JQ and a marker of the boundaries of my intellect , be m be my guest.

By referencing HawkinG as both a genius and an atheist, you are of course, implying the correlation. The whole post revolves around that point.

First of all let me make one clarification. The errors in my post were not typed ; I spoke them. And I make no excuses for my errors. I am responsible. I see now that speech recognition software cannot be relied upon to be highly accurate. Frankly though, my one regret is that my error has caused you to become distracted from the title of the OP. For you that singular error has taken on
Life of it's own. You are wrong about your imagined notion that my purpose in posting this open was to project the genius of HawkinG onto myself.

But you are implying that genius=atheism, correct?
no he is not but you sure as fuck want there to be one .

There have been lots of studies done on this topic; one the whole, the results point towards non-believers and agnostics having a slightly higher IQ. It might not be a very pleasant thought to many, but 'thems the facts!'
IQ is a non starter,there are vast numbers of very intelligent people that are faith based in their lives,trying to correlate intelligence v faith is well wrong.
nice appeal to the masses ploy..
So, are we to assume he knows all? He is comfortable in his world and has the right to make a choice, now he has to live and die with his decision. Is he now the chosen voice of humanity?
So, are we to assume he knows all? He is comfortable in his world and has the right to make a choice, now he has to live and die with his decision. Is he now the chosen voice of humanity?
the award for best unnecessarily melodramatic statement in a thread goes to....Staidhup :clap::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap:

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