Stimulus a TOTAL failure!!!

Any comparisons with the Bush/GOP induced financial crisis, stock market crash, foreclosure debacle--Great Recesssion--commencing in 2007, on-going in 2008, braking in 2009, turning around in 2010, recovering during 2011: Is all about the Impact of Five years of Relatively bad times.

Senator McCain, and Bozo the MooseHead, both regarded all that as sign of economic progress, strength, and good times. She who field-dresseth the Moose, wound up in a toilet bowl of time.

Most of the planet does not have access to safe drinking water, or plumbing and public sanitation.

Things probably don't seem to be looking a whole lot better, for them either.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Party of Abraham Lincoln even discovering that a winning non-Negro dialect is hard to find--or hear, in their case!)
Ok..Listen to your conscience and go save the world.
We have our own problems.
If trying to do the right thing, meeting my obligations, paying my bills on time, keeping a roof over my head and battling against confiscatory taxation makes me a selfish bastard, so be it.
I have already lost the nanno- second of sleep over what the do-gooders think.
The GOP crackpots were making the same noise in 2008 that now they are making in
2011. The ecoomy is apparently doing so well that speniding should be cut, jobs are eveywhere, Home Values are the castle of everyman's dream, or dreamess.

McCain for president - Opinion -

Las Vegas GOP said no change was needed, and no change was being proposed: And both at the same time!

Saving the auto industry was not going to happen. Obama was proposing four years of spending over 1 tril., like had already had happened, on behalf the military contractors. Obama was going to create jobs.

The GOP says that government doesn't know how to create jobs. GOP is not doing any job creating, having won a portion of the House of Representatives in the mid-terms.

Things are apparently fine(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe not front-runners practice really hard, "Yaez, Boss!" Snappy Dialect, "Sho Nuff!")
Government creates jobs by getting the hell out of the way of the private sector.
Reagan and Clinton both knew this all too well.
Nixon, Carter and now Obama believe(d) government intervention was the answer.
Then as now, The Reagan Trajectory had left younger workers behind. For Black youth, then as now: Mainly the gang culture beckons. The curren Oval Office has so far managed to include white Construction Job labor in the atrocity.

These are the Ivy League, Intending.

Clinton actually funded highway projects.

Tyson Warns Congress to Adopt Clinton Economic Stimulus Plan - The Tech

Bush II, Terms I & Ii, would try to get government, "out of the way," with basis-free wars against the atomized dead of 9/11. Bush II, Terms I & II, knew a dead, atomized terrorist--so well--that only they could see one. It was in the NIE reports, where no one else could even find the phony Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Obama has managed to apologize for having neglected, "The Shovel Ready Projects." They weren't there, after all. The apology was made to Corporate CEO's.

After 2012, there will likely be public works spending from the Democrats, again. The Republicans are not making apologies to Corporate CEO's, for not creating any public works, "shovel ready," projects."

The unemployment rates have hit the trades-level workers far more unevenly: Than for the guys in the nursing jobs. Palin, by comparison, became a typical, "CEO," level kind of employee.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Five-Star With Non-Negro dialect Not in New Hampshire, where federal public works proejcts were not on display, but where the unemployment rate is 5% or so. Wyoming is at a 6% rate--also unfettered with the usual population demographics. Not many people live in Wyoming, actually, on any comparitive basis at all. "Sure-Shot" Cheney is from there.)
Granny says now we see the real reason dey wanna raise the debt limit...
Obama: 'I Can Imagine' More Stimulus
Tuesday, July 12, 2011 - When talking about infrastructure banks Monday, President Barack Obama said he could "imagine a very aggressive program."
Obama said he’s pushing for a deal on the debt ceiling so lawmakers can move on to tackling targeted job growth, "So that then we can get back to having a conversation about, all right, since we now have solved this problem, that’s not, no longer what’s hampering economic growth. That’s not feeding business and uncertainty. Everybody feels that the ground is stable under our feet. Are there some strategies that we could pursue that would really focus on some targeted job growth, infrastructure being a primary example.”

"I mean, the infrastructure bank that we've proposed is relatively small. But could we imagine a project where we’re rebuilding roads and bridges and ports and schools and broadband lines and smart grids, and taking all those construction workers and putting them to work right now? I can imagine a very aggressive program like that that I think the American people would rally around and would be good for the economy not just next year or the year after, but for the next 20 or 30 years,” Obama continued. The president’s plan to create a government-run bank that uses federal dollars to fund infrastructure projects is not new. The concept however, may be a tough sell following the Congressional Budget Office’s report that the over $800 billion dollar Recovery Act only saved or created 3.6 million jobs – a price tag of $228,055 per job.

Monday’s statements in support of ‘imagining’ an infrastructure bank were similar to the president’s push for the Recovery act in January 30, 2009 when he said, “We intend to double our capacity to generate renewable energy while redoubling our efforts to use energy more efficiently. We will rebuild crumbling roads and retrofit aging transit systems and renovate ten thousand schools for our children.” As far back as September of last year House Majority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) was reportedly comparing the infrastructure banking proposal to the stimulus. "Reports from across the country show that dollars intended for infrastructure improvement in the president's first stimulus are being wasted, so how will his latest be any different?", asked Cantor in a written statement.

Obama: 'I Can Imagine' More Stimulus |

See also:

Official Treasury Reports: Coffers Full Enough to Cover Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans, Federal Salaries and Interest—Without Borrowing a Dime
Tuesday, July 12, 2011 - President Barack Obama told CBS News today that there may not be enough money in the U.S. Treasury to cover Social Security checks after Aug. 3 if Congress does not agree to lift the legal limit on the federal debt and allow his administration to borrow more money.
"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it," Obama told CBS News anchor Scott Pelley in an interview. However, according to the Daily Treasury Statements published by the U.S. Treasury Department, the ongoing flow of federal tax revenue since the Treasury declared that it had hit the debt limit on May 16 has been more than sufficient to cover the combined costs of federal spending on interest payments, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the Veterans Affairs department and federal workers wages and insurance benefits (including wages and insurance benefits for military personnel).

Specifically, according to the Daily Treasury Statements, as of the close of business on May 16, the federal government had taken in $1.333454 trillion in tax revenues since the beginning of fiscal 2011. By the close of business on July 7, tax revenues for fiscal 2011 had grown to $1.629630 trillion. Therefore, between May 16 and July 7 the federal government took in a total of $296.176 billion in new tax revenue. In that same time period, total interest payments on the national debt equaled $14.632 billion. Thus, the new tax revenue of $296.176 billion the federal government took in between May 16 and July 7 was enough to pay the federal government’s $14.632 billion in interest obligations during that period 20 times over.

Also during that same period, the federal government’s combined expenditures for interest payments on the national debt, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the Veterans Affairs department and federal workers wages and insurance benefits equaled $270.151 billion. Thus, since hitting the legal limit on the federal debt on May 16, the federal government could have spent its $296.176 billion in new tax revenues to pay for its combined $270.151 billion in expenses for interest, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Veterans Affairs and federal workers wages and insurance benefits and still had $26.025 billion in additional tax revenue to spend on other government activities.

For another $2.198 billion, for example, the government could have covered all Justice Department programs between May 16 and July 7—thus bringing its surplus revenue for the post-debt-limit period down to $23.827. For another $11.233 billion, the government could have covered all its Housing and Urban Development programs between May 16 and July 7—thus bringing its surplus revenue for the post-debt-limit period down to $12.594 billion. For another $6.988 billion, the government could have covered all its Federal Highway Administration programs between May 16 and July 7—thus bringing it surplus revenue for the post-debt-limit period down to $5.606 billion. What it could not have done between May 16 and July 7, using the tax revenue that came in during that period, was pay the interest on the debt, maintain all the big entitlement programs (Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security), plus veterans benefits, plus all wages and insurance benefits for federal workers (including military personnel) and paid all the money that the government planned to pay Defense Department vendors.

More Official Treasury Reports: Coffers Full Enough to Cover Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans, Federal Salaries and Interest
Anyone following the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Situation, Household Survey has the data that employment in 12/2009, was 137,291,000 jobs. Up to May, 2011, then 2,488,000 jobs have been created: Subsequent the impact of the Stimulus, continuing. The Obama-Biden Stimulus was signed into law in February, 2009.

The Employed Persons Number in May, 2011, was 139,779,000.

That is an increase of employment, showing the success of the Obama-Biden Stimulus, following the Stingy, American-Murdering, Foreclosure-Creating, Financial House Collapsing, Stock Market Crashing: Bush II, Terms I and II, 2008 Stimulus.

The Bush/Tea Party/Republican Stimuls of $170.0 bil. clearly pales in comparison with the $800.0 bil. Obama Stimulus. The Bush/Tea Party/Republican Stimulus was niggardly, in comparison.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many in New Hampshire still waiting to hear new winning non-Negro dialect from GOP!)

Non-Negro dialect. I lost my position in 6/10. My home is being foreclosed upon now. I'm guessing it's a matter of time before my $150 a week salary will be garnished to pay the debt of my credit cards, ($1200 including interest for late payments), and my mortgage default, ($7k).

I'll keep working, it's only right, but trust me, it's the liberals, not the conservatives that have caused this collapse. The left did it with housing, 'everyone deserves their own piece.'

Obama hasn't a problem that many people are working at minimum wage, though I'm sure he thinks it should be a 'living wage.' He's wrong. The system is so broken. At nearly $9 an hour I do a very good job of providing a service to the customers. My employer though, considers me part-time, which is fair, considering that is what I responded to in the ad. They get very upset when I've two weeks in a row over 30 hours, they might have to pay benefits.

Truth is, I can and may well go to unemployment to make up the shortfall. I'm 'entitled' to $325 per week, while I'm making less than $150. So do i file? I'll use up my time on unemployment, but still less than I need to avoid my creditors. I can live on my salary, if I ignore mortgage and property taxes.

When all is said and done, how has anything that's been done by elites helped me or anyone that is trying to survive after losing their job?

I've 3 BA's and am just short 2 courses of a MS.

From what I've seen the liberals are ignoring us, the right wants our stories but aren't making it clear to the American Public why it's important to control spending, more than expanding taxing.
The porkulus was advertised as paying for "shovel ready jobs". They were "shoveling it" all right, but not dirt or cement. The vast majority of the porkulus funds went to pay off his political constituencies (aka "social spending") and the rest mostly went to near bankrupt states, and into the pockets of already-overpaid state government employees. It was probably the biggest fraud in history, making Bernie Madoff look like a rank amateur. Of course it hasn't caused the economy to recover.
1.9 fewer Americans working since the 2008 stimulus................

1.9 Million Fewer Americans Have Jobs Today Than When Obama Signed Stimulus |

Can you say, stimulus fail??

Spin away s0ns!!!:coffee:

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs
Updated 8/30/2010
The White House says the multiyear $814 billion stimulus program passed by Congress in 2009 boosted employment by 2.5 million to 3.6 million jobs and raised the nation's annual economic output by almost $400 billion. A recent study by two prominent economists generally agrees, crediting the pump-priming with averting "what could have been called Great Depression 2.0."
Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs -

A Lonely Success
Don’t forget: the bailouts worked.
We will never know what would have happened if Lehman had not failed. But we can be fairly sure that without its collapse, it would have been impossible to shock the political system into action. In the month after the fall, the U.S. government made a series of massive moves to restore stability to the financial system. And it’s clear that those actions saved the American—and thus the global—economy from total collapse.

Can yoy say. Thank you, President Obama?
Last edited:
1.9 fewer Americans working since the 2008 stimulus................

1.9 Million Fewer Americans Have Jobs Today Than When Obama Signed Stimulus |

Can you say, stimulus fail??

Spin away s0ns!!!:coffee:

It did what it was designed to do.

It was NOT designed to create jobs, it was designed to mitigate the losses of jobs in state governments.

So if your complaint is that the stimulus wasn't well designed to begin with, I'm on that page with you, for sure.
Granny says now we see the real reason dey wanna raise the debt limit...
Obama: 'I Can Imagine' More Stimulus
Tuesday, July 12, 2011 - When talking about infrastructure banks Monday, President Barack Obama said he could "imagine a very aggressive program."
Obama said he’s pushing for a deal on the debt ceiling so lawmakers can move on to tackling targeted job growth, "So that then we can get back to having a conversation about, all right, since we now have solved this problem, that’s not, no longer what’s hampering economic growth. That’s not feeding business and uncertainty. Everybody feels that the ground is stable under our feet. Are there some strategies that we could pursue that would really focus on some targeted job growth, infrastructure being a primary example.”

"I mean, the infrastructure bank that we've proposed is relatively small. But could we imagine a project where we’re rebuilding roads and bridges and ports and schools and broadband lines and smart grids, and taking all those construction workers and putting them to work right now? I can imagine a very aggressive program like that that I think the American people would rally around and would be good for the economy not just next year or the year after, but for the next 20 or 30 years,” Obama continued. The president’s plan to create a government-run bank that uses federal dollars to fund infrastructure projects is not new. The concept however, may be a tough sell following the Congressional Budget Office’s report that the over $800 billion dollar Recovery Act only saved or created 3.6 million jobs – a price tag of $228,055 per job.

Monday’s statements in support of ‘imagining’ an infrastructure bank were similar to the president’s push for the Recovery act in January 30, 2009 when he said, “We intend to double our capacity to generate renewable energy while redoubling our efforts to use energy more efficiently. We will rebuild crumbling roads and retrofit aging transit systems and renovate ten thousand schools for our children.” As far back as September of last year House Majority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) was reportedly comparing the infrastructure banking proposal to the stimulus. "Reports from across the country show that dollars intended for infrastructure improvement in the president's first stimulus are being wasted, so how will his latest be any different?", asked Cantor in a written statement.

Obama: 'I Can Imagine' More Stimulus |

See also:

Official Treasury Reports: Coffers Full Enough to Cover Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans, Federal Salaries and Interest—Without Borrowing a Dime
Tuesday, July 12, 2011 - President Barack Obama told CBS News today that there may not be enough money in the U.S. Treasury to cover Social Security checks after Aug. 3 if Congress does not agree to lift the legal limit on the federal debt and allow his administration to borrow more money.
"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it," Obama told CBS News anchor Scott Pelley in an interview. However, according to the Daily Treasury Statements published by the U.S. Treasury Department, the ongoing flow of federal tax revenue since the Treasury declared that it had hit the debt limit on May 16 has been more than sufficient to cover the combined costs of federal spending on interest payments, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the Veterans Affairs department and federal workers wages and insurance benefits (including wages and insurance benefits for military personnel).

Specifically, according to the Daily Treasury Statements, as of the close of business on May 16, the federal government had taken in $1.333454 trillion in tax revenues since the beginning of fiscal 2011. By the close of business on July 7, tax revenues for fiscal 2011 had grown to $1.629630 trillion. Therefore, between May 16 and July 7 the federal government took in a total of $296.176 billion in new tax revenue. In that same time period, total interest payments on the national debt equaled $14.632 billion. Thus, the new tax revenue of $296.176 billion the federal government took in between May 16 and July 7 was enough to pay the federal government’s $14.632 billion in interest obligations during that period 20 times over.

Also during that same period, the federal government’s combined expenditures for interest payments on the national debt, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the Veterans Affairs department and federal workers wages and insurance benefits equaled $270.151 billion. Thus, since hitting the legal limit on the federal debt on May 16, the federal government could have spent its $296.176 billion in new tax revenues to pay for its combined $270.151 billion in expenses for interest, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Veterans Affairs and federal workers wages and insurance benefits and still had $26.025 billion in additional tax revenue to spend on other government activities.

For another $2.198 billion, for example, the government could have covered all Justice Department programs between May 16 and July 7—thus bringing its surplus revenue for the post-debt-limit period down to $23.827. For another $11.233 billion, the government could have covered all its Housing and Urban Development programs between May 16 and July 7—thus bringing its surplus revenue for the post-debt-limit period down to $12.594 billion. For another $6.988 billion, the government could have covered all its Federal Highway Administration programs between May 16 and July 7—thus bringing it surplus revenue for the post-debt-limit period down to $5.606 billion. What it could not have done between May 16 and July 7, using the tax revenue that came in during that period, was pay the interest on the debt, maintain all the big entitlement programs (Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security), plus veterans benefits, plus all wages and insurance benefits for federal workers (including military personnel) and paid all the money that the government planned to pay Defense Department vendors.

More Official Treasury Reports: Coffers Full Enough to Cover Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans, Federal Salaries and Interest
Obama's plans are to be commended. Up until the point where he wants to spend more taxpayer dollars.
If Obama had said, "this is for the private sector so that it would be "taking all those construction workers and putting them to work right now".....
Yeah, that's great. However the federal government should be looking for ways to cut spending, not expand into new areas.
If Obama was really interested in stimulating the economy, he'd let the private sector have a go at it.
Any comparisons with the Bush/GOP induced financial crisis, stock market crash, foreclosure debacle--Great Recesssion--commencing in 2007, on-going in 2008, braking in 2009, turning around in 2010, recovering during 2011: Is all about the Impact of Five years of Relatively bad times.

Senator McCain, and Bozo the MooseHead, both regarded all that as sign of economic progress, strength, and good times. She who field-dresseth the Moose, wound up in a toilet bowl of time.

Most of the planet does not have access to safe drinking water, or plumbing and public sanitation.

Things probably don't seem to be looking a whole lot better, for them either.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Party of Abraham Lincoln even discovering that a winning non-Negro dialect is hard to find--or hear, in their case!)
My advice is to stay off the narcotics.

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