Steven Miller claims Biden was delt a better hand than tRump

Neat how you assholes accuse Miller of being dishonest only to be dishonest.

A. Crepitus says Trump was handed a great economy. Sure sounds neat. After 8 years the O'bummer Xiden admin. proved underachievers, evidenced by a much improved economy when they left.

B. Crepitus says Trump was handed a great economy because unemployment was low. Sure sounds neat. After 8 years the O'bummer Xiden admin. proved underachievers, evidenced by a much improved unemployment rate when they left.

C. Crepitus says Trump was handed a great economy. Sure sounds neat. After 8 years the O'bummer Xiden admin. proved underachievers, evidenced by an unremarkable GDP that increased every year after they left.

D. Moonglow says Trump wrecked the great economy left to him. Let me know when Moonglow says something worth a fuck at all. He's clearly intellectually dishonest and denies COVID. Then there's the elephant in the room dumb fuck, the GDP increased approx. 40% Trump's last two quarters. Fuck you're stupid.
I am sorry you are so butt hurt over the truth, but Trump left us with more record debt and a crappy economy. Life sucks so buck up little one and put on yer big boy pants it's time to realize the truth.

.The U.S. recorded its sharpest spike in the poverty rate since the 1960s, with 8 million Americans being added to the government designation of poor by the end of 2020.Jan 25, 2021

The U.S. poverty rate rose by 2.4 percentage points during the final months of 2020 amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and lingering economic stagnation. Economists from the University of Chicago and University of Notre Dame said the nation saw the largest annual increase in poverty in nearly 60 years.

Black Americans were hit the hardest during this time period. The poverty rate for Black Americans jumped by 5.4 percentage points, meaning that about 2.5 million more Black individuals are now considered poor by official government classification. The overall U.S. poverty rate, according to this latest study, sat at about 11.8 percent in December 2020.

One of the researchers who led the study, Professor Bruce D. Meyer of the University of Chicago's Harris School of Public Policy, told Newsweek Monday that if not for additional government aid, "poverty would rise substantially" across the country. The study, which pulled data from late December surveys, found that the CARES Act stimulus relief checks passed last March helped to forestall the poverty rate from spiking even higher.

FUCK you're stupid, again denying COVID because you're a walking cock.

Highest poverty rate since 1993 (Clinton) was 2010 (O'bummer/Xiden).

Lowest poverty rate since 1993 (Clinton) was 2020 (Trump).

Say something else.........DUMBASS
It is kind of interesting to look at poverty rates.
Clinton entered office when the poverty rate was at an extreme high. When he left office, it had plummeted.

Obama entered office it was rapidly climbing. By the time he left office it plummeted.

Trump entered office, it continued plummeting. By the time he left it had surged up to the biggest single year increase since 1960 at 11.7 %. Trump left office with a rising poverty rate just like the other Republican presidents.

Here you go, you silly sally.

You've heard of congress right? Do you have a clue what they do?

Clinton had a Republican Congress and Senate when the poverty rate dipped on the Clinton's watch.

Obama had a Republican Congress, followed by a Republican Congress and Senate when the rate dipped on his watch.

Oh look, it's the Trump road Obama's coat tail economy outburst by a PROG, who'd have expected it. You're a dishonest character to place COVID economy on Trump's watch, in fact, it was the Demonicrats that wanted everything shut down. Am I right, let's hear a halleluiah for yes I am.

Take NOTE: Obama's poverty rate was the HIGHEST rate, matching 1993. And take a WILD guess who controlled both houses 1989 - 1993? That would be your Demonicrats........Thus, wholly shit your desires just don't match history, at all.

I didn't read your forbes link because you're misrepresenting facts from start, and you know it too.

...hmmm...yet Clinton had a continuous downward trend regardless of the party in control of Congress. Bush under a Republican Congress saw poverty rise.

Bush is a Democrat.
Neat how you assholes accuse Miller of being dishonest only to be dishonest.

A. Crepitus says Trump was handed a great economy. Sure sounds neat. After 8 years the O'bummer Xiden admin. proved underachievers, evidenced by a much improved economy when they left.

B. Crepitus says Trump was handed a great economy because unemployment was low. Sure sounds neat. After 8 years the O'bummer Xiden admin. proved underachievers, evidenced by a much improved unemployment rate when they left.

C. Crepitus says Trump was handed a great economy. Sure sounds neat. After 8 years the O'bummer Xiden admin. proved underachievers, evidenced by an unremarkable GDP that increased every year after they left.

D. Moonglow says Trump wrecked the great economy left to him. Let me know when Moonglow says something worth a fuck at all. He's clearly intellectually dishonest and denies COVID. Then there's the elephant in the room dumb fuck, the GDP increased approx. 40% Trump's last two quarters. Fuck you're stupid.
I am sorry you are so butt hurt over the truth, but Trump left us with more record debt and a crappy economy. Life sucks so buck up little one and put on yer big boy pants it's time to realize the truth.

.The U.S. recorded its sharpest spike in the poverty rate since the 1960s, with 8 million Americans being added to the government designation of poor by the end of 2020.Jan 25, 2021

The U.S. poverty rate rose by 2.4 percentage points during the final months of 2020 amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and lingering economic stagnation. Economists from the University of Chicago and University of Notre Dame said the nation saw the largest annual increase in poverty in nearly 60 years.

Black Americans were hit the hardest during this time period. The poverty rate for Black Americans jumped by 5.4 percentage points, meaning that about 2.5 million more Black individuals are now considered poor by official government classification. The overall U.S. poverty rate, according to this latest study, sat at about 11.8 percent in December 2020.

One of the researchers who led the study, Professor Bruce D. Meyer of the University of Chicago's Harris School of Public Policy, told Newsweek Monday that if not for additional government aid, "poverty would rise substantially" across the country. The study, which pulled data from late December surveys, found that the CARES Act stimulus relief checks passed last March helped to forestall the poverty rate from spiking even higher.

FUCK you're stupid, again denying COVID because you're a walking cock.

Highest poverty rate since 1993 (Clinton) was 2010 (O'bummer/Xiden).

Lowest poverty rate since 1993 (Clinton) was 2020 (Trump).

Say something else.........DUMBASS
It is kind of interesting to look at poverty rates.
Clinton entered office when the poverty rate was at an extreme high. When he left office, it had plummeted.

Obama entered office it was rapidly climbing. By the time he left office it plummeted.

Trump entered office, it continued plummeting. By the time he left it had surged up to the biggest single year increase since 1960 at 11.7 %. Trump left office with a rising poverty rate just like the other Republican presidents.

Here you go, you silly sally.

You've heard of congress right? Do you have a clue what they do?

Clinton had a Republican Congress and Senate when the poverty rate dipped on the Clinton's watch.

Obama had a Republican Congress, followed by a Republican Congress and Senate when the rate dipped on his watch.

Oh look, it's the Trump road Obama's coat tail economy outburst by a PROG, who'd have expected it. You're a dishonest character to place COVID economy on Trump's watch, in fact, it was the Demonicrats that wanted everything shut down. Am I right, let's hear a halleluiah for yes I am.

Take NOTE: Obama's poverty rate was the HIGHEST rate, matching 1993. And take a WILD guess who controlled both houses 1989 - 1993? That would be your Demonicrats........Thus, wholly shit your desires just don't match history, at all.

I didn't read your forbes link because you're misrepresenting facts from start, and you know it too.

...hmmm...yet Clinton had a continuous downward trend regardless of the party in control of Congress. Bush under a Republican Congress saw poverty rise.

Not completely true Clinton, because the biggest drop in poverty rate was done while the Republicans controlled both houses.

As for Bush, like his dad the poverty rate rose, but it was on a downward trend nearing the end his tenure until the crash, which so happens Democrats had the Senate & House when we saw our deepest depths, both Bush and then O'bummer. The Republicans had both houses beforehand.

Poverty rate rose sharply beginning Bush watch, and into Obummer, badly, then the recovery very slow until a decent drop, and then Trump took over and it dropped lower than it's been since no sooner than the 80s, if that.

The Forbes link has no value for politics - Trump caused Covid and states & Countries to go ape-shit? Give me a break, it doesn't belong in the conversation, at all.
Ah. I see. When faced with inconvenient facts create your own definitions and claim Bush was a Dem. You guys seem to that often.

Poverty rates are affected by many things, as your own post points out. The inconvenient aspect is you only apply that to one political side. Obama inherited a tanking economy. Not his fault. It was also a world wide depression. Again. Not his fault. By the time he left poverty was dropping, economy was rising, unemployment dropping. The same trend continued, but at a slightly lower rate, under Trump. Trump inherited a rising economy and dropping unemployment and poverty from his predecessor while Obama inherited the opposite. Biden inherited a train wreck. Maybe not entirely his fault but the Republican Congress blocked many attempted economic relief measures.
Neat how you assholes accuse Miller of being dishonest only to be dishonest.

A. Crepitus says Trump was handed a great economy. Sure sounds neat. After 8 years the O'bummer Xiden admin. proved underachievers, evidenced by a much improved economy when they left.

B. Crepitus says Trump was handed a great economy because unemployment was low. Sure sounds neat. After 8 years the O'bummer Xiden admin. proved underachievers, evidenced by a much improved unemployment rate when they left.

C. Crepitus says Trump was handed a great economy. Sure sounds neat. After 8 years the O'bummer Xiden admin. proved underachievers, evidenced by an unremarkable GDP that increased every year after they left.

D. Moonglow says Trump wrecked the great economy left to him. Let me know when Moonglow says something worth a fuck at all. He's clearly intellectually dishonest and denies COVID. Then there's the elephant in the room dumb fuck, the GDP increased approx. 40% Trump's last two quarters. Fuck you're stupid.
Bidenstarted with a wrecked econony, raging pandemic, high unemployment, and record deficit. Thank you Mr. Trump.
Just what in Trumps lifetime has he made better ? Bankrupt companies 6 or 7 times many failures with products He could even succeed at marriage And republicans brought this vile swine to our WH?

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