Steroid shot ain’t working

If nothing is working, you may be misdiagnosed. They sort of shoot a shotgun at back problems to see what works under the assumption your issues are normal age-related issues. Could be you have something atypical going on like a muscle partially torn away from the bone or something. If so, stem cell injections into the affected might be your best shot even though insurance won't cover them. They are about a grand-twelve hundred a pop.
Uhhhh...they didnt work for me either.
Waaaaa nothing ever works for me!!!!
Did nerve drugs work for you
Did nerve drugs work for you
If you are asking me, not something I have experienced first hand, but I know someone who has. If they aren't for you and you are having disc encroachment, you may end up needing surgery. For the person I know, the CT guided injections provide some relief for awhile. Their pain is episodic. Some pain meds help; some do not. Fortunately their doctor knows they are not drug seeking and is willing to try them on rounds of different meds to figure out which ones are more effective than the others. I will ask them next time I see them what they found that actually does work. I don't recall what they said it was.
Sorry to hear that. What gave the diagnosis of arthritis.? I have always had it diagnosed by an xray, sometimes after a bone scan.
The doctor said when I move my upper body back it causes pain and most likely is arthritis
If you are asking me, not something I have experienced first hand, but I know someone who has. If they aren't for you and you are having disc encroachment, you may end up needing surgery. For the person I know, the CT guided injections provide some relief for awhile. Their pain is episodic. Some pain meds help; some do not. Fortunately their doctor knows they are not drug seeking and is willing to try them on rounds of different meds to figure out which ones are more effective than the others. I will ask them next time I see them what they found that actually does work. I don't recall what they said it was.
The PA surgeon said I would need full disk replacement plus fusion
This is so extreme and I don’t have 6-9 months to recover
sounds like you need more information which I would think they would get on an MRI

Maybe an ablation can get me through a few yrs then I can have full surgery when I move to Phoenix in 3 yrs
L4 and L5

I have zero butt or leg pain

It’s all localized

I am surprised they are talking disc replacement and fusion with you if it is all localized pain. Have you tried PT, dry needles, lifestyles changes, periodic chiro adjustments, etc. and nothing at all has helped?
I am surprised they are talking disc replacement and fusion with you if it is all localized pain. Have you tried PT, dry needles, lifestyles changes, periodic chiro adjustments, etc. and nothing at all has helped?
I am surprised they are talking disc replacement and fusion with you if it is all localized pain. Have you tried PT, dry needles, lifestyles changes, periodic chiro adjustments, etc. and nothing at all has helped?
I did PT

Person I know didn't get any relief from the dry needle accupuncture thing so they decided to add a layer of S&M and sent electric shocks through the dry needles. That apparently did help briefly but was sheer agony to go through.

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