Steve King Says Obama’s Immigration Policy Aimed At Flooding The Nation With Future Democrats

Political Parties need to grow. The Democrat Party does so in an atomic manner by segmenting groups, making them feel like victims and therefor, need to be dependent on Democrats.
Is there some rule that says Mexicans can't vote Republican?

Yes. The US Constitution says only US Citizens can vote which means Mexican nationals cannot vote in US Elections. That said, you will find many US Citizens of Mexican descent voting Republican; my wife being one of them.
Unfortunately she's an American antiquity. She likely immigrated legally and subsequently assimilated. This latest crop are being discouraged from assimilating and will continue to be corralled by dems as a victim group. Upon receiving race entitlements and breaks they will be conditioned to be dependent on the gov and will vote democrat. It's the dem MO.
Political Parties need to grow. The Democrat Party does so in an atomic manner by segmenting groups, making them feel like victims and therefor, need to be dependent on Democrats.

Republicans have a one size fits all policy

As long as you are white, male and wealthy should be satisfied
What's new about that? The Right has been saying that for years. Leave it to the blaze.

I'd find it more believable, if Steven King said it. At least that way we'd know the guy had a working brain cell.
Immigrants today are assimilating just as those who came before them did.
Steve King says Obama’s immigration policy aimed at flooding the nation with future Democrats
Steve King says Obama 8217 s immigration policy aimed at flooding the nation with future Democrats

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) on Wednesday warned that President Barack Obama’s immigration policy is designed explicitly to make it easier for left-leaning illegal immigrants enter the country and stay, in the hopes that they can eventually become lawful voters who vote for Democrats.

“This administration, they want to flood this country with people who either are or will become Democrats,” he said in an interview with TheBlaze. “They know that political calculation.”

“And nobody believes that if we were importing millions of future Republicans that Democrats would be for that,” he added. “This is a cold political calculus.”

King said the Obama administration has already done irreparable damage to the nation by failing to enforce the border and sending signals that it wants to create some kind of legal status of millions of illegal immigrants already inside the country. He spoke with TheBlaze on the same day that the Wall Street Journal reported that nearly one in 10 working adults in the country have a limited proficiency with the English language.

That followed a report last week from the Census Bureau that said noncitizen income increased 15 times faster in 2013 than it did for native U.S. households. King said these sorts of statistics show that Obama’s relaxed immigration policies are already having an effect.

We need to close our borders, deport the illegals and put a white only policy into place for future citizens! This or we become a third world war zone from hell.

And as usual you derail your own thread in the first post.

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