Steve Bannon Removed From The National Security Council


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
President Donald Trump reorganized his National Security Council on Wednesday, removing his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, and downgrading the role of his Homeland Security Adviser, Tom Bossert, according to a person familiar with the decision and a regulatory filing.

Bannon Removed From National Security Council Role in Shakeup



Bannon Loses National Security Council Role in Trump Shakeup

Well this could get scary , removing him Hmmm what's going on behind the scenes ......
Ali Velshi is reporting foreign policy experts on both sides of the aisle are relieved

sane people everywhere breathe a sigh of relief

The administration is forced to comply with Bernie Sanders' demand last January 29 that Bannon be removed.

Very good. Praise heavens!
This is the second thread on this where I couldn't get into the link. Are we sure this is real?
Bannon may not be at the NSC table but I doubt he is loosing influence, overall, in this administration...
It makes sense that Bannon was on the council initially to get a feel for what goes on and to better understand how it functions.
It tells me that they are gearing up for war. First Donald makes vague threats of war on the DPRK if China doesn't control the situation. Now his UN ambassador is also threatening action against Assad.

If they wanted to get serious about the business of war, you wouldn't want a media mogul sitting at the war council.
Article states Bannon was actually placed on the NSC to keep an eye on Flynn...jesus....glad Flynn is gone then if that's the case!
That's just spin... They are coming up with an excuse to minimize negative publicity.
Beware of conservatives making fake excuses to explain why Stephen Bannon was kicked out of the NSC.

Bannon was removed because Trump's national security adviser McMaster didn't like him and thought he was a buffoon who didn't belong there.
You can find articles from February stating that McMaster wanted Bannon out:
Bannon Out Of NSC? McMaster Prepares To Reorganize Foreign Policy Team | Zero Hedge

is a very embarrassing development for Bannon.
The truth certainly is "McMaster didn't like him and thought he was a buffoon who didn't belong there"

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