STILL No Link....

Why is it 'ever expanding' if there is no evidence, never WAS any evidence....?

Poor delusional snowflakes....:p
Schiff: Still no 'definitive' link between Russia, Trump campaign

"The top Democrat on the House committee investigating the ever-expanding probe into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential race said Sunday that panel members still have no “definitive” evidence that the Trump campaign was working with Moscow to defeat Democratic rival Hillary Clinton."

NONE! :lmao:

Of course not.

The FBI is investigating the Trump campaign to see whether there is more definitive evidence of collusion.

But you knew that.

Meanwhile- why do you think Trumpsters are so furiously trying to pretend Russia didn't try to illegally hack our Presidential election?
Why is it 'ever expanding' if there is no evidence, never WAS any evidence....?

Poor delusional snowflakes....:p

Poor lying snowflake.

You don't know whether there is any evidence- you just want to claim that there 'never was any evidence'

still have no “definitive” evidence that the Trump campaign was working with Moscow to defeat Democratic rival Hillary Clinton."

You realize that doesn't mean that there is no evidence- right?
I love the proud chant of the Trump Syncophants:

There is still no DEFINITIVE proof that President Trump colluded with Russia.

Now that is something to be proud of a President for.
Schiff: Still no 'definitive' link between Russia, Trump campaign

"The top Democrat on the House committee investigating the ever-expanding probe into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential race said Sunday that panel members still have no “definitive” evidence that the Trump campaign was working with Moscow to defeat Democratic rival Hillary Clinton."

NONE! :lmao:

Of course not.

The FBI is investigating the Trump campaign to see whether there is more definitive evidence of collusion.

But you knew that.

Meanwhile- why do you think Trumpsters are so furiously trying to pretend Russia didn't try to illegally hack our Presidential election?

"illegally hack"????

Since when was it illegal?
The U.S. Intelligence Community has formally announced that the Russian Government was behind the cyberattack on the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers[1] – but now what? With this attribution, does the United States have any rights to respond under international law?

In the case of the DNC hack, Russia’s apparent intention to influence and spy, rather than destroy, undercuts a “use of force” argument.
Even at first glance, it’s hard to compare the provisions’ traditional conception – of German Panzers dashing across borders – with the silent prying into computer servers.

Some scholars have also recognized “critical national infrastructure” as deserving protection under international law – but it’s unlikely the DNC servers would fall under this umbrella.[9] The DNC’s servers were important for the support and promotion of the Democratic Party, but were not directly linked to the administration of the election or the counting of ballots.
Yale Journal of International Law | Hacking the Election

So where is the illegality?

READ very closely before responding!
I love the proud chant of the Trump Syncophants:

There is still no DEFINITIVE proof that President Trump colluded with Russia.

Now that is something to be proud of a President for.
Having done nothing illegal, unlike Obama and his loyalists who perpetrated Felony Espionage, IS something to be proud of.
Why is it 'ever expanding' if there is no evidence, never WAS any evidence....?

Poor delusional snowflakes....:p

Because The Democrat Party Committed Criminal Acts and Felonies in Desperation to make a Lying Narrative appear to be true.
But they phucked themselves because there are transcripts that show this is a big Nothing Burger, unless of course you want to talk about The Criminality of The Obama Gang.

So they keep searching, because they have this anchor around their necks, that they cannot cast off.

They will drown with it.

And we get to watch.
You seek that which does not exist while ignoring that which does.

Our time would be better spent sending those who engaged in Felony Espionage to jail.

Why do the republicans not want Flynn to have immunity if he talks?

He doesn't need immunity. He was exonerated by the transcripts of the surveillance conducted against him.

He just doesn't want tied up in Frivolous Dem Law suits after he testifies.
not only do RussianWingers fail to understand the concept of an investigation, they insist on showcasing their stupidity using means of conjecture.

SNL 24/7/365 at the asylum.
Schiff: Still no 'definitive' link between Russia, Trump campaign

"The top Democrat on the House committee investigating the ever-expanding probe into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential race said Sunday that panel members still have no “definitive” evidence that the Trump campaign was working with Moscow to defeat Democratic rival Hillary Clinton."

NONE! :lmao:

Of course not.

The FBI is investigating the Trump campaign to see whether there is more definitive evidence of collusion.

But you knew that.

Meanwhile- why do you think Trumpsters are so furiously trying to pretend Russia didn't try to illegally hack our Presidential election?

among other attempted diversions

Bannon is pulling this nonsense out of his fat ass desperately trying to avoid prison
not only do RussianWingers fail to understand the concept of an investigation, they insist on showcasing their stupidity using means of conjecture.

Oh, Americans understand the concept of 'investigations', which starts with a REASON to investigate, for which it is now obvious the snowflakes have NONE.

The entire 'Russian' scandal has been exposed as an OBAMA OPERATION against Trump.

The Directors of the NSA and FBI have already testified that the 'incidental collection' of data on Trump and his team resulted in a finding of NO COLLUSION and NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE.

The 2 Directors DID testify, however, that crimes were committed - BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION / OBAMA HOLDOVERS: FELONY ESPIONAGE.

Obama frantically ordered the information be collected.

Obama's NSA and FBI did the 'incidental collection' that resulted in NOTHING criminal.

The Obama administration dispersed PROTECTED Classified information OF NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE to Obama holdovers in 16 Intel Agencies who then illegally perpetrated Felony Espionage in order to undermine the newly elected President
- MOTIVE: Trump beat Hillary and was going to dismantle / IS dismantling his 'Legacy'.

Fake Scandal manufactured by the treasonous self/party-serving Ex-President, supported by criminal acts and left-wing Fake News media - NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THEIR CLAIMS!


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