Stop Insulting God

Very notion a god would care what any of us say is laughably absurd. Be like saying I care what ants on the other side of the planet think of me. :)

Yet they believe it is us being arrogant when we doubt a god exists let alone care. Don't they have that the other way around? To think god put all this here for them and has a heaven awaiting?

And this delusion is good for us how? Besides making them feel better about themselves.
Very notion a god would care what any of us say is laughably absurd. Be like saying I care what ants on the other side of the planet think of me. :)

Yet they believe it is us being arrogant when we doubt a god exists let alone care. Don't they have that the other way around? To think god put all this here for them and has a heaven awaiting?

And this delusion is good for us how? Besides making them feel better about themselves.

Religious beliefs are a form of mental illness, and I'm not the first to say it. We have a double-standard at play in the psychiatric community we're still working on resolving. If you talk to an imaginary friend and base your life on things you claim it tells you, you're mentally ill. But if you say it's God you're not.
God is not a she. But I agree that God is far greater than the stories told about Him. He is too great to put into words! Did you watch that video yet? Please watch it. It's got important information, Joe!

Have you watched the Cosmos yet? Because the universe is too big to put into words. And it is arrogant wishful thinking to believe in this universe and in our very brief time on this planet that we are special. Wishful thinking. The more we learn the more we realize just how insignificant we really are. Trilobite's and dinosaurs were on this planet for millions of years before us and we've only been around for hundreds of thousands of years. God doesn't give with reality. If were going to evolve and improve we need to grow up.

In my philosophy it is the immortal spirit that evolves, and the body follows on. The dinosaurs did not die out, they evolved into birds.

What was your former life like? If you don't remember then what does it matter? Are you going to tell me how I behave will determine what I come back as? Was a frog living today who ate mosquito's now a snake that eats frogs?

Completely nonsensical scientifically but deep phylisopically.
Very notion a god would care what any of us say is laughably absurd. Be like saying I care what ants on the other side of the planet think of me. :)

Yet they believe it is us being arrogant when we doubt a god exists let alone care. Don't they have that the other way around? To think god put all this here for them and has a heaven awaiting?

And this delusion is good for us how? Besides making them feel better about themselves.

Religious beliefs are a form of mental illness, and I'm not the first to say it. We have a double-standard at play in the psychiatric community we're still working on resolving. If you talk to an imaginary friend and base your life on things you claim it tells you, you're mentally ill. But if you say it's God you're not.

Why I believe they use religion to keep us down. I'm fine with debating what created the cosmos. We don't know. Its the people who claim they know that bother me.

I hate their love hate relationship with science.
Really? Past lives? We don't have past lives. The combination of neurons making up our brains now is unique. And they collectively define who we are as individuals. Because this unique combination didn't exist before we did, neither did we.
Very notion a god would care what any of us say is laughably absurd. Be like saying I care what ants on the other side of the planet think of me. :)

Yet they believe it is us being arrogant when we doubt a god exists let alone care. Don't they have that the other way around? To think god put all this here for them and has a heaven awaiting?

And this delusion is good for us how? Besides making them feel better about themselves.

Religious beliefs are a form of mental illness, and I'm not the first to say it. We have a double-standard at play in the psychiatric community we're still working on resolving. If you talk to an imaginary friend and base your life on things you claim it tells you, you're mentally ill. But if you say it's God you're not.

Why I believe they use religion to keep us down. I'm fine with debating what created the cosmos. We don't know. Its the people who claim they know that bother me.

I hate their love hate relationship with science.

No one created the universe. If someone did they should be fired because they overengineered it then compounded that faux pas by imposing an absolute speed limit ensuring its inhabitants can never get around within it. :)
God is not a she. But I agree that God is far greater than the stories told about Him. He is too great to put into words! Did you watch that video yet? Please watch it. It's got important information, Joe!

Have you watched the Cosmos yet? Because the universe is too big to put into words. And it is arrogant wishful thinking to believe in this universe and in our very brief time on this planet that we are special. Wishful thinking. The more we learn the more we realize just how insignificant we really are. Trilobite's and dinosaurs were on this planet for millions of years before us and we've only been around for hundreds of thousands of years. God doesn't give with reality. If were going to evolve and improve we need to grow up.

In my philosophy it is the immortal spirit that evolves, and the body follows on. The dinosaurs did not die out, they evolved into birds.

What was your former life like? If you don't remember then what does it matter? Are you going to tell me how I behave will determine what I come back as? Was a frog living today who ate mosquito's now a snake that eats frogs?

Completely nonsensical scientifically but deep phylisopically.

I do not remember my past lives but it is my understanding that we have a soul body that contains all the memories of past lives. It is commonly called the causal body and it is formless and infinitely expandable so that it can contain limitless memories in perfect detail. When we complete our cycle of incarnations we will remember all our past lives.
I once asked a spirit guide if animals evolved to become human and she said no. Animals are evolving to perfection in their own right, and we do not incarnate as animals as that would be pointless regression. Spiritual evolution goes on, ever upward toward perfection and the physical form evolves to match the needs of the spirit.
Very notion a god would care what any of us say is laughably absurd. Be like saying I care what ants on the other side of the planet think of me. :)

Yet they believe it is us being arrogant when we doubt a god exists let alone care. Don't they have that the other way around? To think god put all this here for them and has a heaven awaiting?

And this delusion is good for us how? Besides making them feel better about themselves.

Religious beliefs are a form of mental illness, and I'm not the first to say it. We have a double-standard at play in the psychiatric community we're still working on resolving. If you talk to an imaginary friend and base your life on things you claim it tells you, you're mentally ill. But if you say it's God you're not.
The psychiatric community does not embrace you're theory. Being a Leftist, though, I'm sure you would balk at the notion that homosexuality is a mental disorder. Stop pretending you're being rational instead of asserting your blind religious belief that God doesn't exist.
Very notion a god would care what any of us say is laughably absurd. Be like saying I care what ants on the other side of the planet think of me. :)

Yet they believe it is us being arrogant when we doubt a god exists let alone care. Don't they have that the other way around? To think god put all this here for them and has a heaven awaiting?

And this delusion is good for us how? Besides making them feel better about themselves.

Religious beliefs are a form of mental illness, and I'm not the first to say it. We have a double-standard at play in the psychiatric community we're still working on resolving. If you talk to an imaginary friend and base your life on things you claim it tells you, you're mentally ill. But if you say it's God you're not.
The psychiatric community does not embrace you're theory. Being a Leftist, though, I'm sure you would balk at the notion that homosexuality is a mental disorder. Stop pretending you're being rational instead of asserting your blind religious belief that God doesn't exist.

How does one pretend to be rational? Aren't you just rational or irrational?

I'm not a leftist. While I have my leftist positions I have a lot of righty ones too. I'm a true moderate though I try to avoid taking sides when it comes to politics. I think they're all lame.

"All along, the majority position of Psychiatry has been that Psychiatry has nothing to do with religion and spirituality. Religious beliefs and practices have long been thought to have a pathological basis, and psychiatrists over a century have understood them in this light. Religion was considered as a symptom of mental illness. Jean Charcot and Sigmund Freud linked religion with neurosis. DSM3 portrayed religion negatively by suggesting that religious and spiritual experiences are examples of psychopathology."
Spirituality and mental health

...Tell me more about things you know nothing about. You make me laugh.
If I make it to heaven, I would be a bit startled to see Hitler there.

OR any number of other mass murdering scumbags.

Hitler is not in any kind of heaven. In the after life he probably found himself in the lower planes that are dark and bleak. He would spend as much time there remembering what he did in life until such time as he regretted his actions. At that time he might be allowed to reincarnate to face karmic debts, These debts are so enormous as to
be crushing for his soul, as it is hard to see how he can ever pay for all the suffering he is responsible for.
He must account for every action and its reaction for as many lives as it takes to resolve his karma. Such is the forbidding nature of Hitler's hell.
Sounds good to me. Or burning in hell. Either way its just wild speculation and wishful thinking. But I hope you are right.

The other possibility is like when a mean coyote wolf lion hippo cougar bear or dog dies they just die just like good ones do.

I believe you get one shot at this and that all the humans that suffered while here while tragic is just life. No heaven for the whale that got harpooned in the 1700s. No heaven for the beagles and monkeys we experiment on now and no heaven for us.

Our job is to make heaven here now. You can speculate but better you work now to make your life and the lives of others better now. If there's something after you'll be rewarded and belief is not required.
Have you watched the Cosmos yet? Because the universe is too big to put into words. And it is arrogant wishful thinking to believe in this universe and in our very brief time on this planet that we are special. Wishful thinking. The more we learn the more we realize just how insignificant we really are. Trilobite's and dinosaurs were on this planet for millions of years before us and we've only been around for hundreds of thousands of years. God doesn't give with reality. If were going to evolve and improve we need to grow up.

Your god is the silliest of all gods.
Our job is to make heaven here now. You can speculate but better you work now to make your life and the lives of others better now. If there's something after you'll be rewarded and belief is not required.

I think pretty well all the spiritual teachers I have encountered would agree with you on that.
God is not a she. But I agree that God is far greater than the stories told about Him. He is too great to put into words! Did you watch that video yet? Please watch it. It's got important information, Joe!

If god gave birth to the universe, wouldn't god have to be a "she?"

Its why the Greeks had multiple gods. Still who had the original gods? Why can't the universe just exist? It is eternal. It lives and will one day expire and start all over. No god necessary.
Very notion a god would care what any of us say is laughably absurd. Be like saying I care what ants on the other side of the planet think of me. :)

Yet they believe it is us being arrogant when we doubt a god exists let alone care. Don't they have that the other way around? To think god put all this here for them and has a heaven awaiting?

And this delusion is good for us how? Besides making them feel better about themselves.

Religious beliefs are a form of mental illness, and I'm not the first to say it. We have a double-standard at play in the psychiatric community we're still working on resolving. If you talk to an imaginary friend and base your life on things you claim it tells you, you're mentally ill. But if you say it's God you're not.
The psychiatric community does not embrace you're theory. Being a Leftist, though, I'm sure you would balk at the notion that homosexuality is a mental disorder. Stop pretending you're being rational instead of asserting your blind religious belief that God doesn't exist.

How does one pretend to be rational? Aren't you just rational or irrational?

I'm not a leftist. While I have my leftist positions I have a lot of righty ones too. I'm a true moderate though I try to avoid taking sides when it comes to politics. I think they're all lame.

"All along, the majority position of Psychiatry has been that Psychiatry has nothing to do with religion and spirituality. Religious beliefs and practices have long been thought to have a pathological basis, and psychiatrists over a century have understood them in this light. Religion was considered as a symptom of mental illness. Jean Charcot and Sigmund Freud linked religion with neurosis. DSM3 portrayed religion negatively by suggesting that religious and spiritual experiences are examples of psychopathology."
Spirituality and mental health

...Tell me more about things you know nothing about. You make me laugh.
I said the psychiatric community does not embrace your strange theory and I'm right. You can't make that go away with a quote. Most mental health proffesionals don't agree with you.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Our job is to make heaven here now. You can speculate but better you work now to make your life and the lives of others better now. If there's something after you'll be rewarded and belief is not required.

I think pretty well all the spiritual teachers I have encountered would agree with you on that.

To all other theists. Notice I don't have one problem with anything this spiritual theist is saying?

This is the original debate man had. Them one day some guy came down from a mountain talking about a burning bush and we haven't stopped lying since.
If I make it to heaven, I would be a bit startled to see Hitler there.

OR any number of other mass murdering scumbags.

Hitler is not in any kind of heaven. In the after life he probably found himself in the lower planes that are dark and bleak. He would spend as much time there remembering what he did in life until such time as he regretted his actions. At that time he might be allowed to reincarnate to face karmic debts, These debts are so enormous as to
be crushing for his soul, as it is hard to see how he can ever pay for all the suffering he is responsible for.
He must account for every action and its reaction for as many lives as it takes to resolve his karma. Such is the forbidding nature of Hitler's hell.
Sounds good to me. Or burning in hell. Either way its just wild speculation and wishful thinking. But I hope you are right.

The other possibility is like when a mean coyote wolf lion hippo cougar bear or dog dies they just die just like good ones do.

I believe you get one shot at this and that all the humans that suffered while here while tragic is just life. No heaven for the whale that got harpooned in the 1700s. No heaven for the beagles and monkeys we experiment on now and no heaven for us.

Our job is to make heaven here now. You can speculate but better you work now to make your life and the lives of others better now. If there's something after you'll be rewarded and belief is not required.

When a living organism dies, especially higher animals like us, our brains and everything the brain was which defined us stops working. Thus we and everything we once were ceases to exist. Death then is the end of consciousness and experience. There's no way for anything to come after death because everything we had which enabled us to perceive reality and experience our enviroment isn't working any more. It's akin to how if you touch a live power line you'll get a shock. But if you stop the power going through it it's just an inert cable. We're inert when dead, there isn't anything coming up next.

A more fascinating question to me has always been what exactly is different from the last moment we're alive, to the first moment we're dead? All the matter is still there but stuff stopped working right and we died. But can't we just restore what isn't working and restore life? Kinda Dr. Franky but when ya don't believe in afterlifes ya tend to wonder what death is exactly.

Currently we say death is the suspension of neural function. Ok, so what's a working brain if not a brain with some electricity running through it. Why not just shock the dead brain ala Frankenstein or Star Trek: TNG? When "Dr. Crusher" restored a dying person she shocked their brain. Not their heart.
Very notion a god would care what any of us say is laughably absurd. Be like saying I care what ants on the other side of the planet think of me. :)

Yet they believe it is us being arrogant when we doubt a god exists let alone care. Don't they have that the other way around? To think god put all this here for them and has a heaven awaiting?

And this delusion is good for us how? Besides making them feel better about themselves.

Religious beliefs are a form of mental illness, and I'm not the first to say it. We have a double-standard at play in the psychiatric community we're still working on resolving. If you talk to an imaginary friend and base your life on things you claim it tells you, you're mentally ill. But if you say it's God you're not.
The psychiatric community does not embrace you're theory. Being a Leftist, though, I'm sure you would balk at the notion that homosexuality is a mental disorder. Stop pretending you're being rational instead of asserting your blind religious belief that God doesn't exist.

How does one pretend to be rational? Aren't you just rational or irrational?

I'm not a leftist. While I have my leftist positions I have a lot of righty ones too. I'm a true moderate though I try to avoid taking sides when it comes to politics. I think they're all lame.

"All along, the majority position of Psychiatry has been that Psychiatry has nothing to do with religion and spirituality. Religious beliefs and practices have long been thought to have a pathological basis, and psychiatrists over a century have understood them in this light. Religion was considered as a symptom of mental illness. Jean Charcot and Sigmund Freud linked religion with neurosis. DSM3 portrayed religion negatively by suggesting that religious and spiritual experiences are examples of psychopathology."
Spirituality and mental health

...Tell me more about things you know nothing about. You make me laugh.
I said the psychiatric community does not embrace your strange theory and I'm right. You can't make that go away with a quote. Most mental health proffesionals don't agree with you.

Stop lying, Leftists!

The only difference is how many people believe.

But you are right its not the same. For example kids aren't insane for believing in Santa.
Its why the Greeks had multiple gods. Still who had the original gods? Why can't the universe just exist? It is eternal. It lives and will one day expire and start all over. No god necessary.

You are one of the most ignorant people I've encountered when it comes to science.

The most common theory of the origin of the universe is that of a quantum singularity, which collapsed upon itself until the nuclear forces became so great that it burst forth in a "big bang," sending energy in all directions at once. This is a creation event - though some see this as cyclical, that the universe will at some point collapse again into a singularity. There is a reasonable amount of evidence to support the expansion of the universe from a single point - none at all to support the eventual collapse.

We humans are intellectual beings - well some of us are, others make gods of Neil Tyson. Intellectual beings seek to find meaning in their relationship with their environment. Gods are created to help explain the meaning of life and our role in physical reality.
If I make it to heaven, I would be a bit startled to see Hitler there.

OR any number of other mass murdering scumbags.

Hitler is not in any kind of heaven. In the after life he probably found himself in the lower planes that are dark and bleak. He would spend as much time there remembering what he did in life until such time as he regretted his actions. At that time he might be allowed to reincarnate to face karmic debts, These debts are so enormous as to
be crushing for his soul, as it is hard to see how he can ever pay for all the suffering he is responsible for.
He must account for every action and its reaction for as many lives as it takes to resolve his karma. Such is the forbidding nature of Hitler's hell.
Sounds good to me. Or burning in hell. Either way its just wild speculation and wishful thinking. But I hope you are right.

The other possibility is like when a mean coyote wolf lion hippo cougar bear or dog dies they just die just like good ones do.

I believe you get one shot at this and that all the humans that suffered while here while tragic is just life. No heaven for the whale that got harpooned in the 1700s. No heaven for the beagles and monkeys we experiment on now and no heaven for us.

Our job is to make heaven here now. You can speculate but better you work now to make your life and the lives of others better now. If there's something after you'll be rewarded and belief is not required.

When a living organism dies, especially higher animals like us, our brains and everything the brain was which defined us stops working. Thus we and everything we once were ceases to exist. Death then is the end of consciousness and experience. There's no way for anything to come after death because everything we had which enabled us to perceive reality and experience our enviroment isn't working any more. It's akin to how if you touch a live power line you'll get a shock. But if you stop the power going through it it's just an inert cable. We're inert when dead, there isn't anything coming up next.

A more fascinating question to me has always been what exactly is different from the last moment we're alive, to the first moment we're dead? All the matter is still there but stuff stopped working right and we died. But can't we just restore what isn't working and restore life? Kinda Dr. Franky but when ya don't believe in afterlifes ya tend to wonder what death is exactly.

Currently we say death is the suspension of neural function. Ok, so what's a working brain if not a brain with some electricity running through it. Why not just shock the dead brain ala Frankenstein or Star Trek: TNG? When "Dr. Crusher" restored a dying person she shocked their brain. Not their heart.

We can prolong but nothing lasts forever. You'll get Alzheimer's.

Why did you say especially higher animals like us? Isn't thinking you're any different than a single cell organism sort of religious talk?

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